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7 Easy Ways to Market Your Wedding Planning Business Consistently During Peak Season

May 31, 2023

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We all know that the wedding industry is saturated. That doesn't mean there is no space for YOU, but it does mean that you cannot afford to let your marketing efforts slide during wedding season. As your business coach, it's my job to make sure that you know how important it is to keep promoting your business, no matter how swamped you are with wedding preparations. 

And listen – as a wedding planner for over 10 years – I KNOW how swamped you are. 

While even in the midst of wedding chaos, you should strategically carve out time to focus on your marketing activities, in today's blog post, I'm going to share some tips on how you can make it easier to keep your marketing consistent during peak season.

a wedding planner coach shares tips to market your wedding planning business during busy season

Develop an Editorial Calendar That You Can Rinse and Repeat

An editorial calendar is like a roadmap for your marketing efforts. It allows you to plan out your content strategy in advance, so you're not scrambling to come up with ideas at the last minute. Plus, it saves you time in the long run by streamlining your workflow and keeping your focus on what's important – creating content that resonates with your target audience.

As a wedding planner, you know that every detail counts, and your marketing efforts are no exception. An editorial calendar provides a level of organization that is essential to having a successful marketing campaign. It can also help you to keep track of your progress and see what's working and what's not. And hey, if you want a done-for-your marketing calendar each month, that's just ONE of the features we include inside the Planner's Playbook each month.

Try to Find Methods to Create Content Quickly, Such as Using Templates

Creating marketing content can feel like a tedious and time-consuming task, especially during wedding season. With that said, there are many, many templates available now to save time and make your life easier!

Canva has so many stunning free templates, or you can head to Creative Market to find a more branded option. Either way, find something that you can easily customize to your brand colors and fonts.

Apart from social media templates, you can also consider using content templates and social media writing prompts. From blog post headlines to email subject lines, content templates will give you a jumpstart in crafting quality content that speaks to your audience. When you are feeling uninspired, tools like ChatGPT can also help you brainstorm content ideas!

As a wedding planner, your job is to create unforgettable and meaningful experiences for your clients, which means that you are in the perfect position to tell stories. People connect emotionally with stories, which makes them a powerful tool for building relationships with your audience. Sharing stories of couples you've worked with, vendors you love, or even your personal journey as a wedding planner can help you showcase your expertise and build an authentic connection with your followers.

It can also be done “on the fly” in Instagram stories!

Trust me – both your current and future couples will LOVE those off-the-cuff moments and the behind-the-scenes. Plus – they are easy to fit into your schedule – you can share them from the parking lot after you left your client's final planning meeting.

Another way to connect with your audience is by sharing the stories of vendors you love. Share the work of your favorite florist, photographer, or caterer, and explain why you love working with them. Highlighting their strengths and success stories can help elevate their businesses while also showing your followers that you value collaboration and appreciate the hard work of other wedding professionals.

Film B Roll Content During Your Next Brand Photoshoot

We all know how fast-paced and hectic the day-to-day can get, especially when you're working on multiple weddings at once. Sometimes, it can be hard to find the time to create content for Instagram stories or reels, but that doesn't mean you have to miss out on sharing your work with your audience. If you haven't yet, start capturing B-roll content to share with your audience!

The best part? You don't even need to be the one posting the footage. If you're too busy to capture every moment, don't forget that you can always enlist the help of your assistant to capture B-roll footage on the day, and then ask them to help you turn it into social media content later. This way, you get the content you need to create visually stunning social media content, without compromising on your work or sacrificing your time during a busy wedding season.

Repurpose Past Content

With so many events to plan and execute, finding time to create original marketing content can feel like yet another item on an ever-growing to-do list. While I genuinely hope the tips I'm sharing today make it easier, I also want to help you release the pressure to continually produce fresh content and add more stress to your already busy schedule.

Here's a little tip: Not everything needs to be original! The good news is that reusing content not only saves time but also extends the life of your marketing message. If you have a blog post or social media post that performed well in the past, update it and share it again. Chances are that not all of your followers saw the post the first time around, and even if they did, it's a good reminder of what your brand and business have to offer.

By investing time and effort into creating quality, evergreen content, you can save time and still provide your followers with value. It's a smart way to stay on top of your marketing game while focusing on what you do best: planning unforgettable weddings.

Tips for Repurposing Content

Repurposing content doesn't just mean copying and pasting. Although if you've been a business for a few years, go ahead and repost those old IG posts! Here are a few examples of ways you can repurpose your content during the wedding season.

  1. Update old blog posts and share them again. If you have a blog post from the past that performed well, consider updating it with new information or recent statistics, and share it again. This is an easy way to give your content a fresh perspective.
  2. Turn old blog posts into social media content. When you are stretched for ideas, why not turn that “5 steps to XYZ” blog post into an Instagram carousel? Or, pop on Instagram stories and save it to a highlight?
  3. Turn social media posts into blog posts. Do you have a popular Instagram post you love? Take a few minutes to dive in a little deeper and turn it into a blog post.
  4. Create a podcast or video series from existing content. You can use old blog posts or social media posts as the basis for a podcast or video series. This way, you can reach a new audience and breathe new life into your content. I'm actually doing this myself right now on Youtube!
  5. Create infographics from old blog posts.
  6. Repurpose old photos and videos for social media. Or, use the same caption for a new wedding photo!
  7. Create simple graphics with GIFs for quick easy ways to make older content more engaging

Embrace Automation

If you haven't committed to a social media scheduling tool yet, they will be your new secret weapon as they allow you to easily schedule and plan your posts, stories, and videos on Instagram. I personally use Plann, but I know that there are so many easy-to-use scheduling tools nowadays!

When planning your marketing content, it's not an IF but a WHEN you will forget to post for weeks (or months) during the wedding season. No matter how much you prepare, there will always be distractions and last-minute emergencies. By leveraging an automation tool, you'll have more time and energy to focus on what you do best – designing stunning and unforgettable weddings WHILE still staying consistent on social media.

Feeling ambitious? You can plan out your social media content weeks or even months in advance, ensuring that your posts are thoughtfully curated and aligned with your brand. Plus, by spacing posts out appropriately, there will still be PLENTY of opportunity to post on the fly as you start to get wedding galleries back!

a light and airy office of a wedding planner

Ready to Stay Consistent and Market Your Wedding Planning Business?

Staying consistent with your marketing is vital for the success of your wedding planning business, even during peak season. By developing an editorial calendar (or using the one inside the Planner's Playbook each month), using templates, telling stories, filming B-roll content, repurposing your past content, and embracing automation, you can maintain your marketing efforts without sacrificing the quality of your services.

Remember, your marketing is an investment in the future of your business, and it shouldn't stop just because you're immersed in wedding season (even though it can be hard!). Keep pushing forward, stay connected with your target audience, and you'll reap the rewards both now and in the long run. I will be cheering you on in the meantime!

Marketing is Just ONE Piece of a Profitable Wedding Business

If you know you need to stay consistent, and want some expert guidance on building a wedding business that truly stands out (and gets you paid!), I want to invite you to hop on the waitlist for the Planner’s Playbook now. You know that running a business is about more than just learning how to market your wedding planning business. Inside this monthly membership, I show you EVERYTHING you need to know to design, plan, and execute your dream weddings. And each month, I create a completely DFY marketing plan with content ideas and hot blog post topics. Hop on the waitlist for extra perks now.

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Cheers to Fridays, Aperol Spritzes, new friends and summer vibes ✨ 

just a reminder that I have 4 amazing episodes waiting for you on my podcast all about email marketing, so you can get back to having fun on Instagram ✨🫶🏼 

Imagine if you didn’t stress out so much about your marketing because you diversified your sales funnel with more sustainable strategies like email marketing? 

maybe you could just enjoy social media a little more and stress about it a little less. 


#aperolspritz🍹 #fridayintroductions #summervibes #flodesk #candicecoppola #weddingindustry #weddingindustryexperts #weddingpros #weddingprofessionals
Selling is usually hard for everyone. We feel “icky” when we sell, and many of us don’t want to feel pushy or like we are bothering other people with our services/offers. But selling is important. Like, really freaking important. lol

This week, I’m teaching you a selling model that I created for my marketing. Yes, even I struggle (sometimes daily) with selling. It’s the Serve, Serve, Sell Formula, and it will help you tremendously, especially when it comes to email marketing!

📣 COMMENT 137 and I’ll send you a Spotify and Apple Podcasts link to this episode so you can hear more about my sales formula and binge all 4 episodes that are currently live! 🙌🏼

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The best thing I’ve ever bought is a plane ticket to Barbados. Cheers to 10 years of marriage with you ✨✨

10 years ago today we snuck off (sorry friends and fam!) to get married at a small little church on the beach. It felt like I was doing something crazy - we had only been dating for 10 months - but my nerves were quieted by an inner sense of knowing that this was right.

When you know you know. ❤️ 

I’m so lucky to have a partner where everyday feels like our anniversary. Thank you for giving me a life better than I could have ever imagined, and for being my person. #kistoos #kistoos💞 #10yearanniversary

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