How should you use Clubhouse as an entrepreneur? I’ve put together 5 fun ways to leverage this NEW social media platform. Before I share with you 5 fun ways to leverage the Clubhouse app, let me tell you what Clubhouse IS.
What is Clubhouse the social media platform app?
Clubhouse is an invite-only, audio-only platform where you can connect with millions of people to talk about anything (and I mean anything!). Think of it like roaming the halls of your favorite conference. Each room you walk past has a group of interesting and diverse people, having round table discussions about business, marketing, relationships, mindset, religion… and even plants!
How does the Clubhouse app work?
You can roam your hallway (aka your home feed) and discover conversations happening in real-time. When you find an interesting room, pop in and listen from the audience, or even better, raise your hand and join in on the conversation.
It’s like if podcasting had a live audience, where you could listen to an episode AND ask questions in real-time from the host.
The beautiful part? There’s no video. You don’t have to brush your hair, make up your face, or even wear a decent shirt. Everything on the Clubhouse app is audio-only, which encourages authentic conversations over pretty feeds.
How do you get into the Clubhouse app?
For right now, Clubhouse is by invitation only. To get on Clubhouse, you have to be an Apple iPhone user and receive a text invitation from a current user.
There’s one way you *might* be able to go around the invitation– and that’s reserving your username. If you have a good number of contacts already on the app, there’s a chance they can ‘wave’ you through without sending an invite. I’ve done this a bunch of times for people!
Already on Clubhouse? Make sure you follow me!
Now that you know what the Clubhouse app is, let's talk about the 5 different ways you can use Clubhouse in your business.
How to get a Clubhouse invite
The only way to get a Clubhouse invite is to know a current user. So, if you see a friend talking about Clubhouse on Instagram or Twitter, ask them if they can send you an invite.
You can also use Twitter or Facebook Groups to ask if anyone has an invite available.
Once you snag your invite, the user will send you a text message with a special link. You *MUST* be an iPhone user in order to download Clubhouse.
You'll click that link and it will take you to the app for you to register. That's it! You're now a Clubhouse user.
OK, now that you know more details about the new social media app called Clubhouse – including how clubhouse works, how to register your username in advance, and how to get a Clubhouse invite – let me share with you 5 ways to use the Clubhouse app as an entrepreneur:
01. Clubhouse is Great for Networking
I’ve met so many interesting people on Clubhouse–from podcast hosts, to authors, copywriters, experts on PR, and even people in my industry! It’s also been great to reconnect with people I’ve spoken with at conferences and befriended along my entrepreneurial journey. I feel like our friendships are more connected now that we talk on the app.
Clubhouse is incredible for networking. It literally opens you up to an entirely new group of people that your Instagram algorithm isn’t showing you. And like I just mentioned, those connections run deeper because you’re able to talk to folks in real-time.
Since joining Clubhouse, I've also gotten 500 new Instagram followers. My DM's are blowing up with opportunities to speak, collaborate–and even work together. So far, Clubhouse has been an incredible place for networking.
So often, we can get stuck in our bubbles. Getting to meet new people brings fresh new voices and faces into your life.
02. You Can Sell Right on Clubhouse
Folks are booking out their services, filling up the calendar, and selling their products RIGHT on the Clubhouse app. Don't believe me? Jump into a room and watch what happens!
For my recent launch of WeddingPro Insiders (my high-touch mastermind for wedding pros), I had originally planned to do a live workshop to generate interest. So much preparation goes into webinar/workshop/masterclass planning, and TBD–I was feeling LAZY.
I ditched my workshop idea and instead, hosted and co-hosted several Clubhouse rooms targeting my ideal client. We had wonderful conversations, shared, and took action together inside these Clubhouse rooms! The impact?
Three women signed up for my coaching program!
Clubhouse is an incredible place to sell out your offers, services, and products. By simply showing up and sharing your knowledge, you accelerate that know/like/trust factor–and bring new people into your orbit.
An educator inside my mastermind ditched her webinar strategy for an upcoming course launch and decided to use Clubhouse instead. The results? She had over TWO HUNDRED course purchases on her FIRST launch!
When I tell you that selling is happening on Clubhouse, I mean it!
03. Start Conversations That Solve Your ICA’s Problems
I love just being a listener during conversations. Getting to sit back and learn from others is needed as you build and grow your business. But it’s also important to lead conversations where your expertise can help someone else, which is why you should be starting your own Clubhouse rooms!
As you navigate the platform, schedule rooms and host conversations that can solve your ideal client avatar’s problems. What problem is your ideal client-facing right now–and how can you be the bridge between the problem they have and the transformation they want?
If you're drawing a blank–go back to your content bank. What have you talked about before that deserves a long-form conversation? Maybe you were a guest on someone's podcast and that topic is relevant to your ICA's. Bring it to Clubhouse! Maybe you wrote a blog post and it deserves another look. Bring THAT to Clubhouse!
Start hosting rooms and drawing in YOUR ideal clients. Help them solve their problems. Give incredible value–and watch how much traffic, interest, connection and sales you gain!
This leads me to my next suggestion…
04. Use Clubhouse For Data Mining
It can be SO HARD to get inside your ICA's head. What are they thinking? No really, what are they thinking?!
What if you could plop yourself in a room FULL of your ideal clients who are asking questions and sharing their struggle? What would it be like to just sit, listen, take notes, and then strategize how you can solve those problems quicker, better, and faster?
Clubhouse is the PERFECT place to sit and listen to your ICA's talk about what they're experiencing. The simple act of doing that is data mining, and it can help you cure your copy, fix your offer, develop a new product or service–the list is endless!
Use Clubhouse to data mine, listen, and show up where your ICA's need you most!
05. Host A Weekly Clubhouse Show Instead of a Podcast
Have you been thinking about starting a podcast but the time commitment, cost, and tech has you like… no thanks? Clubhouse is just like podcasting but without all of the above! If you've been wanting to launch a podcast, why not try launching a Clubhouse CLUB instead–and see where it goes?
The live, interactive element is fascinating and the zero barrier to entry (except for an invite) is so appealing. It's a good way to test out your podcast concept, get familiar with audio training, and build an audience!
Well, that's it for my hot Clubhouse tips! But before you go, will you do me a favor? Follow me on Clubhouse! You can find me @candicecoppola. I'll see you there!
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