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Launch Your List: 3 Types of Quizzes Wedding Pros Can Launch

If you’re excited to launch a quiz lead magnet, but you’re wondering what types of quizzes wedding pros can (and should create), we are diving into three different options for you today. If you love the idea of adding a quiz lead magnet to your website, but you need a little bit of inspo to […]

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Who hasn’t dreamed of being asked to jet-set with their clients to plan weddings in dreamy destinations like Santorini or Mexico? When I met my now-husband, Jason, I knew I wanted to help Americans get married in Barbados–where I packed up my life and moved to in 2014. I know firsthand the unique challenges of […]

How To Become A Destination Wedding Planner

Building Your Branding

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I’ve never met a BuzzFeed quiz that I didn’t love, but what do quizzes have to do with business and our email marketing series? Well, in this episode, I’m very excited to share with you how a quiz can be the best lead magnet option for your wedding industry business. Let’s talk about the psychology […]

Launch Your Quiz: The Psychology Behind Quiz Marketing

Launch Your List Series

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A person in a pink shirt is working at a computer desk with a monitor, keyboard, and a cup, focused intently on their email marketing strategy. Shelves adorned with decorations line the wall behind them.

How can you turn your email marketing into an automated marketing funnel that actually sells your product or service? Today, I’m teaching you my simple and secret email marketing strategy that has made me over a million dollars in sales. And the best part is? It’s a formula you can use over and over again! […]

Launch Your List Series: The Serve, Serve, Sell Email Marketing Strategy

Podcast Show Notes

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The best part about email marketing is you can automate so much of it! How do you create an email nurture sequence? What types of email nurture sequences can you create? And why do I think they’re the missing link in your email marketing? We’re going to dive into all of that today! This week, […]

Launch Your List: How To Automate Your Email Marketing With Nurture Sequences

Podcast Show Notes

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A person using a laptop on a large white cushion, likely crafting the perfect lead magnet.

How do you get people onto your email list? And not just any person, but someone that can hire you to plan, photograph, design, or support them for their wedding? Today, learn how you can grow your email list with a lead magnet (with people who might actually buy from you!). This week, I’m sharing […]

Launch Your List Series: This Is How You Grow Your List With A Lead Magnet

Podcast Show Notes

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Should you work for free to gain experience in the wedding industry? That’s what I thought when I first started my wedding business. As a business coach for wedding planners, I’ve seen this debate from every angle, and it’s not always black and white. Sometimes offering your services for free makes sense, while other times, […]

Should You Work For Free As A Newer Wedding Planner To Gain Experience? My Honest Opinion.

Growing a Business

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A woman with long hair smiles while sitting at a desk, immersed in her email marketing campaign. She is wearing a pink blazer and holding a smartphone.

This week, I’m kicking off an EIGHT part series where I’m teaching wedding pros how email marketing can help you make more money. I’m so excited, and I hope you’ll join me each week as we dive deeper and deeper into all aspects of email marketing. Plus, if you’re ready to put everything I’m sharing […]

Launch Your List: How Email Marketing Can Help You Make More Money As A Wedding Pro

Launch Your List Series

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Have you been finding it’s getting harder and harder to communicate with Gen Z customers? Maybe you’re getting ghosted more often, or you find people are more resistant to hop on a Zoom call than they used to be? In the past, we’ve managed to stick to tried-and-true communication methods. Most of us have come […]

Communicating With Gen Z: How To Tweak Your Business Communication Style Without Sacrificing Boundaries

The Client Experience

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A woman smiles while holding a stylus and tablet, sitting against a background with wooden and brick elements. Dressed in a white top and orange overalls, she appears ready to tackle her latest auto draft design project.

Branding and client experience are important as a wedding pro, and today, we are talking about where the two meet! In this episode, I’m chatting with Ally B of Ally B Designs all about the elements of brand experience, the role of branding in attracting ideal clients, the impact of templates on brand consistency, and […]

How to Create a Consistent Brand Experience (And Why You Need To) With Alicia Bauer

Building Your Branding

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There is never a dull moment in the wedding industry. This year, in particular, has been weirdly slow for many wedding professionals, both new and experienced alike. Did you just breathe a sigh of relief knowing it’s not just you? If you’re finding yourself in a slower season than you’re used to, don’t worry—this can […]

What To Do During A Slow Wedding Season: A Guide for Wedding Planners

Making Money

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Blogging is one of my favorite marketing strategies for wedding pros. Not only does blogging help showcase your expertise (and gorgeous photos!), but it also gives you a way to connect with potential clients who are LOOKING for your services right now (unlike social media where you are interrupting their feed trying to catch their […]

4 Wedding Blogging Mistakes Almost Every Wedding Planner Makes

Wedding Industry Marketing

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Farm-to-table jianbing kickstarter, mixtape taxidermy actually scenester. Asymmetrical tattooed locavore meggings YOLO organic pabst forage.

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I'm Candice, your new tell-it-like-it-is BFF (and purpose cheerleader).

I'm Candice: former owner of Jubilee Events, 2x published author, podcast host, and your guide to a building the kind of business you want.

I've been mentoring wedding industry entrepreneurs for over 10 years, mostly while I was growing my renowned wedding planning & design company.

In 2019, I sold my 6-figure business so I could help you build the kind of business that you want.

Purpose changed my life—I know first hand how powerful it is. I'm on a mission to help women discover their gifts, build businesses around their talents, and live each day on purpose.

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