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The Client Experience

Communicating With Gen Z: How To Tweak Your Business Communication Style Without Sacrificing Boundaries

June 14, 2024

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What's your brand cocktail for success?

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Have you been finding it's getting harder and harder to communicate with Gen Z customers? Maybe you're getting ghosted more often, or you find people are more resistant to hop on a Zoom call than they used to be? In the past, we’ve managed to stick to tried-and-true communication methods. Most of us have come to love communicating exclusively via email or our preferred software, where we can keep everything organized and never miss a beat. But the truth is that the times are changing, and so are our customers.

As a wedding business coach, I've noticed that this year has thrown a curveball for many in the industry. Bookings are slower, and the competition is fiercer. I want to share three ways to adapt your communication, especially when dealing with Gen Z customers, to help you book more couples!

1. Offer Up Text Messaging

If you just cringed a little, I get it. Let's face it—adding another communication channel can be a bit daunting. Keeping track of texts on top of emails and phone calls is a LOT. But here’s the thing: today’s consumers expect it. If you’re not willing to text, someone else will be, and that could mean losing potential clients.

You’ve probably heard this before, but Gen Z thrives on immediacy. Texting offers quick and direct communication, making your response time feel almost instantaneous. Moreover, a text feels more personal and less formal, creating a stronger connection between you and your clients. 

If right now you’re saying, “OK, Candice, but how TF do I manage this?” I highly recommend using tools like HoneyBook to streamline all your communications, which now INCLUDE text messages (y’all know I already love Honeybook, and I’m just so grateful they have this feature, to be honest). Whether you use Honeybook or not, you’ll need to figure out something to help you stay organized without feeling overwhelmed.

2. Be Open To Booking In The DMs

We’ve all seen those Instagram bios that say, “Please inquire via my website, not DMs.” And listen, I love a good boundary. But while that might have worked in the past, it’s becoming less accepted. Similarly to texting, Gen Z loves the immediacy of social media direct messages (DMs), and they often prefer to initiate conversations there.

There are good reasons for you to consider opening up your DMs too! First, DMs make you more approachable, which can be a great way to show off your modern, customer-centric business model. Your customers do NOT want someone who feels archaic and not “with the times,” and having conversations in the DMs is a great way to stay connected. 

The second reason is that it’s a lot easier for them to inquire (which is a good thing for you if you wish you were getting more bookings lately!). For many, DMing is easier than filling out a contact form on a website. If your calendar is looking light, you need to meet your potential clients where they are. 

With that said, I should address the negatives (which are likely what prompted the “Please inquire via my website, not DMs.” messages in the first place). How the heck do you keep track of everything?

While I don’t have a magic wand for you, I will say that you need to develop a system that works for you. Whether it’s setting aside specific times each day to check your DMs or using social media management tools, it’s your job as the business owner to adapt and make it work.

3. Offer Phone Calls Instead of Zoom

Listen – you’re not the only one feeling Zoom fatigue. After endless virtual meetings over the past four years, your potential clients may not be too excited about jumping on yet another video call. We all want to save time and just email, right? And while you might still need that personal touch to gauge if it's a good fit, I want you to consider offering phone calls at the very least instead. 

Phone calls feel less formal and less invasive than video calls, making it easier for busy couples to fit into their schedules. Plus, there’s beauty in the simplicity of it. Sometimes, simpler is better. A phone call can be just as effective for getting to know your clients without adding the stress of video conferencing. 

While your customers might be more and more eager to keep conversation to text, DMs, and email, if you do insist on having a call before booking (which I think makes sense for ensuring a personality fit), a phone call might just be the happy middle ground you’ve been wanting.

Bonus Tip: List Your Prices on Your Website

As you adapt your communication styles to the changing times and Gen Z customers, there’s one more thing you should consider: listing prices on your website. Today's couples are less willing to reach out without having at least a general idea of what you charge. I don’t make the rules (and some of them I don’t even like lol), but transparency is key in this digital age, and providing upfront pricing can set you apart as a trustworthy and straightforward choice.

Plus, listing your prices not only saves time for both you and potential clients but also attracts serious inquiries from those who are already aware of your rates. It fosters an environment of openness, helping clients feel more comfortable and confident in their decision to contact you. By showcasing your pricing, you demonstrate respect for their time and budget constraints, which can be a significant factor in building a strong initial connection.

Want to hear me talk more about the nuances of this? Watch this Youtube video here!

Adapting Your Communication Style To Book More Gen Z Customers

At the end of the day, adapting your communication strategies to cater to Gen Z customers in the wedding industry is no longer just an option—it's a necessity. By offering text messaging, being open to booking inquiries via DMs, and considering phone calls instead of Zoom, you can better meet the expectations of today’s couples. And hey, I’m here to support you every step of the way! 

Each month inside the Planner’s Playbook, I’m diving deep into one aspect of your wedding business so that we can all improve together, and offering office hours where you can come and ask me ANYTHING related to your wedding business (including how to appeal to more Gen Z customers and fill your calendar!). Get on the waitlist now for special bonuses when we open the doors next!

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We would love to welcome you inside The Planners' Playbook, the membership for wedding planners who want to elevate the wedding industry and feel confident AF in their wedding planning business. From masterclasses and workshops to a deep-dive playbook being released every month, The Planner’s Playbook has everything you need to streamline your processes and save time. Plus – you’ll even get a discount on the CC shop!

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I’m sitting here in my hotel room in Lisbon, about to get ready for one final dinner in the city, and it’s got me thinking about the last week. ✨

I was lucky to be invited on this special retreat with @flodesk , where we spent time connecting with the team and other Flodesk partners. A trip like this was really a dream come true for me, as it gets lonely sometimes in my own business. 

I mean, i’m literally on an island lol. 

So, instead of being home working away, I got to make new friends and see old ones. 

We walked, talked, ate, drank, laughed, cried (!), strategized and shared. It was wonderful. And it was just what my soul needed. 🦋

Thank you to @flodesk and the entire partner team who dreamed up this experience and brought us all together! @joannawaterfall @raisetheruthevents @nataliefranke @marthabitar @rebecca.shostak @devinmikala @elina_ce 

And thank you to the ladies who made this experience extra special. You are all incredible, and I feel so honored to have spent time with you! ❤️❤️ @myanichol @lashondambrown @thewhimsysoul @missellenyin @praaaise @madeonsundaysstudio @by.rosanna @comeplum @lapassionvoutee @stephjgilbert @africawanderlust 

#flodesk #womeninbusiness #lisbonportugal #flodeskretreat #creativepreneur #emailmarketing #communityovercompetition
The first episode of our email marketing series is LIVE 🎉🎉🎉

ICYMI: I announced this week that I am doing a BIG podcast series on email marketing - how it works, how you should get started, and all the strategies you need to know.

In the first episode of our 8-part series, Dawn Richardson from @techsavvycreative is my co-host and we break down the email marketing fundamentals you need to know, including...

👉🏻 What email marketing really is (hint: it doesn’t involve sending a newsletter every week 😰)

👉🏻 Common email marketing terms you need to know

👉🏻 What an email marketing funnel looks like

👉🏻 How you can use the AAECR formula in email marketing

Take me to the gym, on your next hot girl walk, or along for the ride to your wedding this weekend and let’s build out your email marketing funnel together! 🎉🎉🎉

A special thank you to @flodesk and @tryinteract for supporting my big idea to teach this on my podcast! ❤️

#thepowerinpurposepodcast #powerinpurposepodcast #flodesk #tryinteract #weddingpros #weddingpro #weddingindustry #emailmarketingtips #emailmarketingstrategy #marketingpodcast #weddingindustryeducation #weedingindustryexpert #weddingpodcast #marketingplan #weddingphotographer #weddingplanner #weddingstationery #weddingflorist

I’m so excited to share with you that over the next 8 weeks, I’m doing an email marketing deep dive on my podcast, The Power in Purpose.

Starting tomorrow, I’m releasing one new episode a week teaching you the ins and outs of email marketing. I’ve been hearing from SO MANY PEOPLE just how tired and burnt out they are using social media. I think it’s time to have a conversation on how you can diversify your marketing so you don’t have to rely so heavily on something that feels so heavy.

Email marketing is amazing - it’s pretty much the number one way I’ve grown my business. But my business and your business look a little different, which is why I am sharing with you how you can use email marketing as a wedding industry pro.

I want you to think of this podcast series as a mini course on email marketing. And at the end of the series, you’ll know everything I know about how email marketing can help you reach more customers, grow brand awareness, and make more money.

At the end of the series we have a BIG event happening, but you’ll need to tune into the first episode tomorrow to hear more about that.

I’m so excited for you to hear what we’ve put together and more importantly, for the strategies and tactics to bless your business. I know that diversifying your marketing efforts will change how you use social media and EASE THE PRESSURE you feel daily to show up here.

Comment PODCAST below and I’ll DM you the direct link to Spotify and Apple Podcasts so you can subscribe! 

#thepowerinpurposepodcast #powerinpurposepodcast #weddingindustry #weddingpros #emailmarketingtips #emailmarketing #weddingindustryeducation #weddingindustryexperts #weddingseason #weddingplanner #weddingphotographer #weddingbusiness #weddingmarketing #flodesk #interactai #buisnessmarketing
Is your brand experience attracting and repelling the right people? 🤔🤔🤔🤔

Branding and client experience are important as a wedding pro, and today, we are talking about where the two meet! 

In this episode, I’m chatting with Ally Baur of @allybdesigns all about the elements of brand experience, the role of branding in attracting ideal clients, the impact of templates on brand consistency, and the significance of customer service in the wedding industry. 

It’s an episode you’re gonna want to listen to if you want make sure your brand and brand experience is up to snuff.

Comment 133 below and I’ll DM you a direct link to listen! 

#powerinpurposepodcast #thepowerinpurposepodcast #brandidentity #brandexperience #weddingindustry #weddingpro #weddingpros #candicdcoppola #weddingproinsiders #clientexperience #brandstrategy #brandingtips

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