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What To Do During A Slow Wedding Season: A Guide for Wedding Planners

June 10, 2024

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I'm Candice, your new tell-it-like-it-is BFF (and purpose cheerleader). Are you ready to grow and scale a profitable business with purpose–and one that gives back to your meaningful life? Thought so!


What's your brand cocktail for success?

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There is never a dull moment in the wedding industry. This year, in particular, has been weirdly slow for many wedding professionals, both new and experienced alike. Did you just breathe a sigh of relief knowing it’s not just you? If you’re finding yourself in a slower season than you're used to, don’t worry—this can be the perfect time to refocus and elevate your business. As a business coach for wedding pros, I'm going to share seven actionable strategies to make the most of a lull in your wedding planning calendar. Consider this your guide for what to do during a slow wedding season!

1. Plan Styled Shoots

While styled shoots have typically taken place during slower seasons, now is a perfect time to take advantage of the summer backdrops at some of your favorite venues (if you find they are less busy than usual). If you’re new around here, you should know that I love a good styled shoot. It’s the perfect opportunity to let your imagination roam free and showcase your talent (without needing to cater to client preferences). By collaborating with local vendors, photographers, and venues, you have the opportunity to create a dream wedding scenario that not only highlights your skills but also builds a strong network within the industry.

A little extra tip? As you plan these shoots, try to incorporate themes that reflect current trends as well as your unique style. This will ensure your work stands out and resonates with potential clients looking for someone just like youl. Plus, don't forget to capture behind-the-scenes moments—they offer a candid look at your process and add a personal touch to your marketing efforts. Don’t forget about B-roll for Reels!

If you’re curious about styled shoots (but have no idea how TF to get started), make sure to grab my Styled Shoot Rulebook. This guide is packed with tips, checklists, and insider secrets to help you plan and execute stunning styled shoots that will leave a lasting impression (and hopefully get published!). 

A comprehensive guide on how to design and execute a wedding planner styled shoot.

2. Network and Reach Out to Venues

Networking isn’t just for the busy season. If you are trying to fill a slow wedding season, use this time to build and strengthen relationships with venues and other industry professionals. Schedule coffee meetings, attend local events, or even host a small networking gathering (but be mindful that it might not be a slow wedding season for everyone, so be careful to not take busyness personally). 

The connections you build now can translate into invaluable referrals and collaborations down the road. Plus, staying top-of-mind with venues can lead to opportunities when the wedding season picks up again (or when one of their couples decides at the last minute they DO want to hire a wedding planner!).

3. Work on Your Sales Skills

Next, let’s talk about your SALES skills. The ability to sell your services confidently is crucial for any wedding planner so if this is an area you have been avoiding, there’s no time like the present. There are plenty of online courses (like the one INCLUDED in the Planner’s Playbook), books, and webinars focused on selling strategies tailored specifically for the wedding industry. Practice your pitch, refine your consultations, and role-play different scenarios to become a more persuasive, confident salesperson. Plus, if you want a little wedding-specific help, I have plug n’play sales scripts for you right here!

4. Improve Your Branding and Website

If you find that one of the reasons you are having a slow wedding season is that your brand and/or website is outdated, there’s no time like the present for a refresh, friend! Your website is often one of the first impressions potential clients get. Take some time to do a thorough audit of your branding and online presence. From there, update your website with recent photos, client testimonials, and more blog posts. Take some time to make sure that your branding is consistent across all platforms and that it truly reflects who you are and what you offer too! 

5. Offer Smaller Packages

Ooops – there’s my unwillingness to give you BS advice again. While this is likely something you do NOT want to hear, the truth is that you might want to consider diversifying your services to include wedding management or day-of coordination packages. While I know most of the women I coach want to book full planning and design services exclusively, and I don’t blame them, the truth is that these smaller, more affordable options can attract clients who might not be ready for full-scale planning but still need assistance. 

By opening your calendar to these smaller gigs, you keep yourself busy and broaden your client base, potentially nurturing them to refer full-service clients in the future. Plus, you’re far more likely to book a last-minute event management client than you are full-service. If you need cash in the door now, this can be a great strategy for even the most experienced wedding pros.

6. Revisit Systems and Processes

When is the last time you really evaluated your systems and processes? You know that efficiency is key to scaling your business, but it doesn’t take long for your workflow to spiral out of control, right? 

While in the past we have seen inquiries slow down in the summer, it’s a great time to review your current systems and processes to identify areas for improvement. Whether it’s upgrading your project management software, creating templates for common tasks, or automating your client onboarding process, small tweaks can lead to significant time savings (AND elevate your client experience in the process!). 

7. Take a Break and Enjoy Yourself

Last but not least, have you tried taking a break and just enjoying having a free Saturday in the summer for once? Let’s face it, wedding planning is intense, and you deserve some downtime. Use this slower period to recharge your batteries. Whether it’s a short getaway, spending quality time with loved ones, or simply indulging in hobbies you love, if you can swing it financially I want to encourage you to just take a break.

“Down” years are NORMAL in the wedding industry (and in EVERY industry). Just because you are having a slower year does not mean you need to burn your business to the ground and work 120+ hours a week to prove that you’re working hard enough. 

You Can Still Make The Most Of A Slow Season

Remember, a slow wedding season does not have to be a setback—it can be an opportunity. Not every summer is going to be your “busiest summer yet”, especially if you plan to be in business for the long haul. By taking steps to improve your business now, you are setting yourself up for greater success when the pace inevitably picks back up. So, embrace the downtime, get creative, and prepare to shine even brighter in the busy times ahead.

Ready to take your wedding planning business to the next level? I would love to take a moment to invite you to join The Planner's Playbook, a membership community designed specifically for wedding planners who are serious about their craft and growing a profitable wedding planning business. With access to expert advice during office hours, insider tips, and a supportive network of wedding planners just like you, The Planner's Playbook provides the tools and strategies you need to thrive in the wedding industry.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your skills, this is your chance to learn, grow, and connect with like-minded individuals. I would love to support you inside the next time doors open! If you want access to special bonuses when we open the doors next, get on the waitlist now! See you inside!

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I’m sitting here in my hotel room in Lisbon, about to get ready for one final dinner in the city, and it’s got me thinking about the last week. ✨

I was lucky to be invited on this special retreat with @flodesk , where we spent time connecting with the team and other Flodesk partners. A trip like this was really a dream come true for me, as it gets lonely sometimes in my own business. 

I mean, i’m literally on an island lol. 

So, instead of being home working away, I got to make new friends and see old ones. 

We walked, talked, ate, drank, laughed, cried (!), strategized and shared. It was wonderful. And it was just what my soul needed. 🦋

Thank you to @flodesk and the entire partner team who dreamed up this experience and brought us all together! @joannawaterfall @raisetheruthevents @nataliefranke @marthabitar @rebecca.shostak @devinmikala @elina_ce 

And thank you to the ladies who made this experience extra special. You are all incredible, and I feel so honored to have spent time with you! ❤️❤️ @myanichol @lashondambrown @thewhimsysoul @missellenyin @praaaise @madeonsundaysstudio @by.rosanna @comeplum @lapassionvoutee @stephjgilbert @africawanderlust 

#flodesk #womeninbusiness #lisbonportugal #flodeskretreat #creativepreneur #emailmarketing #communityovercompetition
The first episode of our email marketing series is LIVE 🎉🎉🎉

ICYMI: I announced this week that I am doing a BIG podcast series on email marketing - how it works, how you should get started, and all the strategies you need to know.

In the first episode of our 8-part series, Dawn Richardson from @techsavvycreative is my co-host and we break down the email marketing fundamentals you need to know, including...

👉🏻 What email marketing really is (hint: it doesn’t involve sending a newsletter every week 😰)

👉🏻 Common email marketing terms you need to know

👉🏻 What an email marketing funnel looks like

👉🏻 How you can use the AAECR formula in email marketing

Take me to the gym, on your next hot girl walk, or along for the ride to your wedding this weekend and let’s build out your email marketing funnel together! 🎉🎉🎉

A special thank you to @flodesk and @tryinteract for supporting my big idea to teach this on my podcast! ❤️

#thepowerinpurposepodcast #powerinpurposepodcast #flodesk #tryinteract #weddingpros #weddingpro #weddingindustry #emailmarketingtips #emailmarketingstrategy #marketingpodcast #weddingindustryeducation #weedingindustryexpert #weddingpodcast #marketingplan #weddingphotographer #weddingplanner #weddingstationery #weddingflorist

I’m so excited to share with you that over the next 8 weeks, I’m doing an email marketing deep dive on my podcast, The Power in Purpose.

Starting tomorrow, I’m releasing one new episode a week teaching you the ins and outs of email marketing. I’ve been hearing from SO MANY PEOPLE just how tired and burnt out they are using social media. I think it’s time to have a conversation on how you can diversify your marketing so you don’t have to rely so heavily on something that feels so heavy.

Email marketing is amazing - it’s pretty much the number one way I’ve grown my business. But my business and your business look a little different, which is why I am sharing with you how you can use email marketing as a wedding industry pro.

I want you to think of this podcast series as a mini course on email marketing. And at the end of the series, you’ll know everything I know about how email marketing can help you reach more customers, grow brand awareness, and make more money.

At the end of the series we have a BIG event happening, but you’ll need to tune into the first episode tomorrow to hear more about that.

I’m so excited for you to hear what we’ve put together and more importantly, for the strategies and tactics to bless your business. I know that diversifying your marketing efforts will change how you use social media and EASE THE PRESSURE you feel daily to show up here.

Comment PODCAST below and I’ll DM you the direct link to Spotify and Apple Podcasts so you can subscribe! 

#thepowerinpurposepodcast #powerinpurposepodcast #weddingindustry #weddingpros #emailmarketingtips #emailmarketing #weddingindustryeducation #weddingindustryexperts #weddingseason #weddingplanner #weddingphotographer #weddingbusiness #weddingmarketing #flodesk #interactai #buisnessmarketing
Is your brand experience attracting and repelling the right people? 🤔🤔🤔🤔

Branding and client experience are important as a wedding pro, and today, we are talking about where the two meet! 

In this episode, I’m chatting with Ally Baur of @allybdesigns all about the elements of brand experience, the role of branding in attracting ideal clients, the impact of templates on brand consistency, and the significance of customer service in the wedding industry. 

It’s an episode you’re gonna want to listen to if you want make sure your brand and brand experience is up to snuff.

Comment 133 below and I’ll DM you a direct link to listen! 

#powerinpurposepodcast #thepowerinpurposepodcast #brandidentity #brandexperience #weddingindustry #weddingpro #weddingpros #candicdcoppola #weddingproinsiders #clientexperience #brandstrategy #brandingtips

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