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Podcast Show Notes

Laura & Betsy from Lucious Hustle on How to Balance Energy In Your Biz

September 14, 2020

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What are all things masculine and feminine energy? How can we use the lunar cycles to align ourselves and our business? Betsy and Laura of the Lucious Hustle Podcast are transformational business and branding coaches. They're on a mission to empower women with the tools and motivation they need to turn an idea spark into a full-fledged business.

Betsy and Laura from the Lucious Hustle Podcast have a wild journey of manifestation and self-discovery.  Two total strangers living in two different countries, 3000 miles apart with the same (rare) last name, who are not related! They connected on Instagram and became fast friends, then podcast besties with their podcast, Lucious Hustle, then business partners. 

They are two VERY different people, different families, backgrounds, personalities, and experiences, and yet…they have forged an incredible friendship and nurtured a thriving tribe of women entrepreneurs, seekers, and healers making a massive change in the world. 

On Today’s episode of The Power in Purpose Podcast with Laura & Betsy of Lucious Hustle:

  • What is masculine and feminine energy and how can we use it to guide our business?
  • What can the moon teach us about cycles in our business and our lives? 
  • How can we work through trauma and heal ourselves while simultaneously building a multiple 6-figure business?

Thanks for tuning into today’s episode of The Power in Purpose Podcast. I want to know– what was your biggest takeaway? Head to my Instagram to join the conversation!



Laura Milne (Guest)

Hi, we are Laura Milne and Betsy Milne of Luscious Hustle, and our purpose is to help you discover your purpose, create a business that you love and manifest the luscious life of your dreams.

Candice (Host)

Welcome back to the Power and Purpose podcast. It's me, your host, Candice, and my guests on today's episode of the show are Betsy and Laura from Luscious Hustle. Betsy and Laura are transformational business and branding coaches, and they're on a mission, y'all, to empower women with the tools and the motivation that they need to turn a spark of an idea into a full fledged business and sought after brand.

Candice (Host)

In today's episode, we're going down the path. We're talking all things masculine and feminine energy and also how we can use the lunar cycles to align ourselves and our business. Now, Betsy and Laura have a wild journey of manifestation and self discovery in their partnership to total strangers living in two different countries three thousand miles apart with the same very rare last name who are not related. We talk about their story, how they came together, how they connected on Instagram, became super fast friends, then podcast besties and then finally business partners.

Candice (Host)

They talk to me about their social contract. Really interesting, but I loved hearing their journey. And you're going to love hearing their journey, too. They provide transformational brand and business coaching, which is equal parts masculine strategy, a.k.a. the hustle and feminine spiritual development, a.k.a. the luscious. And their method of coaching is both a dichotomous and harmonious, just like the two of them. So if you're wondering what the hell is masculine and feminine energy, I promise you.

Candice (Host)

Laura and Betsy, break it down for us today inside today's episode. It's really fascinating. And they also talk about the moon. Now, Betsy has been studying the moon for over thirty years and she talks about how we can learn lunar cycles and how they affect our bodies, our lives and our business. So it's a really interesting conversation. You're going to get so much out of it. And I'm really excited for you to listen.

Candice (Host)

Now let's get into my conversation with Betsy and Laura.

Candice (Host)

Hi, Betsy and Laura, welcome to the show.

Laura Milne (Guest)


Candice (Host)

I'm so excited to chat with you ladies about your partnership, your journey and some soulful conversation on how you help women like me and our listeners discover our purpose and create a business that we love. And so I want to jump into your story and hear how this starts from you, how this partnership came to be, how you guys met and how you fused together to help women like us.

Laura Milne (Guest)

Well, our story, it's a little bit it's a little bit of an odd one. Betsy and I have the same last name and we are not related.

Candice (Host)

That's so weird

Laura Milne (Guest)

I know we are literally total strangers who live in two different countries, three thousand miles apart, two different time zones.

Laura Milne (Guest)

And we literally connected through Instagram. Four years ago, I was scrolling Instagram and I came upon, you know, back in the day. Then you could really discover people's accounts properly, so organically, right on the home page or whatever. And I found this account. And I loved what she was posting. She was health coaching then and she was an avid gardener. And so it was like really luscious and beautiful on her on her Instagram posts. And I noticed obviously she had the same last name as me, which nobody has our last name.

Laura Milne (Guest)

So I was I just sent her D.M. I was like, hey, like we have the same last name. How random is that? You know? P.S., I love what you're you're doing. You know, we should connect and it really just kind of went from there. We, you know, a couple of messages back and forth quickly turned into phone calls. At that time, I was building a business and network marketing. And coincidentally, Betsy had actually been looking at the product and wanting to, you know, sign on with that product, use it, you know, as a supplement for her coaching clients.

Laura Milne (Guest)

So that was another weird coincidence. And so, you know, I was building this network marketing business. She was doing her health coaching. And we would get on the phone call maybe once a month or twice a month. And we never ended up talking about network marketing or the product or even really health coaching. We were talking about, you know, the conversations always lended themselves to bigger visionary type talk in business like, you know, what are other people doing in the online space?

Laura Milne (Guest)

What's happening? Where do we see things going? How can we be of service? What are the people doing? Their businesses? It was always business talk. And so then. In so that was like basically the summer of 2016 and then in December of 2016, Betsy was driving home from New York City. She'd been out with her girlfriends and they all wanted to talk about like Tinder and whatever their dates other day were doing.

Laura Milne (Guest)

Yeah. And she wanted to talk about, like building websites and building brands and, you know, being, you know, trying to be a leader and the thought leader and influencer. So she messaged me and said, like, hey, I had this idea to start a podcast, would you want to do with me? And I said, yeah, absolutely. I had keep in mind, like, no sweet clue how to do that. I wasn't even listening to podcasts then.

Laura Milne (Guest)

I think I actually asked her, like, that's that little purple square on my iPhone, right.

Laura Milne (Guest)

That's what that one is.

Laura Milne (Guest)

But nonetheless, we we just, you know, beginner's mind set. We just drove straight into it, figured out how to do a podcast. And we were live on iTunes two weeks later, January 4th of twenty seventeen. And it really just it took off from there. And it's funny too because we, we actually didn't meet in person until like August of twenty seventeen. So we were almost a full year into podcasting before we even met in person.

Laura Milne (Guest)

But we really and we've done the background work and kind of calculated it backwards. But we actually do have a social contract that was initiated a full year before I even messaged Betsy. So, you know, the universe really works in wild ways, but it's been an incredible journey from, you know, starting the podcast and then building it into a business and a community. And I mean, we're just we're so grateful.

Candice (Host)

I love that story so much. And so tell me more about this soul contract. This is really interesting. I've never heard of anything like this, but I'd love for you guys to explain a little bit more.

Betsy (Guest)

So I actually grew up with a mom who is very well in her own weird little way, and I was told from a very young age in our house, it was like you chose this life, you chose your struggles. It's your soul contract.

Betsy (Guest)

You've chosen the people that would be in your life that would teach you lessons. Those are soul contracts. And when it came to. Rebranding ourselves as lusciousness. I will never forget this conversation we were sitting and we were recording a podcast about our journeys and Laura was talking about how when she was pregnant May twenty third, twenty fifteen, she was pregnant with Laura, with Eleri, and she was going to deliver and she was sitting with her notebook and she was saying like, I want to have great conversations.

Betsy (Guest)

Like I want to have a life that I can drink tea and have these great conversations with women and so and make money and make money doing it. And so she was getting pushed out of the door to go and have her kid. And she's like, no, no, no, I need to get this on paper. Meanwhile, at the same time, I was watching a webinar for Integrative Nutrition School, and I was going through my own, like, massive life transformation.

Betsy (Guest)

And I was really, really sick. And I had the thought if I could heal my heal myself, I can heal other people. But I didn't do anything with it. That night I went to sleep and my mom was my mom kept saying to me, you should really sign up like you could be a health coach. You're so good at you already doing coaching for your friends. And I was like, no, no, no. I'm like a business person.

Betsy (Guest)

I don't want to run my own business. I'm I'm too broken to do that right now because I was really, really sick at the time. And a long story short, the next morning and we've done the math now, the second that she was pushing Eleri out of her body and like birthing the next stage of her life, I actually signed up for health coaching at the same time. And since that moment, you know, part of part of my purpose has always been that I could if I can heal myself, I can heal other people because I have spent my entire life dealing with chronic illness.

Betsy (Guest)

I have some pretty massive traumas that I've had to work through over the years. And so that that constant like it's almost like a drumbeat, like my purpose as my drumbeat behind the scenes it was there. And the fact that both of those things happened at the same point in time, like we both were stepping into this next phase of our lives, you know, the universe like Laura, that it works in mysterious ways. We didn't meet. I'm using air quotes.

Betsy (Guest)

You can't see me, but like meet in Instagram, D.M. for a full year after that, like Laura popped in May of twenty sixteen and it was a whole other year before we met in person. So I think the lesson in that is if you know your purpose and you know your why, then yeah, instant gratification is awesome. But the really luscious stuff that happens in life are the things that if we can have patience and stay open to receiving, they will come and they will come in a package that is totally unexpected and so much bigger than we ever could have imagined because I could never imagine.

Betsy (Guest)

I honestly thought I would never go into business for myself. I was never going to go into business with a business partner, and I was never going to go into business with anyone that had the same last name as me, because that to me is family. And I'd already been in business with my sister and had that blow up spectacularly in my twenties. And so but here came Laura. And she was like, perfect, right. And it was just it's really interesting how the universe unfolds when you're open to receiving it.

Candice (Host)

I mean, I feel like there's a lot of things at play in all of our lives in the universe gives us things that we, you know, don't anticipate or expect. So here's a question I have for you. How is there any way possible that we can start to see the universe at work? And let's say there is a Betsy to our Laura or Laura, to our Betsy out there. How do we know that that might be for us?

Candice (Host)

How do we know to be open to the universe to receive those things? Because I feel like it's you know, it's so hard to know what is an opportunity, what is something that's being sent to you as a gift. It's so hard to sort of siphon through the day to day and know what you should be paying attention to.

Laura Milne (Guest)

That is such a good question. Good question. I think it comes back to well, it comes back really to masculine and feminine energy. I mean, in your feminine, you're very open to receiving and you're open to you know, if you think about someone, you know, you're at your shop, your clothing, shopping. Right. And you're in the store and you're like you're just very, you know, high vibe, really good mood. And you're just feeling really luscious and lighthearted.

Laura Milne (Guest)

And like, you pick up this article of clothing and you try it on and you're like, oh, no, this isn't quite for me. You put it back, you pick something else up, you try it on. Oh, yeah, that's right. And it's like just because one thing you tried on didn't quite fit, right. Doesn't mean you aren't. You were still excited to try it on. Right. You are still excited to receive that item and it.

Laura Milne (Guest)

Oh it didn't quite work out. OK, put it back on the shelf and the next thing you know the the store clerk comes over and suggests something else, you know, like maybe I will try that on. Good idea. Thank you. Right. And and it's all just very open and free and it feels easy. And you might try on twenty things and only four of them you end up buying. It still feels like a win. Right.

Laura Milne (Guest)

You're not thinking about the sixteen items you tried on like oh man, what a waste of my time. Right, like you're not thinking that you're like I tried on all these beautiful clothes and I had a great I had a great afternoon and I was chatting with people and there are so many options. And then I found the four perfect items that I wanted and I bought them. In a way, I go and I think, like, that's that feminine, luscious energy.

Laura Milne (Guest)

And it's really staying open and noticing that just because something might come to you and it may or may not be a good fit doesn't make it a loss. It doesn't make it a waste of time. And it was meant to happen to you. And, you know, it's like it might have been that dot that connected you to the next dot of where you're actually supposed to go.

Laura Milne (Guest)

That's that's kind of where my mind goes when I think about that. I don't know. What do you think Betsy?

Betsy (Guest)

I think for me, you know, if you want, like a tangible practice or something that you can really sink your teeth into to help open up those receiving energy, for me, it's building a body of evidence. So as I was listening to your question, I'm like, well, how did I know? I didn't actually know in the moment, but I trusted my intuition. So that's again, that the divine feminine inner knowing.

Betsy (Guest)

But I think when things have been going sideways in your life for a really long time, we have a tendency to fall into wounded energy that is like I'm never going to get the client, I'm never going to get the job. I'm never going to make the sale like da da da da da. And if we can go back and make a list for ourselves of a body of evidence of the things that are working and, you know, this is an extension of a gratitude practice, at least for me.

Betsy (Guest)

It is where I in those moments of self doubt, if I can go and look at my list of like, yes, I manifested Laura when I didn't know what that meant, I had to wait two years. But guess what? She still showed up. You know, I manifested a podcast at a time where I was too afraid to put my face on camera, you know, like I knew that I could use my voice. Did I set out to start a podcast now?

Betsy (Guest)

Did I could I have done it on my own at that time? Hell, no. But I did it and I found the person to do it with. So, again, having that body of evidence that you can go back to and be like, yes, these are the things that I just had no clue how it was going to work, and yet I still receive them and they still changed my life, then it makes the possibility of the future open up for you, because then you're like, well, I've done it in the past.

Betsy (Guest)

So now my brain thinks right, because our brain is logical, your brain will get tricked into believing like, yes, more possibilities are open even if you don't know how you're going to get there.

Candice (Host)

This idea of body of evidence, I think we as women are always achieving goals, but never crediting them or even counting them because we're always looking farther ahead and ahead. So once we achieve a certain marker, we're never satisfied and we just keep trying to push forward and do more and be more. And we often feel like a failure because we don't ever stop and just say, hey, look at what I've been able to do or look at the goals that I have achieved, or look at the body of evidence of things that I've been able to manifest in my life or work toward or the people the universe has sent me in this case of your story.

Candice (Host)

So I love that you mentioned feminine energy. And I know that you ladies in your coaching and your programs and how you work, there's this balance of masculine and feminine energy that you talk about equal parts. Can you explain that to us?

Laura Milne (Guest)

Mm hmm. Yeah, absolutely. Well, it's funny is the comment you just made about, you know, women not taking the time to really sink into the moment, then they're just rushing from one thing to the next, seeking that, you know, really, it's external validation is what you're seeking.

Laura Milne (Guest)

And when we're in that hustle mode, that grind, grind, grind, that's actually wounded, masculine energy like that's you know, the way that we break it down is there's there's divine feminine, divine masculine, and then there's wounded feminine and wounded masculine, which are sort of like the shadow sides of either. And we can be in all four energies. You can be. Well, you can't be. You're not. I mean, in all four at the same time.

Laura Milne (Guest)

But we all exist or experience those energies.

Laura Milne (Guest)

And it's just a matter of where you're spending the majority of that time. So, you know, to to look at the shadows at first, you know, the wounded feminine is she's the victim, right? She has she is wounded. She is acting out, you know, if you find yourself ever acting out sort of passive aggressively or feeling like nothing's ever going your way, you're over giving, like just giving, giving, giving, and then feel like unappreciated, unseen, unheard.

Laura Milne (Guest)

That's the wounded feminine. The flipside of that is the wounded masculine, which is, you know, really like if you think about the movie, Wolf, of Wall Street, that's that's wounded masculine.

Laura Milne (Guest)

It's toxic because everybody is talking to the wounded. Feminine is like nothing's ever enough because she's empty and she's looking for something to fill her up. The wounded and masculine is also has that sense of it's not good enough, but it's more out there conquering, taking. You get one thing and then as soon as you get it, you're on to the next. You don't even appreciate it what you've already achieved in the moment or appreciate the people around you.

Laura Milne (Guest)

So then the flip side of either of those is the divine feminine. She is very intuitive. She's very open to receiving very heart lead. And, you know, I mean, she might not always be on time.

Laura Milne (Guest)

She's often not because she's you know, she's kind of in that flow state, but just very heart centered, like really in that compassion, compassionate zone. And then the divine masculine is very linear thinking, very wise, direction orientated. And so, you know, we need to have both that divine, masculine and divine feminine energy working together. And for me, a really great analogy is if you think about like I live in Calgary, so like the Rocky Mountains are just right next to me.

Laura Milne (Guest)

You know, the mountain itself, the rock, that's the masculine. It's strong. It's sturdy. It's stable. It is it is the earth. And it's like piercing up into the sky. And it's something that you can tangibly climb and reach the summit. The feminine is everything that covers the mountain. It's the the trees, the the plants, the animals, the wind, the water. Like it's all the movement. Right. And you have to have both.

Laura Milne (Guest)

If it was just a mountain on its own, just be a big hunk of rock sitting there. Ugly, right. And then but then you need that luscious feminine life. Right. To cover it, to make the two things work together, to create that ecosystem.

Candice (Host)

And so do you think as entrepreneurs, you know, we sort of are always seeking that harmonious dichotomy, but we sort of bounce around where we might have a shadow version of one or the other and we might be in harmony in one part. And so it's just kind of trying to elevate ourselves to be harmonious between the two.

Betsy (Guest)

I actually think the misconception is, is that we're trying to seek perfection in business, and I say that and I don't say that lightly because I've actually never talked about this on our podcast.

Betsy (Guest)

So you're getting new stuff here. But I think that that women in particular, we strive for perfection, right? We want to be seen as strong. We want to be seen as capable. We want to be seen as able to do it all that we're successful. Those are all masculine traits. And so this is where nurturing and our conditioning start to come into play because like at our core, as feminine beings, we're seeking love. We're seeking to be loved and to be safe.

Betsy (Guest)

We want to feel safe in the work that we're doing, but we're conditioned from a very young age to actually go out and chase all these externals, the masculine and everybody has masculine and feminine energy. Your husband has it. Your brother has it, like everybody at your dad has it. We all have this dance between masculine and feminine happening. And so when we seek to find perfect harmony or perfect balance between the masculine and feminine, we're chasing perfectionism, which is actually a wounded masculine trait.

Candice (Host)

My Enneagram three is coming out where I'm like, I want to be in harmony. So how do I get both equally perfect so that I could be in my flow and be, you know, the perfect balance of both? What you're telling me is, is that in that thought, I'm not there.

Candice (Host)

So I need to sort of release that

Betsy (Guest)

it's not you know, I think it's I think I you know, it's so fascinating because I think that when we chase perfectionism, like I'm a recovering perfectionist, I still have my moments. I'm in Enneagram for so like I'm very much like analytical. And, you know, I think when we're chasing perfection, we're actually spending a lot of time and energy on things that we don't need to. And so that's where the divine feminine, she wants to be free.

Betsy (Guest)

She wants to be able to create and do and be out there and just feeling the flow of energy. But we are taught from a very young age that you wake up, you go to work, you go to school, you eat. At this time, you do this, you choose this. And that's where those external markers start coming in the feminine. I think you don't really see the results in the feminine the way you do in the masculine, like the masculine, because they are all external goals.

Betsy (Guest)

It's easy to chase them. But the real question is, when you get to the goal, how do you feel? Yeah, yeah. And if we can tap into how we feel when we get there and not I don't know if I can swear, but like puke shit on ourselves when we get there. The feminine you can tell if you're feminine is not being honored. If you achieve the goal and you're like, well that wasn't well that's not what I expected because we're not top down emotionally.

Betsy (Guest)

We're being cool in that moment. And so I think for women, you know, it's really about honoring the intention behind why you're doing something. It's really about tapping into the feelings behind. And do you feel like your cup is being filled up by the work that you're doing, or do you feel like you're just being completely drained? And I think that's where the that's where the cool bit of harmony. I can tell you, like most days now, I'm equally in my masculine and feminine.

Betsy (Guest)

But I also know there are times in the day where I have to be in my masculine and it's a very small pocket of time. And then there's times where I have to be in my feminine and again, very small pockets of time. And then the rest of the day I get to dance back and forth between the two and see what unfolds during the day. That makes a lot of sense. So there's no pressure on me to be perfect all day long and to be in one energy.

Betsy (Guest)

It's like, OK, I'm going to honor this for a bit. I'm going to honor that for a bit. And then like, let's see what magic unfolds for the rest of the day.

Candice (Host)

That makes a lot of sense. And as a I don't know if I'm a recovering perfectionist, I would say I'm an active perfectionist. It makes a lot of sense. You've given me a lot to think about. I want to switch gears and talk about the moon, because Betsy has been studying the moon for over thirty years. And I recently bought some of my very first crystals right before covid, I would say like in January. And when they were sold to me, I was that it was told by the salesperson, there's going to be a full moon, like you need to put them outside, like you need to charge them.

Candice (Host)

And I'm thinking, what? I bought the other side. It yeah.

I mean, it's this is a really big old crystal just on this.

Candice (Host)

I know this is a really big crystals, very phallic. And I said this crystal, I bought this to give me some big dick energy because I feel like I need that this year. And the salesperson said so much. You need to charge this when it's there's a full moon, like it came a long way and it had a big journey. And I just was thinking what it's like, I don't get any of this. I'm saying I'm exploring my woo side.

Candice (Host)

But I do understand, like lunar phases in the power of the moon that I do feel like I have a handle on. But talk to me. That's what I heard. I've heard that if if it's not worth knowing a. As you know about it, because you know a lot about lunar energy and all this stuff, so can you break this down for us and consider me and my listeners like real beginners here?

Betsy (Guest)

Of course. And thank you for saying that. Laura says that all the time. And I always blush like you'd think by now. I could receive that compliment fully. But still, they'll have this moment. I'm like, oh, can you still can I just ask even before I dig into this, what what stone is it? What crystal?

Candice (Host)

Is it OK? I don't know. It's clear. It's clear. And it has. And it was a company that came off a mother, Crystal and I got a whole story and I thought, wow, that's cool. But I don't know. I just have no idea.

Betsy (Guest)

OK, so if it's clear, it's most likely clear quartz and actually that is a amplifier when you're doing any sort of manifesting work. So, yes, I think it's awesome that you got one that is big because if you set an intention, I would actually say under a new moon, like put it underneath the crystal, let it sit on your desk or wherever you want to see it every day, and that will amplify the energy into the universe so that you can start manifesting that quicker.

Betsy (Guest)

But really, the gist, OK, everybody knows when a new moon and a full moon is, if your listeners don't, the new moon is when the sky is dark, where we don't see the moon fully in the sky. And a full moon is obviously the big white thing that we all look at. And we think it's so beautiful and we love it. The real energetics behind the lunar cycle and why we use the lunar cycle in our business, we've actually built our business practices around the lunar cycle is because diving even deeper into this masculine and feminine energy, masculine energy works on a twenty four hour cycle.

Betsy (Guest)

So our society is built in a patriarchal way around masculine energy, where the day Monday through Friday, it's a 24 hour cycle so men can reset their energy every twenty four hours. That's why, you know, they'll come home, they'll have a drink, they'll have dinner, they'll do their workout, go to bed like works for them. Women, on the other hand, because we are so lunar sensitive and we are connected to the moon in such a cool way, our energy cycle is actually twenty eight days, so it lines up with the cycle of the moon.

Betsy (Guest)

And what happens is with each of the phases we flip through masculine and feminine energy with each phase. So the sun is masculine energy. It represents like a constant source of light, a constant source of energy. The lunar cycle because the moon is like reflected what we see is reflected off its surface. It doesn't have its own light source. It's actually a cooler energy. So feminine energy is cooler, masculine energy is fiery. And then when you look at the lunar cycle, it's not the whole lunar cycle is actually to help.

Betsy (Guest)

It's it's considered feminine energy. But the new moon, first quarter, full moon and third quarter, those are all masculine phases, meaning we're being invited to take action. So writing lunar intention's creating to do list at first quarter full moon, you're releasing anything that's not working with your intention that you've set for the month of the goal that you're trying to reach, like you let go of any limiting beliefs that you have. And then third quarter is really about receiving, like harvesting the work that you've done.

Betsy (Guest)

So it's a really great time to launch, you know, open your doors to a program so you can receive money, receive new clients, and then the feminine phases which are waxing and waning crescent and then waxing and waning gibbous. Those are those are the feminine is truly feminine phases where we're actually invited to sort of slow down and pause and breathe and receive and get the downloads. And so those are the juicy phases where and I'm sure you've noticed this and I you know, I'd love to hear actually from you, but like we do, there's like days where you're just as a woman.

Betsy (Guest)

You're like, oh, man, I just don't want I don't really have that energy, like, I don't have the drive. And then there's other days where we're, like, super jazzed up and we can get into business and really get going. I'm curious if you have them

Candice (Host)

We need twenty eight days to reset, that makes a lot of sense because, you know, with menstruation and you did I am on a twenty day cycle religiously, thank God, 28 days.

Candice (Host)

But there's a whole cycle that's happening behind the scenes in those twenty eight days. And the older I get the more I get in tune with my energy, my boundaries leaning into when something feels really good versus when something doesn't feel good, respecting the fact that I might not be 100 percent and I don't need to be. Yeah, I can be 50 percent, 40 percent, zero percent and not be striving, achieving, being perfect. So the older I get the more I lean into that.

Candice (Host)

But I absolutely will say 100 percent that throughout the month there are days where I'm on fire that's usually like ovulation and then there are days where I am not on fire. And that is usually when ovulation is over and like the. Flow is coming to town, is what I'm I'm not 100 percent.

Betsy (Guest)

Yeah, and that's natural. And I think that really the lesson here, if you're listening to this and this is all new to you, you do not have to have your period on the new moon to be aligning your energy with the moon like that is that is actually number one that I wish all women would understand.

Betsy (Guest)

It's not about having your period on the new moon or the full moon. Those actually centuries and centuries of information about red tents and practices that have gone on for years, where you get your period actually says a lot about like the cycle of life that you're into this season of life that you're in. So like little girls way back in the red tent days, they would get their periods, like their first periods on the full moon. And the reason being is because New Moon represents the shadow work, the deeper work.

Betsy (Guest)

And so when if a girl got her period, when she was younger on the new moon, then there was a lot of darkness. And so it just happened to be like because women can cycle together. And if you're in a community that does the returns, like women will cycle together. But they wanted the little girls for the first couple of years not to be on the same cycle as the mothers like that was actually a good sign because then it was just released and they were stepping into being a woman.

Betsy (Guest)

So, like, there's a long history of it. And I hear so many women, like I get my period on the on the new moon. So I'm perfect. And it's not about perfection. Again, like perfectionism, ladies, that's masculine and really step into embracing and receiving the gift that our body is giving us, the information that our energy is giving us, and then also the support that we're getting from the lunar cycle. And what that can tell us about our body is the support.

Candice (Host)

I like that. I like seeing it as a support system and maybe in understanding what the universe has in store for you and what your body is trying to tell you and how you can proceed forward and make decisions and all of that. So how do we condense this for anybody listening who's like this is interesting, but it's also a lot I don't understand some of these terms. And I'm interested, though, in learning more about the moon cycles and how I can learn more about them to learn more about my own intuition and self is you guys have a resource or anything that we can check out?

Laura Milne (Guest)

Yeah, we do. Yeah. So we well, I mean, we do actually teach this very in depth in our in our moon goddess program. But we have a free lunar guide that we we provide is available to anyone off our website right now is the current twenty twenty lunar guide. And we updated every year. And, you know, I would just say to, to add to that like baby steps, a lot of times women we first started talking to them about the moon.

Laura Milne (Guest)

Everyone was like, oh my God, tell me more, tell me more. And it's, you know, the moon and the lunar cycle is inherently abundant. Yeah. And and the other reason that we love using the lunar cycle is that you can you know, each month, you know, the intention you set, the limiting beliefs you release, what you work through, what you what you are opening yourself up to, receiving it layers on top of the last cycle, in the last cycle, and then on and on and on.

Laura Milne (Guest)

So you're always building towards something. You know, we are we really don't like New Year's resolutions like that. It's cute if you want to send a New Year's resolution on January 1st. But like, it really it means nothing.

Laura Milne (Guest)

We we really follow the lunar cycle because whether it's a New Year's resolution or, you know, you know, a big annual goal that you're setting for your business, what often happens is people set set that goal. And within a month or even sometimes just a few weeks, it's you've lost that fire, you've lost that energy and and you feel like you're going sideways for sure. So the lunar cycle is such an incredible framework and a structure to guide you through the masculine the feminine energy to guide you through your own as a woman, your own individual cycle of energy each month so you can you know, you can work on you might have a goal that could be achieved within a single lunar cycle.

Laura Milne (Guest)

There are other things, though, particularly in business, where it might require maybe six lunar cycles to for that that big vision that you have to come to fruition. And that's OK. The lunar cycle, you know, bite sized pieces that out for you so you can just do one lunar cycle and then build on it and then build on it and build on it. And so that's why we have the twenty twenty lunar guides so that you can start to just ease yourself into it.

Laura Milne (Guest)

And, you know, every lunar cycle, you'll just learn that a little bit more, a little bit more, get more in sync with it. And it's just again is inherently abundant. You get to grow with them.

Candice (Host)

I love when we can set goals or set intentions and give ourselves smaller chunks of time to try to accomplish them or to try to see them to fruition. So I love this twenty eight day cycle. I'm going to just sort of throw something out there.

Candice (Host)

I'm curious what your latest opinions are. So what we're talking about is something that humankind has followed and studied for thousands and thousands of years. Right. So exactly what we're discussing is sort of how we lived our lives. For thousands of years and we've come to a place where some of these ideas or these truths are rejected now people are sort of like, well, you know, science or or their own opinions, they sort of reject some of these notions.

Candice (Host)

So for thousands of years, we lived our life by the moon, the stars, certain pieces of intuition. And these days I feel like people have just kind of separated themselves from Mother Nature in that way and how they live their lives, would you guys say that. That's right. Wrong. What are your opinions on that?

Betsy (Guest)

Oh, it is one hundred percent true. You just opened Pandora's box, you know? Well, it's actually a really great question.

Betsy (Guest)

And yes, for thousands of years, this was revered. The real split started happening actually during the Roman Empire. And if you look at the astrological calendar, so like we're in the age of Aquarius right now, but before that, we were in Aries. And when you look at before that, I don't remember off the top of my head, but basically the astrological calendar, it goes backwards and it sort of circles kind of like the moon does, right.

Betsy (Guest)

Like it's got a cycle.

Betsy (Guest)

And so when when the Romans took over and we, you know, it became more about the military and it was patriarchal, then the everything that we're talking about, this centuries old women, matriarchal society, they repressed us and they pushed us down and they took our traditions. And so women would practice on their own. And this is where you got things like the Salem witch trials and you get persecution over the years of women. And all of a sudden, you know, you're studying the moon and you're a witch and like you're going to get burned at the stake.

Betsy (Guest)

And that's not really the truth. But these these concepts have been passed down generationally in secret to kids and to their thing, to their grandkids. And I think the cool thing, or I think we're women in particular, really went in the wrong direction or we got pushed in the wrong direction. During World War One and World War Two, women were invited into the workforce. Right. So men went off to war. And who ran society? Women did.

Betsy (Guest)

Our grandmothers, our great grandmothers. And so what happened in those moments were and during that time was that women were taken out of the home and they were invited into the workforce. And so we had this whole new opportunity opened up to us. But at the same breath, we went from having like an energetic cycle that was a little bit I'm not going to say it's slower. Like I'm not diminishing the work that women do at home under any circumstances.

Betsy (Guest)

I think women in the home have a great deal of responsibility. But then they were juggling home life and work life. And you can actually pinpoint, like in the 60s, female issues actually start getting worse in the 60s. And women who are trying to balance being mothers and working, they ran into problems. And so women also as a whole. And collectively, if you look at the feminism movement of the 60s and 70s in the era and like all the things that happened and what we've what we've been fighting for, the right to vote, the right to have equal pay, I mean, this all does come from the patriarchal paradigm that we've been living in for the last like five hundred years.

Betsy (Guest)

And so I think now, you know, 2012, as we move back into the age of Aquarius, it is a very feminine, enlightened state. I think that's why people are talking more about crystals, are talking more about the moon, they're talking more about Wu. And we're embracing the older traditions, not because. We lost them along the way, but I think that there is this deep resonating energy within women that, like what we're doing isn't working and it's killing us and it's just draining us and we don't want to feel drained anymore.

Betsy (Guest)

So I like teaching the moon a business because I have been in that masculine world. I worked in New York City for like a long time, over a decade. And I, you know, like why at 35 was I so burned out and thinking I was going to die because I had migraines every day. It was because I wasn't honoring my energy system. I was trying to live in a masculine world. And I think women now are seeing like we want to be wives, mothers, sisters.

Betsy (Guest)

You know, good people in this world that feel energetically supported, and that's why I think it's coming to the surface now, I think that's why people are talking about it. And plus, we're in a astrologically speaking. We're in a time where people are more open to it, including men.

Betsy (Guest)

And the craziest thing is like the only way that men can heal themselves, the only way that the patriarchy can heal themselves is if men do this feminine work, the shadow in their feminine side and to heal their own feminine energy and the way that they can feel their feminine energy is through women. So I think as leaders, as business owners, you know, embracing this conversation and having this conversation, we really need to be digging into it because that's how we're going to heal.

Betsy (Guest)

The world is through feminine energy. Yeah.

Betsy (Guest)

Period. Full stop.

Candice (Host)

You know, it's interesting, I think for those who are even more curious, they can go and sort of do their own research and work and just understanding the principles that you're teaching, the tools that you're giving us today, how they've been around for since we recorded history. Really. Right. And so what we're learning here isn't new necessarily for a lot of people who have lived their life without this connection or without being taught this or, you know, without having this being a part of their lives is going to feel really foreign.

Candice (Host)

But it's actually something that's kind of been ingrained in us as a species since we could talk about it. So very interesting. I you know, I see this and I'm buying into it because I can. I not a woo person, but I'm I'm with you guys in a lot of a lot of different ways here because I can see the older I get, I can see the connections and I can see how this manifests in my own life. It definitely has me really curious what I'm curious.

Candice (Host)

I want to know all the things. So like I'm signing up for your coaching program because I'm like you tell me all the things about the moon and I can see how I can not perfectly, but how I can understand it better to understand myself and my life and all that kind of stuff. So I think that we really should look for tools that could help us in our lives, whether that's business, whether that's personal, whether that's relationships to create a better understanding and better harmony in our lives.

Laura Milne (Guest)

You know, I really love that you said that. And I would just add that, you know, once upon a time, I mean, I we say that we're very were woo woo coaches, that there's this, you know, balance of or harmony of, you know, strategy in our business, but also soulfulness. And when I first started, I would say four or five years ago, I mean, I, I really wasn't into the Woo at all.

Laura Milne (Guest)

And I didn't know very much about the moon.

Laura Milne (Guest)

And I have a very much came along, but I have a very science based background, like I have a I have a college degree in microbiology. And then I did became a pediatric nurse. So I was very much science based.

Laura Milne (Guest)

And I will also say that, you know, I grew up going to church and my family's not super religious, but I really pulled away from organized religion in my early 20s. And I, you know, would label myself as an atheist at that time. But then, you know, around the time that we started doing this, we started building, building on the podcast and then building out the business. I really dug into it because I felt disconnected and I couldn't quite figure out from what.

Laura Milne (Guest)

And the moon was a great way for me to get reconnected with myself, my soul, my purpose, and then also with just the natural world like this, this beautiful earth that we live in, in this universe that we're in and the humanity that I'm connected to. And, you know, my my ego, my old closed off ego didn't want to accept Woo Woo because it seemed silly and I couldn't understand it. But the moon was actually the perfect introduction for me because it's both very science based and then also very spiritual.

Laura Milne (Guest)

I mean, you know, the the the energy of the moon pulls the tides of the ocean. I'm Betsy Gardens by the moon. She plants and harvest based on the phases of the moon. The Farmer's Almanac is based on the lunar cycle. I mean, we actually have in our society for thousands of years used the moon and used the science of of those cycles. And then we just kind of forgot about it. You know, we just sort of pushed it to the side and said, well, that's that's not relevant anymore.

Laura Milne (Guest)

But there's actually a lot of really tangible science there. And that was sort of you know, it was enough of a of an open door, an open window for me to step into it and start exploring it further, both on a surface level of, you know, the science and the energy of that cycle and how that links up with my biological my body cycle. And then to take it to the next step of like, what does this mean for me spiritually?

Laura Milne (Guest)

What does this mean in terms of the purpose of my life and what it is that I the impact that I want to create in the world? That to me is why it's been it's been such a transformative tool. And I mean, we do we use it with our clients very much as. Both a spiritual healing tool, I mean, Betsy has used it to work through some horrific traumas, to work through post traumatic stress, to work through, you know, panic attacks and anxiety, as have I.

Laura Milne (Guest)

So we use it as a spirit, as a healing tool. But then we can also use it very much as like a tangible business tool like we do.

Laura Milne (Guest)

You can plan a launch around the moon and you can plan how you want to redesign your website or create a new mastermind or launch a podcast or whatever. Like it works for both. And I think that's why it's so exciting, because it just keeps it simple and keeps it in alignment with our body cycle instead of trying to, you know, outcompete whatever else is going on in the external world.

Candice (Host)

I'm ready to go back to some of my launches and see when they fell in the lunar cycle to see.

Candice (Host)

If there's any information I can look back like in retrospect, to see if there's anything I can learn from that, but you guys are talking about trauma, and I know that you help women work through trauma and to heal themselves while simultaneously building a multiple six figure business. I know that you women have done that. And so I'd love to hear more about this from your perspective and maybe what our listeners can do.

Betsy (Guest)

Well, I think that the the biggest misconception and the biggest lesson that I've learned along the way is that you have to heal yourself first before you are capable of doing the thing that you want to do. I think when you can align your purpose with. The work that you have to do on yourself, you actually amplify your ability to heal and move through it in a different way. So for me, when I was 19, I was raped by a stranger.

Betsy (Guest)

He followed me home from a party. I was drunk. He came into my house and he assaulted me in a very not nice way. And I wasn't believed after the fact. I didn't know his name. I went to the cops. I was in the hospital like there was all these things that happened. And I locked that trauma away in a very visceral, like tiny little box. And about eight or nine years ago, that box opened up because the universe was like, you got to deal with this because it's actually holding you back in your life.

Betsy (Guest)

And the way that that trauma manifested for me, especially in business, was I could not be seen. I didn't want anyone to look at me. I didn't want to take a picture. I didn't want to be on video. I was so afraid of anybody seeing me. And yet I had this purpose. I was going to heal other women. Right. I had this, like, mission. I wanted to talk about business. I wanted to be helping women start businesses.

Betsy (Guest)

And that is it's called cognitive dissonance. Like we're getting more into the science of what all these things are called. So it's not just like, whew, it's like, whew, based on science, but cognitive dissonance is when you have to separate belief systems that are fighting with each other, that's resistance. And so for me, it was like I had this vision of what my future was going to look like and what I wanted my life to look like.

Betsy (Guest)

And yet I was in the throes of PTSD, daily panic attacks. I can't tell you how many interviews we did that first year where I would get off and be like sucking air or like crying with my mic on mute because I was being triggered by these conversations. But again, and yet I had this purpose and I knew that I was doing it for something bigger. And so I think when you look at your your life and the events that have happened to you, I mean, nobody deserves to be tied up and raped in their own house, like under any circumstances.

Betsy (Guest)

And for a long time, I was a victim to that night. But really, when you when you find your purpose and you find that thing that you're passionate about, it's amazing what you are capable of doing. And for me, it was baby steps. It was like, OK, I can't take a picture, but I can use my voice, so let's use my voice. And that's why we started with a podcast. And six months into it, laws like I need a freakin selfie.

Betsy (Guest)

She did this to me last night. She's like, I need a selfie of you.

Betsy (Guest)

And I'm like, OK, well, I haven't actually taken a photo of myself in the last three months and, you know, like just stuff like that. And you learn along the way how to step, like my biggest piece of advice to anyone who's listening to this, who suffered a trauma, who's like, yeah, I really want I've got something bigger. I just don't know where I'm too afraid to do it. Find that one thing that is just slightly outside your comfort zone that you're still kind of comfortable, but it's scary and exciting and like do that first.

Betsy (Guest)

And once you get comfortable there, then it's like, OK, what's the next step? And so for me, first it was podcasting, then it was taking a selfie, then it was I didn't do actually a video until Laura and I met in real life. And we did the first couple of videos together. I needed her there for me. And again, I couldn't have done the podcast by myself. So I picked Laura. Right, like I found the person that I could do it with because I knew that she brought strengths that I just didn't have and I could tap into that.

Betsy (Guest)

And then I had strengths that she struggled with. And so I was like, let's bring that together. That's how our partnership started. So it's really, you know, just a little bit micro action stuff, a little bit outside your comfort zone. Get comfortable there and then stretch yourself again and it happens.

Candice (Host)

I feel like it's also interesting to see how a trauma manifests and certain parts of your life that maybe you wouldn't expect it to.

Betsy (Guest)

So this I thought it was totally not related to business at all. And Laura was the one that for a year she just pulled that thread for me. And she's like, you know what? This is holding us back in business. You have to tell your story. And I was like, no, no, no, it has nothing to do with business. Like, nobody wants to hear a sad story about me. And that was that was me traumatized, right?

Betsy (Guest)

Like, oh, my sad story. But in reality, telling that story, like our business blew up after I told my story and I really was able to release it and create the space because the trauma itself, I mean, started going off on a tangent here, but like the divine feminine, it starts in our cycle and that's really where all the creativity lies. And so a trauma like mine lives in my sacred chakra. And so I wasn't actually fully able to receive all the divine downloads and and the work that I was creating because I had so much trauma built up in that chakra.

Betsy (Guest)

And so for me, telling the story that that began the healing process for my scroll and, you know, things unfolded from there. But I think women we hold you know, we make babies are sacred chakras, basically our uterus. Right. Like we make babies are where all our creativity comes from. So, yeah, we got to we got to open ourselves up. And it's hard, really hard something. But it does he did it did hold us back in business for a long time, actually.

Candice (Host)

You just don't expect, I guess, certain traumas to manifest in certain areas of your life. But maybe the universe sends us a signal. Maybe therapy helps to draw it out. I think all of us are on different paths and how we heal those traumas. But there comes a moment where you trip over the truth about how something from your past is manifesting in your life in certain areas. Right. And once you can see that a past trauma is hurting you still and maybe hurting you in places that you didn't expect, then you can sort of start to move forward in thinking, how can I buy, bite by bite, work through this so that this doesn't limit me from what I'm destined to do, who I want to become or, you know, who I am already?

Laura Milne (Guest)

Mm hmm. Yeah. I mean, that's really why we believe so wholeheartedly in, you know, you can do the healing and build the business, build a lucrative business like in lockstep together. Yeah. And, you know, I mean, we've you just when you said that you reminded me of a client we had last year, that, you know, it turns out there was she had a past trauma from of bullying in high school. And I mean, that was probably more than 10 years ago for her.

Laura Milne (Guest)

But there was you know, we were working on a piece in her business where there was like a new program she was trying to build out and launch. And she just wasn't quite pulling the trigger on it. And there was just something there was like something kept getting hiccuped and it wasn't moving, progressing forward. So, you know, it's really was a prime example.

Laura Milne (Guest)

Like, you can have all the strategy in the world and women often come to us for we want systems and strategy. And like, yes, we have systems and strategy. You don't build a multiple six figure business without those things. So we can teach all those things. But we're also going to do some deeper digging into what the, you know, the social side of you that needs to get healed. Because as soon as we dug into that trauma she had around being bullied, we did some work there.

Laura Milne (Guest)

Then all of a sudden, boom, things opened up. She understood why she was holding herself back in her business. That limiting belief got released and then her launch happened. Boom, just like that. It all took off. So, you know, often we like because in the masculine world, we're told that it's all external. And if a launch fails or you didn't make the the sales goal you wanted to make, well, it's because of, you know, again, something else external.

Laura Milne (Guest)

And that's rarely the case in our experience. It's usually there's something internal that needs to be worked on. And then once you release that, then you can receive on the other side.

Candice (Host)

Yeah, I would agree with you having launched a few times myself. The most successful launch that I ever had was when I fully released my expectations and I just showed up as myself wanting to help and wanting to serve and everything changed for me there. Everything I let go of all my limiting beliefs. You're not good enough. You don't know what you're doing. You're not worthy. And I like all those things. Right. Let them go. I just showed up as myself.

Candice (Host)

But what I loved about what you just said, Laura was in lock step. So, so often we believe that we have to have the thing figured out. We have to conquer the thing before we can move forward. And you're encouraging us to do it in lock step with whatever it is we're trying to do. So not having everything all figured out and all fixed and all wrapped up and, you know, put away. But instead of taking it bite by bite and doing it simultaneously, growing the business and healing the trauma.

Betsy (Guest)

I love that I just want to jump in here because it's so funny as I'm listening to you, so like Laura is constantly seeking the how like that is her lesson in life, like she got in patients. Yes. She just it's like her mind immediately goes to how my mind actually works the opposite of Laura. So, like, I have no problem with how I have a problem tapping into the masculine the feminine side, like the emotion behind why I'm doing something.

Betsy (Guest)

So somebody comes to me with a problem. I'm very much like, you know, oh yeah, I can do that. Like, whatever. I got this, like, don't worry about it. So I think recognizing that everyone is different in how we approach things. But if you are constantly going to the how like how am I going to do this if you're spending a lot of time in there, you know, the best piece of advice that we can give somebody is like hire a coach.

Betsy (Guest)

How am I going to do this? Don't let the house stop you from stepping in, because the people that have walked the path before you, they can show you the way. And if you can find a coach that resonates with you and that can guide you, it's going to it's going to speed up your growth trajectory so fast. Like, the first thing we did when we launched our first product is we immediately reinvested in a coach because we knew, like together we were strong.

Betsy (Guest)

But with somebody guiding us, we were even stronger. And so I think as women, you know, it's a very masculine thing to go out and get a coach.

Betsy (Guest)

But at the same time, I think as women, you know, your time is so valuable.

Betsy (Guest)

Don't don't spend it like the wounded feminine will spin in. Oh, no. How do I do this? What do I do, you know? And then we end up giving too much we give too much to for free because we think, oh, it's not working well. They need to see the value in the worthiness and honestly hire a coach if you're struggling with the how right now, because that will get you immediately out of it.

Candice (Host)

And so true, the fastest the fastest way to get to where you want to go is to align yourself with somebody who's been there before. Yeah. So if you want to get to a certain place in your life or in your career, the fastest way to do that is to literally hire somebody who's been wherever it is that you want to go and who's willing to sort of give you the pathway there that you can take and eliminate the how, how, how, because unfortunately, there's just so much information out there and we get lost in the how we go down a rabbit hole of learning this.

Candice (Host)

And then we discover we need to learn this and then we discover we need to learn this. And before you know it, we've learned a lot, but we've done zero. Yes, right. So and I mean, we've all been there. So I speak from experience. Right. Personal experience. Well, I have loved this conversation so much. Laura and Betsy, I want to ask you two questions that we ask of every guest that comes on the show.

Candice (Host)

The first is who inspires you with their purpose? Who's out there every day living and working and just being themselves on purpose?

Laura Milne (Guest)

Well, mind I say this all the time, Sara Blakely. I absolutely adore her. And you know, what I think I love about her is she just has such like a like vibrant energy. You know, when I watch her in her and she's also I just like that she's just such a real mom like you. You watch on her insta stories and she's got four crazy kids and the husband, who she calls her her fifth kid and they're, you know, doing silly adventures in their RV or, you know, or she's at Spanx headquarters working on a new product.

Laura Milne (Guest)

And whatever it is, she's just has such like joyful, excited energy. She laughs. And to me, that's really where she shines as a leader is like she just brings that energy to everyone else. And and then she hires out the right people who know how to how to get it done. And that really inspires me like she really is about how she makes people feel, how she wants women to feel about themselves. And in that way, I see how she's helping others to rise up.

Laura Milne (Guest)

So she's my favorite.

Candice (Host)

I love that we stan her around here. So that's a great answer.

Betsy (Guest)

And mine right now is RBG. Good old Ruth. I friggin love her. And I think the reason that she resonates, I mean, I think has a lot to do with what's happening in the world right now. But I recently read a quote, and this is why she's been at the top of my mind. It was like, you know, the it shouldn't be up to an eighty seven year old woman to shoulder the responsibility of our country right now.

Betsy (Guest)

And there's just something about that, like her ability to get up every morning and workout with her trainer and like, you know, do Stephen Colbert and get him to do her workout in him. He's just like, oh my God, this is hard. You know, there's just something so incredible about a woman who is aligned with her purpose, who doesn't give up, who keeps fighting. Like, you know, I know we want to be soft as women and it's not our job to be strong, but I think she's just the representation for me right now.

Betsy (Guest)

If someone who uses her, her station and her her position with so much grace and just so in alignment with who she is and she's just a fighter that I love so that she's my two chick at the moment.

Candice (Host)

Yeah, well, we stan her around here as well. So close to two great women to wonderful answers, my next question is, how has purpose changed your life in your business? So let's just say before that D.M. Exchange took place.

Candice (Host)

And then we fast forward to today where you guys are leading women, you're helping women, and you're doing it together. How is your life changed?

Betsy (Guest)

Oh, my God, like night and day. Yeah, I think I begin I know it's interesting as I'm listening to you say that, you know, again, we started this whole thing with, like, make a list and a body of evidence. When I think back to my life five years ago and four years ago when Laura came into it, I mean, it's night and day.

Betsy (Guest)

Like, I honestly can't even begin to tell you how different my life is. And I think that for me personally, I mean, this has been such a wild adventure the last four years. But I feel like we're just getting started and I can't wait to see what unfolds. To me, anything is possible now because I have experienced what I experienced in the last four years. So I don't even know how to answer that question other than like I'm excited for the future because night and day, like, completely different lives altogether.

Betsy (Guest)

I don't even know that girl from four years ago. Really. Wow. So I was propitiating. Yeah.

Laura Milne (Guest)

I would, I would say the same thing for me would I. You know, what's changed for me is five years ago I had just had a new baby and was, you know, launching a network marketing business that I really didn't know what I was doing. All I knew was I didn't want to do house parties and I didn't want to do them. I didn't want to do it in any kind of sleazy way that I was watching other people do.

Laura Milne (Guest)

So I, you know, figured out how to do Instagram and figured out how to build a personal brand and create contact, you know, content and connections in in a really authentic way. But even still, at that time, I was mostly focused on, like, how do I build this for myself and for my daughter? What and what's really evolved for me is that a bigger piece of my purpose. And this is actually like others, the whole of the conversation with my like my human design.

Laura Milne (Guest)

But, you know, like my I have like a transpersonal purpose with my human design as a generator. And I really, really see that now that, you know, I am meant to be around other people and be connected with other people and help allow myself to be an energy source for others to help them move forward. And I actually, you know, I my energy fuels by being around others. And so that is how I think I've grown.

Laura Milne (Guest)

And my purpose is like I see how important it is for me to create that impact for other people and to be in community.

Candice (Host)

Yeah, so much has changed for both of you ladies. Can you imagine if the universe sort of never brought you together on Instagram, if you never ran across each other or if you did, but nobody took that first step to be like, hey, weird, we have the same last name.

Yeah, I can imagine, I can't imagine, and it's so the interesting thing was, so Laura was the first time that I ever got and I saw it and I read it and I was like, oh, my gosh, this is cool.

Betsy (Guest)

And she's from Calgary and like, my family's from Medicine Hat. And like there were all these, like, little itty bitty threads. But I lost it. I lost the D.M. I had never had another done before, so I didn't even know how to find it again because there was no, like, red thing shining in the little corner on Instagram. And I think that, you know, you may think that you're missing an opportunity or if you don't take action right away, then it's going to disappear for you.

Betsy (Guest)

And really, the lesson there is be willing to pull the threads, like be willing to take a chance, be willing to stay open. She was the first person like I didn't get on phone calls with strangers at that point in my life, like I'm in the throes of having a nervous breakdown, you know? And yet there was something about her that I was like, yeah, OK. And I let it build. And I think patience is really the key to that is everything's happening for us.

Betsy (Guest)

It's not happening to us. It's happening for us. And it's going to happen when the time is right. And I quote, Yeah, yeah, everything is happening for us. Not to us. Yeah, yeah. That. I just love your story.

Candice (Host)

Ladies, I have so enjoyed this conversation. We've gone way over time, but it was so worth it. I learned so much. I am definitely going to be downloading your lunar guide.

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