I’ve known Mary Marantz for many years, and one thing that has always struck me about Mary was her willingness to share her story; not just the pretty side of her story– not the wins, or her success– but the lessons she learned in the mess.
She is an internationally renowned photographer, author, educator, and speaker who travels the world teaching and inspiring other creative business owners. She has been named a “Legend of Light” by Profoto as well as one of the Top 100 photographers by SLR Lounge & Brandsmash. You can find her work in many high-end publications, including Martha Stewart, Well Wed & Inside Weddings. She is also the founder & Editor in Chief of twin wedding blogs The Black Tie Bride & The Well Groomed Groom.
However, she comes from very humble beginnings, and life didn’t always look like it does now.
Mary is on a mission to help all of us build a legacy brand– not just a business– but a brand that stands the test of time.
In this episode, she shares her journey and the critical moment in her childhood where she began to uncover her purpose. Her father, a proud West Virginia logger and 2nd generation owner of the family business, lost everything. It was in that moment that Mary began to understand that we were all born to do something in our lives– but sometimes, even with the most exceptional talent and intention, we fail because don’t have the right tools or resources to make our purpose profitable.
This episode is a powerful one that has resonated with me every single day since I had the chance to interview Mary. Her story and her words have transformed me, and I know you will be, too.

In this episode of The Power in Purpose Podcast, Mary Marantz shares:
- Her life growing up in rural West Virginia and the lessons it taught her
- How she discovered and uncovered her purpose at an early age
- Growing up poor and the call felt for a “life of success,” led her to Yale Law School
- The powerful mindset of not being successful but rather, significant
- How she categorizes businesses as either a weed, flower, or tree– and how you can build a business that has strong roots and bares fruit
- Mary shares with us some foundational principles in business, so we can build a brand that leads with our purpose
- Mary shares how purpose has changed her life and her business– and who inspires her with their purpose
- We learn more about her upcoming book, including the working title and what her book is all about!
- Book: Start with Why by Simon Sinek
- Book: The E-Myth by Michael E. Gerber
- Branding & Web Design: Tonic Site Shop
Explore More Wedding Industry Resources
- Episode 33 | Geomyra Pollard Wants You To Stop Seeking Balance & Teaches Us How to Be More Well-Rounded
- Episode 26 | A Year of Purpose: 12 Lessons Learned Since We Launched the Podcast
- Instagram: @MaryMarantz
- Facebook: Justin & Mary
- Her Website: JustinandMaryBlog.com
- Courses & Education: Justin and Mary's Courses
Building Your Brand, Growing a Business, Lessons in Business, Mindset's To Fix, Podcast Show Notes, Starting a Business, Things to Do Better
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