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Goal Setting for 2021: The 5 reasons why your goals fail every year and what to do about it

December 11, 2018

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I'm Candice, your new tell-it-like-it-is BFF (and purpose cheerleader). Are you ready to grow and scale a profitable business with purpose–and one that gives back to your meaningful life? Thought so!


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On today’s episode of The Power in Purpose Podcast we’re chatting ALLLL about goals! I’m excited to bring you a solo episode from time to time– where we get to have a conversation about systems, processes, or ideas that I think will benefit you as you build a profitable business with purpose.

This is the first episode in a two part series on goals.! Here’s how the series will stack up: on today’s episode, I’m sharing with you the 5 reasons why your goals fail, year after year, and what you can do about it. In the next episode, I’m going to be sharing my goal setting method on how I chart out my yearly goals with intention, visualization, and to see the bigger picture.

Goal setting is something I feel really strongly about; I’ve been setting goals for myself since I was a teenager, usually at the end or beginning of a new year. I know many of you are goal setters too– and I think this episode is going to help push you past some mindsets that you have around goals. My goal with this episode is to shift your mindset, get you unstuck and out of goal setting habits that are not serving you well.

I know many of us carve out time at the end of each year mapping out our big ideas; there's something about a new year that is inspiring. I choose to take some time in December to reflect on the days that passed and look forward to what I want to accomplish. I've been practicing this for many, many years– since I was in my late teens/early twenties– but over the years I noticed one little problem.

I never really moved the needle forward on the things I wanted to do and the goals I had set.

OK– let's just be honest, I didn't accomplish half of what I had written down in those many notebooks I've acquired over the years. You know the kind– the fun cover that matches your business brand and is pretty to look at, on your desk or a shelf in your office (which is where mine usually spent most of its time– closed and on a shelf).

Let me also tell you I'm gun-shy when it comes to writing things down; I have a hard time visualizing my goals in a notebook or journal. I get overwhelmed at the blank page, get frustrated when my goals are entirely out of order and end up ripping the page out only to start the exhausting process over again.

Are you like me, in that, when it comes time to write your goals you struggle? You have goals in your head, you can almost see the big picture, but you get distracted, overwhelmed and end up not finishing what you started? I can't imagine I am alone in this!

Once I discovered a goal setting system that worked, I started to uncover even more reasons why my goals were failing each year. So, lets jump into how you can set better goals, and the mindsets around goals that hold us back.

After you listen to this episode, be sure to check out Part II of this podcast series, where I explain how to create your goals using my post-it method.


Amber Housley, Episode 3: Helping Women Create Thriving Businesses & Joyfilled Lives | Giving yourself permission to SHOW UP in your business and life

Mary Marantz, Episode 8: Building a Legacy Brand | Stop asking how, who and what– and start asking why

Lara Casey: Cultivate What Matters

Difference between aspirations & goals (quote mentioned)What comes first: goal or aspiration?

Thank you for listening to today’s episode! Be sure to continue the conversation in our Facebook Group– what was YOUR biggest takeaway?

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