My new website is live!! In this episode, I’m sharing a behind-the-scenes look at my brand-new website redesign and why your website might need a refresh too! Over a weekend (and an extra day), I gave my website for wedding pros a much-needed facelift using a Tonic Site Shop template (use code CANDICE for 15% off – btw). If you’ve ever wondered whether it’s time to update your website, or if the thought of doing it overwhelms you, this episode is for you.
I share the key lessons I learned throughout the process, starting with how an outdated website can silently harm your brand perception. You might not even notice the subtle signs, but trust me—your visitors do. I’ll also share how using a professional template saved me time, how my business has grown since my last site update, and why it’s important to stay current with design trends.
Plus, I’ll walk you through the common red flags that signal it’s time for a redesign. Whether your website no longer reflects your growth, feels piecemeal, or doesn’t fit your new brand images, I’ve got tips on how to approach the project without feeling overwhelmed. You’ll also hear how refining fonts, colors, and brand elements helped bring everything together and create a more cohesive and engaging experience for my visitors.

In this episode about how I updated my website for wedding pros:
- [00:00]: Introduction to the New Website
- [01:02]: The Website Redesign Process
- [05:00]: Lessons Learned from the Redesign
- [12:11]: Brand Consistency and User Experience
- [14:52]: Engagement and Sharing the Journey
- [20:02]: Final Thoughts and Key Takeaways
Candice (00:00.141)
Surprise! I have a brand new website. And in this episode, I wanted to talk about what my new website taught me about staying current and why your website might need a Facebook. You're here to grow a business, but not just any kind of business. You want to grow a profitable business with purpose. A business where you wake up every single day driven.
to serve your customers and make a difference in your own life. I'm Candace Coppola, published author, business coach, and your guide to building a profitable business with purpose. Join me here every single week as we explore how to build and grow your business with purpose. Get ready to dig in and have meaningful conversations about the strategies and techniques that will help you build your dream business. This is the
Power in purpose.
Candice (01:02.65)
Hey there friend, welcome back to the Power and Purpose podcast. It's me, your host Candice. I'm super excited for today's episode because my new website is officially live. If you follow me on Instagram, then you know that I redid my website in a weekend and a day. Just a touch longer than I thought, but I redid my website using a Tonic template. Shout out to Tonic site shop. I love their templates. I love their whole vibe.
and they really came in clutch for me when I was redoing my website over the last weekend. And so I have this brand new website and I thought this would be so fun to share with you some of my observations in redesigning my own website and just impart some lessons on you of this whole process. Now a little history here, because I think history is important. I've been designing websites for a long time since I was about 15 and I'm not 15. So I will just let you surmise that it has been a long time without dating myself.
No, I'm 43, so I've been doing this a long, long, long time. And I have a lot of experience designing websites. I had a personal blog for many years. Some of you might know that I had the largest Desperate Housewives fansite on the internet at one time in college, but I've been doing this for a long time. And so for me, this comes pretty naturally and intuitively. And so let's just lay that groundwork here now. I know for many of you guys,
Doing this is your absolute worst nightmare and this doesn't come naturally or intuitively to you. I totally get it. But I think there's a lot of resources out there that can help make a website refresh very easy and doable for you if hiring someone to do this isn't in the budget. It wasn't that this wasn't in the budget for me personally. It's just I like doing this and I find that
For me, it's part of my creative process to be able to get my hands on my brand and really evolve it and feel where it's going and doing my website as a personal experience that I wanted to keep on my plate and not hire somebody out to do it. Although my brand designer, Nicole, has designed some show it pages for me in the past and canvases and she helped design my entire shop. So I have hired out to do this before, especially if a project feels too big. This didn't feel too big.
Candice (03:14.709)
I began the process with getting a great template, and I think that is what makes such a huge difference. So the first lesson for me is there's no reason to start from absolute scratch. Templates are great. And while the downside of a template is that other people will use it too, when you use something like Showit, you really can't tell that it's a template because it's so customizable. You can make it look so different than the original. So for me,
I think the first lesson was is I didn't need to start from scratch. Even with all my knowledge and experience, I could easily just use a template that had been designed by a professional and bring my brand into it, which is what I did. So I stalked the Tonic Sight Shop's website embarrassingly. I love their work. I love their templates. I'm sort of a template hoarder, if you will. I've been doing that a long time too. I have lots of their templates.
And the Fitzgerald template really spoke to me. So I picked it up, I grabbed it, and I started designing my website. I quickly realized I needed some kind of game plan. And that game plan was to start with the easiest pages first, and that gave me some momentum. And through the process, I really started to evolve just my overall branding as well. started kind of...
ideating and coming up with different treatments to the website. Like if you go to, by the way, you'll see it, but there's some scrolling dynamic elements. I use sticky notes on my website and it was really a catalyst from my brand shoot with Carla Tenik that I did recently that was a catalyst for the website redesign and some of the unique design elements that I incorporated into it. So I'd love for you to go and check it out.
I think it's literally a masterpiece and something that can be inspiring to you as well. And so I want to talk about some of the lessons I learned throughout this process. The first being that my website was looking dated and I didn't even realize it. I there's nothing wrong with my original website, but now when I look at the finished product of the evolution, there's just no comparison. And I think we have to be aware of how design trends evolve.
Candice (05:30.625)
and how an outdated design can actually harm your brand perception. Again, there was nothing wrong with my previous website. It was a tonic template, but it was about four or five years old. And so much had evolved and changed. It felt a bit piece-mailed together. It didn't flow and have the kind of design consistency that a fresh template could bring. So my website was looking dated and was it harming my growth? I mean, I would like to think no, but I know that it probably was.
And yours might be doing the same if your website is dated as well. I do think that there's a shelf life to a website with the way technology evolves, the way design trends evolve. I would say four to five years, you probably need to consider refreshing at the very least. And I was at that benchmark. So my first lesson was, that my website was looking dated. I didn't want to admit it because it meant having to do this big project, which I felt like I did not have the time for. And quite frankly, I didn't, but I made the time.
And that's a hard, that's a hard thing. That's a hard thing to have to do. The next was that it no longer reflected my business growth. And so this new website that I created, felt like showed the evolution of my business growth and where I was heading. My brand has evolved since my original website and my old, my old site just didn't match my current offerings. It didn't match my current projects, the things that I have coming up in the pipeline. I also realized that it was so much easier.
to start from scratch with a new template than it was to try to take what existed and make it new. I'm just, that I'm not good at. I'm not good at like DIY, make something old, new again vibes. Like you'll never see me refinishing furniture. No ma'am. I would rather just buy something brand new from West Elm. Like I'm just not interested. And I can't like see that.
I definitely don't want to put the work into creating it. And with my website, what I was really finding challenging was trying to add images from my new brand shoot into the website. It felt like they didn't fit and so much had to change around it. yes, I could have just made some updates to fonts and colors and called it a day, but it didn't feel like it accurately represented the evolution of my brand, specifically with this brand shoot, which was so fun. And I'm going to be
Candice (07:52.851)
posting these images to death. You might be finding yourself in a similar situation where you're trying to put images on your website and they're just not working. Like your latest weddings, your latest portfolio pieces, your latest products, you're putting it on your website and it's just not fitting. It doesn't fit. It doesn't look right. The website around it looks cheap or looks dated and these images, they're just not placed in the right album or the right home.
That is definitely a sign that your website probably needs a facelift. And it was my biggest sign. It was really the biggest catalyst for me of why I decided to redo my website. I was like, girl, these images are too good to be hiding out on my hard drive. I need them on my website. It's just not working for me. So that was definitely another lesson I learned. A positive lesson here was that I had a lot of the foundations already created. In fact,
I really didn't do much with copy on my website. It was more aesthetic and then, you know, overall user experience. You know, I've been in business a while. I have a really solid message behind my brand. Nothing major has pivoted for me, although I have new offerings and new courses and stuff. Nothing major about me is pivoted. And I'm willing to bet the same for you. You've just evolved stylistically or things are just moving naturally progressing in a direction. So that meant that
to rewrite all this copy. didn't have to start from scratch. A lot of what I've already had on my website worked for my new one. Even some design elements actually fit right in to my new website. I didn't have to change a lot. That was a huge plus. And I think that's a testament to having your foundations down. When your foundations are laid in your business,
You know what your message is, you have good messaging, maybe you've invested in a copywriter I have. There's really not much more you need to do. It's just more aesthetic and user experience. And that's such a bonus. If you feel like your copy and your messaging doesn't work for you, hiring somebody to help you with that is going to be such a huge relief. And you can then implement that into a new website. Hey, friend, hear that noise?
Candice (10:13.539)
That's the sound of HoneyBook depositing cold hard cash into your bank account. HoneyBook is an all-in-one client flow platform that helps you manage your leads, send wedding proposals, and sign more contracts all at the click of a button. HoneyBook also offers a variety of resources and materials to help you grow your wedding industry business. One of my favorite features of the HoneyBook platform is actually the community of creative entrepreneurs just like you.
HoneyBook is offering listeners of the Power in Purpose podcast 35 % off any of their three plans for your first year. 35%. It's an amazing deal. Use the code PURPOSE at checkout or go to slash HoneyBook to learn more. That's slash HoneyBook. And thanks to HoneyBook for sponsoring this episode of the Power in Purpose podcast. Today's episode is brought to you by our partner,
Flowdesk is an email marketing software used by thousands of creative entrepreneurs just like you to grow their business and their brand. What I love most about Flowdesk is just how easy and simple it is to create stunning and effective email marketing campaigns in just a few clicks. It's perfect for the wedding industry and for anyone looking to grow their business with email marketing. Go to slash Flowdesk to sign up for your free trial.
where you can start designing beautiful email campaigns while I teach you about marketing here on the podcast. That's Candace slash flow desk to start your free trial and use the code Candace 50 at checkout to save 50 % off your first year. Check it out and see what's possible. And thanks to flow desk for sponsoring this episode of the podcast. Now let's get back to the episode. Another lesson that
learned while redoing my website was is that I had way too much kind of brand variation with color and fonts. I mean, things had kind of grown into just a mess in my personal opinion. You probably didn't think so looking at my website, but I did. I found it really difficult to figure out how to have that consistency on my website.
Candice (12:36.807)
with my products, on my Instagram, podcasts, like I have so many moving parts that it felt really difficult. And so this website, I used it as an opportunity to refine a lot of things, specifically color and font. Once I got those refined, things really started to look so much better, regardless of the design.
things just started to look so much better. I made some decisions about sunsetting certain fonts in my brand that I no longer wanted to use, elevating some new fonts, and then with current fonts, keeping some things more consistent in terms of sizing, where they're used, how they're used. And that helped tremendously. One thing that I see a lot with wedding pros is it's like your fonts are all over the place and there's no consistency with what
how a paragraph font looks versus a heading versus a subheading. And also you're using colors everywhere. It just, even for colorful brands, it's almost too much, mine included. So I created some rules. Like for instance, I decided that most headlines are gonna be just black font. We're not gonna be using every color of the rainbow of my brand to just try to add a layer of consistency and also just really good user ability. That helped to...
clean things up, streamline some things. And so then I decided to assign colors to different elements. Every button on my website is the same color for a reason and that color is really only used for buttons. I decided to make link colors a specific color throughout. There were backgrounds where a specific color and it's funny because I thought I had these rules in place and at one time I did, but over the last couple of years, like,
I don't know, she just got buck wild on my website. There was like lime green here and red here and pink here. It just looked insane. At least I thought it did. So another valuable lesson I learned was is that through this process, refining aspects of your brand can be really helpful in having that brand consistency and cohesion. Another lesson that I learned is that people want in on the journey.
Candice (14:52.475)
One thing I was really surprised about was the amount of engagement and feedback I got any time I shared that I was working on it or that I was doing it. I shared it in stories and you might have voted in my polls or asked to see a preview of it. I was really excited to see how many people were invested in it. How many people were maybe even looking to me to see like what I was going to do and how that could influence them in positive ways. So never underestimate how sharing the journey can be not only a part of your marketing, but a part of
creating connections with people. Everybody wants a glimpse inside your business. Even your clients want to see what's inside your business. Even leads or potential clients want to see. We're all sort of living like our own little reality show on social media. Don't be afraid to show people behind the scenes, behind the curtain. Give them a glimpse into the process.
that can create buzz and energy and excitement so that when you do launch your new website or when you do launch really anything, it could be services, could be new branding, it could be a design you're creating or a product you're making. When you launch it, people feel like they've invested themselves in it. They feel connected to it. And marketing is all about connecting, right? It's all about sharing your message so that it reaches and attracts the right people. And so you can use your new website.
as your marketing, I've always known that, but I was so surprised at how much it connected people. mean, you're probably listening to this episode because maybe you connected with me on my website, Redesign, on Instagram and you're like, girls, spill the tea. I want to hear all about it. All right, the final lesson that I'll share that I learned through this is starting in the easiest place is probably best. And you heard me mention earlier in this episode,
that as I was getting going, I needed a game plan. I'm all about game plans, but I really didn't have one with this. It was a spur of the moment thing, and it was like just a huge decision that I made on a whim, not surprising. And I quickly realized I need a game plan, but I'm the queen of game plans. I have a sauna projects, like girl, I got spreadsheets. I love a game plan. Game plans can also actually bog you down and can take up so much time that you could just be spent doing the thing. I realized that as well.
Candice (17:14.259)
but I knew I needed something. my decision, my game plan was pretty simple. I was gonna start with the easiest thing first because I loaded this template up and to show it and I'm like, yeah, baby, let's go. And I got overwhelmed instantly. There was so many decisions I needed to make about a homepage design, which is like the first place we tend to start, but I didn't feel equipped to make those decisions. So I decided, okay, I'm gonna decide that later.
I'm gonna start with the easiest, which was my contact page. Redesigning that and just inputting my HoneyBook form, shout out to HoneyBook, was so easy. And I used the template, I created that page, I knew I'd come back later to my header and my footer, I didn't worry about that, but I got the bulk of that page done. Then I went to my About page. And I wasn't changing any of the copy, in fact, I brought forward a lot of the canvases already. I just made some quick modifications, adjusted images and color.
And then before I knew it, I was adding a few new canvases from the template and really customizing. And that was giving me momentum. Starting with the easiest thing first gave me the momentum I needed to start thinking differently or wrapping my mind around some of the bigger pieces. When I went from about, I moved over to services and that was a pretty heavy lift actually because I was
rethinking how I wanted to display all of the different programs I offer. And, but that's also where inspiration struck. And I really started to see how I could switch up my website and do something different and display things in a dynamic and different way. When you go there, you'll see like there are these scrolling treatments where sticky notes pop up and I was being inspired by my images. And then things just went off.
I had the clarity I needed to understand the direction and I wasn't overwhelmed. I was inspired and really like ignited by inspiration. And that's all because I started with the easiest thing first. I didn't tackle the biggest. I didn't tackle the heaviest. I started with the easiest. So let this be a reminder to you. If you get nothing out of this podcast episode, besides the fact that Candace had the largest Desperate Housewives fansite on the internet.
Candice (19:35.271)
I also want you to take away this, that sometimes starting with the easiest thing first actually helps propel everything forward. It doesn't feel like it would. You feel like you have to make big decisions about the most important pieces first, but actually making small decisions about insignificant things can help propel the rest of your decision-making forward. Huge lesson I learned.
and one that I needed to be reminded of because I don't know about you, but I often go for the hardest first. I believe everything has to be hard. Goals, business, I'm like hard. If it's not hard, then it's not right. Working out, I have to work out to like my max level. If it's not hard, then I'm not burning the calories, you know? That's not true. It shouldn't always have to be hard. And in fact, the easiest can actually yield the best results. So if you are gonna embark on this project or
Whatever project you're working on in your business, start with the easiest decisions first and let those be the fuel and the momentum you need to push yourself forward. Shout out to Tonic for having amazing templates and being one of the most stockable websites on the internet. Love the Fitzgerald template, one of my favorite templates on the Tonic website.
I will link to Tonic below inside the show notes and you can use the code KANDYS15 to save 15 % on your own Tonic template. So be sure to check them out. I absolutely love their work and they have a template for everybody and their stuff is just so good and you can easily make it look different.
than anyone else using it by switching the template up and putting your own spin on it. When you look at my website, you won't see the Fitzgerald template. I guarantee it. So go to and check it out. Let me know what you think of my new website. I really want to hear your feedback. So let me know what you think. Thanks for letting me share more about this fun milestone in my business and some of the lessons I learned in building it.
Candice (21:47.163)
I will see you later this week for a new episode of the show. have a great guest joining me and we're talking more about business coaching and coaching in your business. So stay tuned for that. P.S. I hope you've been loving the two episodes per week. I'm loving producing it and I've heard some great feedback from you guys. So I hope that you're enjoying it. All right, friend. I want to remind you there's so much power in your purpose. I'll see you next time. Thanks so much for tuning in to this week's episode of the Power and Purpose podcast.
If you enjoyed the show, be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode and consider leaving a review. Head over to power and purpose podcast to access all of the resources and links mentioned in today's episode. That's power and purpose I'll see you next time.
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Thanks for tuning into today’s episode of The Power in Purpose Podcast. I want to know– what was your biggest takeaway? Head to my Instagram to join the conversation!
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For more business tips and a look into my island life, follow me on the ‘gram
Sometimes, the key to raising your price as a wedding planner is having a little audacity.
I don’t want 2025 to be the year where you let the side of your brain that believes you can’t do things get in the way of you doing them. Like…
Raising your price
Growing your team
Building your brand
Getting paid more than your babysitter
Instead, I want you to imagine this…
You’re wrapping up your biggest year in business yet. You’ve hit $100K, working with clients who value you, charging rates that actually pay you like a CEO, and running a business that feels as good as it looks.
What changed?
💡 You stopped waiting for permission to level up.
💡 You stopped thinking six figures was only for other planners.
💡 You started pricing yourself for profit—not just to stay busy.
💡 You had a little extra audacity that believed it was possible.
Growing your wedding planning business toward the income goals you have is WAY more possible than you think. You just need to switch up a few key strategies in your business, and I promise, it’s right there.
📣 Next week, I’m hosting a FREE masterclass where I’m breaking down exactly how wedding planners hit their first $100K year—without overworking, undercharging, or waiting years to “earn” it.
🔥 Want in? Drop “TRAINING” in the comments, and I’ll DM you the link!
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Todays spot on the timeline is for my funny valentine, who made patè for us to eat later 😍 I love doing life with you @jasonkistoo. Thanks for being the best husband and friend. ILYSM ✨

Wedding planners, if no one has told you yet… Happy Valentine’s Day!
Here’s what I know about you: you pour your heart into every wedding, do everything you can to calm the chaos, and somehow keep timelines, seating charts, and emotional meltdowns all in check.
So here’s my Valentine’s wish for you:
💌 May your inbox be at zero (or at least less terrifying).
💌 May your couples actually read their timelines… and respect them.
💌 May your next inquiry be a dream client who doesn’t ask for a discount.
If you feel this in your soul, share this post with your couples and let them know how lucky they are to have you. 😉
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It all started with one deep-ass conversation.
A few weeks ago, I was sitting on my patio in Barbados with @c10ike, talking for hours about life, business, friendship, and everything in between.
No agenda, no filters, no bullshit. Just real, unedited conversations.
And somewhere between the beach, the lattes, and the 5-hour deep dives, we realized something: these conversations deserved to be shared.
So much of what we see online is curated to perfection. But the best moments? The most transformative, soul-filling, perspective-shifting conversations? They don’t happen on a stage, or in a perfectly polished IG post.
They happen in the in-between.
On a couch, barefoot.
On a patio, wine in hand.
When the masks are off, and we just talk.
So this week, I’m bringing you my newest series on the podcast: Patio Chats.
In this episode, we’re talking about:
✨ Why we need more scruffy hospitality
✨ Paying attention to the people who pay attention to YOU.
✨ Why your “soil” determines what you attract.
✨ The small ways we can all create better ripples in our industries, our friendships, and our lives.
Comment 177 and I’ll send you the link to listen.
Photo Credit: @colleenannelennehan
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