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Podcast Show Notes

Launch Your List Series Episode 2: This Is How You Grow Your List With A Lead Magnet

June 25, 2024

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I'm Candice, your new tell-it-like-it-is BFF (and purpose cheerleader). Are you ready to grow and scale a profitable business with purpose–and one that gives back to your meaningful life? Thought so!


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How do you get people onto your email list? And not just any person, but someone that can hire you to plan, photograph, design, or support them for their wedding? Today, learn how you can grow your email list with a lead magnet (with people who might actually buy from you!).

This week, I'm sharing part two of an eight-part series where I'm teaching wedding pros all about how to use email marketing to grow your business! I'm so excited, and I hope you'll join me each week as we dive deeper and deeper into all aspects of email marketing. Plus, if you're ready to put everything I'm sharing into practice, join me in my FREE marketing challenge starting on August 12th. Sign up here!

In this episode, I've brought Dawn Richardson from Flodesk back on the podcast to talk all about how to grow your email list with a lead magnet. We also explore different types of lead magnets, including quizzes, discounts, guides, videos, and even access to pricing. If you are looking to create a lead magnet, or simply want to grow your email list, tune in now!

Don't forget to also grab my list of the top 10 lead magnets that I love for wedding pros to take the guesswork out of which kind of lead magnet you can create!

In this episode about lead magnets work, the strategy behind them, and how you can create one as a wedding pro:

  • [00:00]: Introduction and Purpose of Email Marketing
  • [03:14]: Defining Lead Magnets
  • [09:02]: Goals of Lead Magnets
  • [28:06]: Creating and Delivering Lead Magnets with Flodesk
  • [31:40]: Nurturing Subscribers and Building Relationships
I'm so excited for you to tune into today's episode! As we continue our email marketing series, be sure to sign up for a free trial with Flodesk, the best email marketing platform for wedding pros. If you want to start playing around with a quiz, sign up for a free trial of Interact and see what's possible!

Binge ALL the episodes in our Launch Your List Series:

Candice (00:00.238)

How do you get people onto your email list? And not just any person, but someone that can hire you to plan, photograph, design, or support them in their wedding. Today, learn how you can grow your email list with a lead magnet. You're here to grow a business, but not just any kind of business. You want to grow a profitable business with purpose, a business where you wake up every single day driven to serve your customers and make a difference in your own life.

I'm Candace Coppola, published author, business coach, and your guide to building a profitable business with purpose. Join me here every single week as we explore how to build and grow your business with purpose. Get ready to dig in and have meaningful conversations about the strategies and techniques that will help you build your dream business. This is the power in purpose.

Candice (01:00.526)

Welcome back, friends, to the Power and Purpose podcast and welcome to our new email marketing series. Today is the day where you are going to start building your email list with something called a lead magnet. If you're listening to this episode and you're like, email marketing series, what is she talking about? What is Candace talking about? Be sure to check out the previous episode last week.

where I, along with my co -host Dawn, broke down what we're doing here on the podcast over the next eight weeks. And I introduce you to some fundamentals of email marketing as it relates to your wedding industry business. Dawn Richardson is back with me today as my esteemed co -host. She's like the Vanna White to my Pat Sajak. my gosh. I love that.

I love it. It feels so good to have Dawn here because I feel like I don't have to lift the full weight of responsibility on the tech side of all this email marketing stuff. So Dawn, welcome back. Thank you for having me as always. And I'm here anytime you need me, friend. I love talking about this and this is my jam. So let's dive in. Yay. Love it. Dawn and I want to remind you about the free email marketing challenge that I am hosting on the week of August 12th.

Be sure to go to CandaceCoppola .com slash challenge to sign up for free. And when you do, I will send you an email with the dates so that you can mark it off on your calendar. It's gonna be a five day challenge. And as we get closer to August 12th, I am going to send you all the details of what you can expect, but expect prizes, expect giveaways, expect to have your email list, your email marketing funnel up and ready and going.

fully done so that you can sit back and just reap all the rewards of your hard work. It's gonna be absolutely amazing. And today we are dedicating some time to teaching you about lead magnets and helping you set up a lead magnet for your wedding industry business. So to get started, I would love for us to just talk about what a lead magnet is just as a refresher and go in a little bit of detail about lead magnets. So Dawn, how would you describe what a lead magnet is?

Candice (03:14.446)

So I would describe a lead magnet as a marketing tool used to build your email list. And to do that, you're offering some free content or service, like a guide, a discount, or even some information through something like a quiz. Maybe you're offering a consultation. Essentially, you're offering something in exchange for their email address. Yeah. So for example, I have lots of lead magnets.

Yes, I have this challenge as a lead magnet. Yes. Anytime I tell you to go to CandaceCoppola .com slash and to download something, that's a lead magnet. So you can also go to CandaceCoppola .com slash freebies to see all or most of the lead magnets that I currently have available. But I have things like a free business plan outline and guide. I have some marketing workbooks as a lead magnet.

I have my fun tales from the clipboard where I send you stories about my time as a wedding planner and like the scary stories. Those are all lead magnets. Dawn, what kind of lead magnets do you have? So my top performing lead magnet is a quiz. I help creatives, entrepreneurs, small business owners find the right Mac for their business. So they answer questions about what they do and I tell you exactly what build of computer that you need to have.

I have the AI toolkit for creatives, which is just this huge resource of different AI tools and how to use them. I have other opt -ins. I have a five -day clean out your computer challenge. I have a how to use Time Machine PDF. There's just a lot of different things out there and they all perform differently for different audiences. So that's the power of diversifying your lead magnets as well. Yeah, over time, you can create several different lead magnets that help to capture

different types of clients at different stages of their journey. Maybe you're trying to attract, if you're a planner, like a full service style client, maybe you have a lead magnet that would attract somebody who's a little bit closer to their wedding and wants to book you or your team for month of coordination. For photography, you can have lead magnets that attract people at the beginning of their planning journey.

Candice (05:24.27)

or if you offer family photography, you can have lead magnets around that. There are so many different types of lead magnets you can create. I love that a quiz is your best performing, because it's also mine. I love my quiz. And a quiz is just such a fun lead magnet. We're going to talk about using a quiz as a lead magnet later on in this episode. But go take mine and Dawn's quizzes. I have a link to them in the show notes. Mine is CandaceCoppola .com slash quiz. You can go take mine. Dawn, do you remember your lead magnet URL? Yes.

Techsavvycreative .com slash quiz. Love it. I'm sensing a theme. I love it. Love, love, love. All right. So we've established a lead magnet is what we use to attract somebody onto your list. In the last episode, we talked about solving a problem, the lead magnet solving a problem for your customer in some form or fashion.

I would love for us to talk about the goals of lead magnets. We know the primary goal is to attract someone to you. What are some other goals that our lead magnet should have? What's one that you can think of, Dawn? So for me personally, my goal with my quiz was to answer a question that I was getting all the time in my DMs. So it was saving me time by creating this opt -in because I'm not individually answering and asking those questions.

every single time somebody sends me that DM. So for me, it was all about saving time and being more efficient in my business. that's such a good one. That's such a great way to look at a lead magnet too, is it's like, how can I take some of the frequently asked questions I get asked all the time and turn it into something that helps people, but also gives me the opportunity to build my business, to pitch to them, to sell to them, to sell them the next level of solution. So I love that. I think for,

me, one of my biggest goals with my lead magnets is to establish some authority and expertise based on what it is that I do. And I think your lead magnet can do that depending on what it's about. You can use it to help establish your authority, your expertise, that you are the foremost authority in your area around a certain topic or what you do in the wedding industry. Yes. That increases your brand awareness at the same time, right?

Candice (07:43.502)

And something really interesting about lead magnets is as your lead magnet becomes more popular, other people start sharing it on different forums as well. And that increases your brand awareness. Whenever there's a photographer that's looking for a computer, I often see my quiz being shared to other people. And that's really powerful. And it's increasing tech savvy creatives brand awareness without me doing any extra work.

Yeah, it's so nice when people are sharing your business stuff with the world and then helping to increase your own brand awareness. I think lead magnets are also interesting to understand your customer's needs. So when you think about your lead magnet, you can think about even a quiz, developing a quiz or a survey, it can help kind of data mine. It can help you understand certain things about your customer.

You can ask them certain questions. You can see how they answer those questions, which can help you refine your marketing, can help you refine your messaging, can help you refine your pricing, your services, the experience you give your clients. I mean, there's so much that you can learn from how people answer questions in a quiz or in a survey or how they're interacting with your lead magnet. And then that in turn can drive sales too, right? And that's, again, that's why we're in business. We're here to make money. That's our overall goal here.

And through these lead magnets, you can nurture them. You can put them into a sequence or a workflow, tell them some stories, show them why this is so important, and then sell them on your offer, whether that's a product or a service, whatever that may be. yeah. Dawn and I are going to get you feeling so good about selling by the end of this eight weeks. This should really be an email marketing slash sales.

series, I feel like you're going to feel so good about selling in an email. We're going to make it so easy for you and give you permission to sell. But yes, it should be really driving sales. And I think ultimately a good lead magnet should have the goal of solving a customer's problem. We open our businesses for ourselves so that we can make money and have a career that's meaningful to us. But your business exists to solve the problem of its customers.

Candice (09:55.918)

And you've heard me say this a million times, but that's why your business exists. And so a really great lead magnet is going to address a problem and it's going to give people information or a quick win, or it's going to connect a dot for them to where that problem is no longer as painful or it's solved. And it has the power to introduce them to you and how you can solve the next problem that they're bound to have. Because once you solve one problem, another one always pops up. It's like whack -a -mole.

It totally is. It always is. So annoying. It's like, why can't my problems just like, I just solve my last problem and then I never have a problem again? Would be nice. That's hilarious. Today's episode is brought to you by our partner, Flowdesk. As you get started on your email marketing journey with your lead magnets, Flowdesk is here to help. Flowdesk is an email marketing software used by thousands of creative entrepreneurs like you.

to grow their business and their brand. And Flodesk makes it easy to create your first lead magnet in just a few minutes. That's what I love most about Flodesk is just how easy and simple it is to create stunning and effective lead magnets and email campaigns in just a few clicks. It's perfect for the wedding industry and for anyone looking to grow their email marketing. Go to CandaceCopla .com slash Flodesk to sign up for your free trial.

where you can start designing your first lead magnet while I teach you everything you need to know here on the podcast about email marketing. That's candiscopla .com slash flowdesk to start your free trial. Check it out and see what's possible. And thanks to flowdesk for sponsoring today's podcast episode. All right, so we have talked about goals that you can have with your lead magnet. Let's talk about the types of lead magnets that you can create.

First, you can create a quiz. And this is one of my favorite lead magnets. It's Dawn's highest performing lead magnet for a reason. And I think it's because, and Dawn, tell me what you think. I think people just love taking quizzes. Yes. I also think we're from the BuzzFeed generation where we just took quizzes on everything. So a lot of our generation loves that, let me see where I fall into the spectrum type thing.

Candice (12:14.926)

and they just dive in and it's just really great for everybody. It's so easy to use and it builds your email list at the same time. my God, it's so great. Quizzes are so great. I was the type of teenager who I loved taking quizzes in Cosmo and like all the girly teen vogue and stuff. And I would always skew my answers to get the result I wanted. Like I knew how to answer the answers in the quiz.

to be like the certain type of personality would tell me I was. Am I alone in that or did other people do that too? No, I totally did also. Look at the answers first. You flip it upside down and see what your answer is and then, yep. Yep. Yeah. I think it just speaks to human nature and wanting to be told more about who we are and to kind of understand ourselves better too, which quizzes typically promise to do in some form or fashion, give you some type of answer.

or tell you more about yourself, especially if it's personality based. We're gonna have an entire podcast episode on the psychology of quizzes and how you can set up a quiz for your wedding industry business. So we're gonna dive deep into that lead magnet in some future episodes. But obviously it gets a huge endorsement from Dawn and I, and I host my quiz on a tool called Interact, which is co -hosting and supporting our series. And I think that what they've been able to do for this,

part of email marketing and lead generation is so amazing and fascinating. And I credit a lot of my list growth to Interact for sure. Absolutely. I'm an Interact user as well. Love them. The quiz is easy. And my quiz is very complicated. And they made building it so easy. So easy. Big fan. And again, it's my highest converting opt -in. So there's a lot of power in it. A lot of power. A lot of power. And I find too, people are like, I think I'm.

make a quiz, but they don't know where to start. We're going to answer some of those questions for you. And Interact makes it so easy because they have this whole new AI feature where they will basically build the quiz for you. Their AI is so smart it can do that. And then you just plug in a couple of things and before you know it, you have a quiz. But I don't want to reveal too much because we have episodes about that. All right. So quiz is the first. The next that I think is really popular that you're probably familiar with, but maybe you don't realize that this is a lead magnet.

Candice (14:30.19)

is a discount or a coupon. So anytime you go on a website and you're like, I want 15 % off, you're opting in to a lead magnet to get the discount in your inbox. But then also now suddenly you're getting tons of emails from J .Crew. Yes. Like for a day, right? Like for a day. And you're like, yes, I need those pants right now. But it's a great way to do it for your business as well, especially if you have some type of product. I see this a lot for photographers. Like you can offer

a discount on any prints or any purchases that they make after the fact. Those are great ways to build your email list. yeah. Discounts and coupons are fantastic. Not for every business owner because some businesses don't have margin to offer. But if you do, like you mentioned, albums, prints, future sessions or something like that, it's always nice. Another lead magnet is some type of guide.

that somebody can opt in to receive. This can be usually delivered in like PDF format depending on, but usually it's like a PDF that you've designed. And this is something like you can do a venue guide, you can do a guide to getting married in your city or your state, a style guide or all things that you can do. I find that guides though are a little bit longer form and they provide lots of information and they tend to answer some frequently asked questions around a topic.

Absolutely. My AI toolkit is a guide, but I use a web page to host it instead of a PDF. And the reason why I do that is because I can update it real time. And anytime somebody visits it, they have the latest information. So if maybe you're creating an outfit guide and then that couple comes in with the best outfit, you can update that guide on your website. And the next person sees that updated outfit that...

everybody needs to learn from. yeah, I love that idea. I love a good landing page. I have a tools and resources I use as an opt -in and it's a landing page so that it can be updated at any time and it can link out to different partners and tools, which is great. I think for something like a guide or a template or a checklist or some of the other things we're going to talk about, I do want to stress that it's important for you to think about a lead magnet that you can tie to.

Candice (16:42.862)

some of the locations that you serve. Dawn and I, we serve people all over the world, right? So anybody can really opt in to hear from us and have an opportunity to buy from us. But the difference between our businesses and yours, one of the biggest differences is that you tend to be localized. So your business operates in certain cities, certain states, certain countries, and we wanna create a high performing lead magnet that attracts people who have the actual ability to hire you.

If you don't work in Barbados, we don't want people from Barbados opting into here. We're just adding people to your email list who may not be qualified. So as we begin to talk about some of these opt -ins, I also want to say, let's make sure that we're thinking about creating something and attaching the locations you serve to it. So for instance, for a guide, I might create a guide like top wedding venues to get married in Boston. And if I'm a Boston wedding planner or a photographer or somebody who serves at market, I'm

instantly identifying a location. It helps me rank SEO wise, good search engine results. I have more skin in the game there and I'm attracting people who are like going to get married where I'm going to actually work their way. Yes. Another great example of this I've seen is when you're using a quiz to help people determine a location as well for like a photo shoot. And then when you, however they test on that quiz, you can segment them and then

Let's say you're offering sessions at that particular location. Well, guess what? You have a list of people that said like, hey, this is where my result is. And now you can send them that email that says, hey, I'm offering many sessions at the field that you tested, that you got on your quiz, right? And that just creates that like really powerful relationship between you and your potential buyer.

that's so great. I love the idea of doing a quiz for locations. Like what type of Boston wedding should you have? And then you can lead them through different venue options and then serve them up some suggestions with a link to connect with you. If you're a photographer, you can show your photos and how you've worked at these locations. If you're a planner, you can show work and your packages and services. So it really helps to like further.

Candice (19:00.174)

narrow down your leads and also give them like really targeted information that social media just can't. What's another type of lead magnet that you loved on that you think is good for wedding bros? So another really great example would be videos or training. So whether that be some type of challenge, like the challenge that you are running, or some type of how -to video that you can send them, maybe you send it in like a five -part email series, those are really powerful ways to deepen those relationships with your subscribers as well.

that's a good one. I also love checklists are great for wedding pros, like a planning checklist or questions to ask your photographer before you book checklist. Things like that are nice and templates are good too, depending on what you do. So for instance, if you're an invitation designer, maybe there's a template you can make for someone before they order their invitations, like a checklist or a template of things that they need to consider before they hire an invitation designer can be really nice too.

You can also offer them access to a free product. So maybe you have something that you can offer them. Maybe it's an add -on to your service, or it's some type of digital download that you can offer them that's a paid product. I do that in exchange for things sometimes. So for example, when I'm teaching at a conference, I say, hey, if you send me a video of myself talking so I can use it for content, I would love to send you my ebook for free.

So using that as a way to build that relationship and also make sure that they get value out of it in exchange for something, whether that be an email subscriber or some content for yourself, it can be done in many different ways. Very nice. What a great idea. I'm going to definitely borrow that. You get a lot of great content you can use for reels and such from there. It's wonderful. I love, love, love it.

The last lead magnet idea that I have for you is access to your pricing. And so there's been so much conversation swirling around putting pricing on your website and whether you should or you shouldn't. I have opinions on it. But one thing I think we cannot deny is that Gen Z and this upcoming generation of people getting married, they want to know your price and they want to see it on your website. They feel like they should have access to it.

Candice (21:15.79)

Nowhere else really do people lock down their pricing and they become frustrated when they don't know even a starting at rate for your services. So you could create a lead magnet where if somebody wants your pricing, all they have to do is put their name and their email address in and then it automatically sends them your pricing and services. But now that you have their email address, you can send them some nurtured emails over a series of days and weeks that help to build brand awareness, establish trust.

and get them to book that consultation with you. All right, so those are some lead magnet ideas for you guys. I've put all of this in a PDF for you. So what you can do is go to candiscopla .com slash lead magnet and you can get a roundup of this conversation and have it handy as part of your email marketing series, little stack of papers and information. So go to candiscopla .com slash lead magnet to download this.

What if your lead magnet could be a quiz? Well, with Interact AI, you can create a quiz lead magnet in just a few minutes. Let's be honest, everyone loves taking quizzes, which is why they're the highest converting lead magnet you can create. Whether it's a quiz that reveals which Bravo celebrity you are or what your favorite pizza reveals about your personality, quizzes are so much fun to take. And this is what makes them the perfect

lead magnet and why it's my favorite option for wedding pros. Interact's AI tools help you create a fun on -brand quiz in just a few minutes, which means your new quiz, it could be launched today. What's great about Interact AI is that you can integrate your quiz right into Flodesk.

So every time someone takes your quiz, you can use Flodesk to keep the conversation going. Interact AI is going to be your secret to growing your email list. Make a quiz in minutes with Interact AI. Get started for free by going to tryinteract .com slash AI. That's tryinteract .com slash AI. Thanks to Interact for sponsoring today's episode of the podcast.

Candice (23:31.822)

Let's get back into the episode. Now, I would love to talk about how to create a lead magnet, specifically though in Flodesk because Flodesk makes it so easy to create a lead magnet. I believe that Flodesk is the superior email marketing platform for wedding pros. So, Flodesk is the only place you need to look to when it comes to your email marketing. It does everything that you need as a wedding industry business. It's going to give you all the tools and all the resources to do everything we're talking about. So,

How do we set up this lead magnet inflow desk? What is the first step you would tell somebody, Dawn? So the first thing you want to do is decide the problem that you want to solve for your client. That's step one for any of our processes. What are we trying to solve? What do you want to offer them? And how are you going to answer that question for them? You want to get really clear on that because it's going to guide you the rest of your way and define how you set up this lead magnet inflow desk.

I think you could go through some of the frequently asked questions you get asked by couples before they hire you, or maybe during consults or in your inbox, people just emailing you or DMing you, and see what's a reoccurring question that people are asking me that I can solve with my lead magnet, that I can give them quality information. And as Dawn said at the very beginning of this episode, she created a quiz as a way to be more efficient.

and also support people in solving a problem of what computer they could buy, how could you do the same exact thing with your lead magnet? And then once you've defined that problem, how are you going to answer it? So that comes down to the different types of lead magnets. Are you going to offer them a quiz? Are you going to offer them a checklist, a template, a PDF? Are you going to offer them video training? You have to get really clear on how you're going to solve that problem for them.

Yeah, you have to pick a modality. What's the best way for me to answer this question or to solve this problem? Is it to do a quiz and then give them a customized result? Is it to create just a simple checklist that they can follow and go through? What's the best modality? And then I would say, what's my goal at the end of this? Like, what do I want this lead magnet to do for my business? Do I want it to sell a specific service that I offer?

Candice (25:50.062)

Do I want it to build brand awareness about my business in general? Do I want somebody to follow me on Instagram where I can continue the conversation? Like, what do I hope it does for me? All of those answers are like perfectly fine goals to have for a lead magnet. You don't have to pick one. You can choose multiple if you want, but they're all perfectly fine. Not everything has to end necessarily in a sale.

So a call to action could be to follow you on Instagram, it could be to do something else, but you do need a goal. Like what do you want this to ultimately do for your business? What's the purpose behind it for you? Absolutely. Getting really clear on that helps everything else fall into place as well. So don't skip this step. This is really important. It's true because you're right. If you don't understand what it's going to do for you, then what ends up happening is you deliver the...

freebie, the lead magnet, and then nothing else happens afterwards because you haven't set a goal for what you want this person to do in your email marketing funnel. So it's really important for you to decide what that goal is for you and even for them of what you want them to ultimately do as a result of having downloaded this thing. Now, when we think about ways we can deliver lead magnets, we have video, we have a PDF, a landing page, any other...

ways that we can deliver a lead magnet or is that pretty much sum it up? Yeah, we have your quizzes. Quizzes are a big one. You have your resource page you mentioned. I think those are our top ones there. You have your discounts. My goodness. I feel like we can go back and forth all day on different ideas. Yeah. So once we've decided on the lead magnet, the goal, you have to create the thing using one of those delivery methods, right? Like one of those methods.

And then from there, how do we like hook this all up? We've got our lead magnet. We understand how we're delivering it. It's all created. It's ready to go. We have all that done. What's the next step? So the next step in Flodesk is called creating a form. So a form is where people can give you their name and their email address to subscribe to your email list in exchange for the item. Now in Flodesk, we make that super simple. We have beautiful templates and we have different types of forms.

Candice (28:06.702)

So we have what's called an inline form, which is embedded directly into your webpage, your existing website. We have a pop -up form. So when somebody visits your website, it kind of pops up over the top. We also have a full page form, which is a dedicated webpage just for this opt -in. And we've actually learned that that performs the best of the form types. Flodesk also offers something called Link in Bio.

So if you're familiar, a lot of people on Instagram say like, check out my link in bio. We offer a form that gives you this full web page, gives you the opt -in at the top, and then the option to add up to six different links at the bottom. So you can direct them to places like your other platforms, maybe other freebies and opt -ins, a list of your services, whatever that may be. That type of form converts really well as well.

but we got to get their information. We have to get their name and their email, and we're going to use a form to do exactly that. Yeah, I love Flodesk landing page forms. I think what's so nice about them is they're beautifully designed. The templates are made for you. You just follow the instructions of the template, add in your own image, and add in your brand colors, and then it's done. You don't have to open up your website and embed a form and figure that out, especially if you're short on time or you just want to get this set up quickly.

you can set it up very quickly, but and also beautifully, also fully branded. It feels like an extension of the experience somebody would have on your website. And it's just easy. Yes. It's also easy to duplicate them. So once you get one, like exactly how you want it, and I want to create another form, I simply duplicate it and then change the content on it. And I don't have to do extra work. Yeah, I love that. It's just so nice when we can reduce the friction because that friction.

Not only is it cumbersome to make stuff and go around and do all this stuff, but it's because of the friction that we don't do it because we're like, ugh. That feels so hard. I don't want to do it. And when something like Flowdesk makes it so easy to just make this landing page, it's all done for you. All you have to do is just put your information in. And then once it's created and published, obviously share your link. But then you also need to create an email workflow to deliver the lead magnet.

Candice (30:22.606)

So this would be like the last stage of creating this entire funnel here, is you've got the form. We need to then just create what happens after someone fills out the form, which is really easy to do in Flodas. Yes. So the form itself can actually redirect to a web page, or it can give your opt -in at that point. But.

they wouldn't be able to come back to it without having that link. So this is where that email workflow comes in handy. You want to send them that email and get them started on that sequence, right? You want to get them started in that workflow. So we're going to create an email workflow to send them that email that delivers that lead magnet so they can come back to it and they can access it whenever they want to. And not only that, but we want to put them into that.

workflow to that sequence that nurtures them to align to that goal that you decided, whether it's selling a service, whether it's nurturing them, building your Instagram following, whatever you decided, you're going to use those emails and that workflow to accomplish that goal. One more thing that I want to add is that flow desk forms are free. So if you're in a place where you're like, I want to start this process, but I'm not quite ready to start sending out my emails.

You can build a full desk form and you can start collecting your email subscribers. So when the time does come where you are ready to start sending out emails to your email list, those subscribers are already there waiting for you and you had not wasted time in between. Start collecting those subscribers now so you can start emailing them as soon as you're ready. And this is where things really start to get fun after you deliver their freebie, the thing they opted in to receive from you.

Dawn and I are going to teach you how to nurture this person to take the action you want them to take based on the information they ask you to give them based on the freebie. So in the next episode of our email marketing series, now that you have the email address and you have your form and you've decided on your lead magnet, we're going to teach you how to sell to this person.

Candice (32:37.006)

in your nurture sequence using an automated workflow inside of Flowdesk. So you have some homework before we get there. First things first, you're going to go to candiscopla .com slash lead magnet. And I am going to break down in a lead magnet for you and a very handy PDF, all of the information that we shared with you in today's episode. So it's all there for you, very easy, in case you need notes.

And then I also want to make sure you're signed up for our email marketing challenge starting on August 12th. Go to CandaceCoppola .com slash challenge to sign up for free. You're not going to want to miss this. I'm going to help you in addition to these episodes, set up your email marketing system. So by the end of the challenge, all of this will be done, no excuses. And also in the show notes, I've linked to my quiz and Dawn's quiz so that you can start to see.

what a quiz can do for your business and maybe start to generate some ideas for how your lead magnet could actually be a quiz, which I think is the funnest way to do email marketing. And also it gives you the most information, the most data, but we'll get into that very soon. Dawn, thanks for being my co -host today. Of course, anytime my friend. Dawn and I want to remind you there's so much power in your purpose. We'll see you next time.

Thanks so much for tuning in to this week's episode of the Power and Purpose Podcast. If you enjoyed the show, be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode and consider leaving a review. Head over to powerinpurposepodcast .com to access all of the resources and links mentioned in today's episode. That's powerinpurposepodcast .com. I'll see you next time.

Thanks for tuning into today’s episode of The Power in Purpose Podcast. I want to know– what was your biggest takeaway? Head to my Instagram to join the conversation!

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Sometimes, the key to raising your price as a wedding planner is having a little audacity.

I don’t want 2025 to be the year where you let the side of your brain that believes you can’t do things get in the way of you doing them. Like…

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Instead, I want you to imagine this…

You’re wrapping up your biggest year in business yet. You’ve hit $100K, working with clients who value you, charging rates that actually pay you like a CEO, and running a business that feels as good as it looks.

What changed?

💡 You stopped waiting for permission to level up.
💡 You stopped thinking six figures was only for other planners.
💡 You started pricing yourself for profit—not just to stay busy.
💡 You had a little extra audacity that believed it was possible.

Growing your wedding planning business toward the income goals you have is WAY more possible than you think. You just need to switch up a few key strategies in your business, and I promise, it’s right there.

📣 Next week, I’m hosting a FREE masterclass where I’m breaking down exactly how wedding planners hit their first $100K year—without overworking, undercharging, or waiting years to “earn” it.

🔥 Want in? Drop “TRAINING” in the comments, and I’ll DM you the link!

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It all started with one deep-ass conversation.

A few weeks ago, I was sitting on my patio in Barbados with @c10ike, talking for hours about life, business, friendship, and everything in between.

No agenda, no filters, no bullshit. Just real, unedited conversations.

And somewhere between the beach, the lattes, and the 5-hour deep dives, we realized something: these conversations deserved to be shared.

So much of what we see online is curated to perfection. But the best moments? The most transformative, soul-filling, perspective-shifting conversations? They don’t happen on a stage, or in a perfectly polished IG post.

They happen in the in-between.

On a couch, barefoot.

On a patio, wine in hand.

When the masks are off, and we just talk.

So this week, I’m bringing you my newest series on the podcast: Patio Chats.

In this episode, we’re talking about:
✨ Why we need more scruffy hospitality
✨ Paying attention to the people who pay attention to YOU.
✨ Why your “soil” determines what you attract.
✨ The small ways we can all create better ripples in our industries, our friendships, and our lives.

Comment 177 and I’ll send you the link to listen.

Photo Credit: @colleenannelennehan 

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All, Growing a Business, Ideal Clients, Launch Your List Series, Podcast Show Notes, Wedding Industry Marketing

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