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Podcast Show Notes

Launch Your List Series Episode 7: Building Your Quiz Email Marketing Funnel In Minutes With AI

July 30, 2024

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What's your brand cocktail for success?

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*cues up to the bar* Let's start the tab, shall we? Take the quiz and find your brand cocktail for success.

What are the steps that you need to take to build your quiz funnel? At this point in our email marketing series, we've talked about the psychology of quiz lead magnets and the types of quizzes that wedding pros can create. But today, we're diving into the actual step-by-step process of creating a quiz funnel. And the good news is? It's not as hard as you think. Plus, there are even AI tools to help get you started.

This week, I'm sharing part seven of an eight part series where I'm teaching wedding pros all about how to use email marketing to grow your business! I'm so excited, and I hope you'll join me each week as we dive deeper and deeper into all aspects of email marketing. Plus, if you're ready to put everything I'm sharing into practice, join me in my FREE marketing challenge starting on August 12th. Sign up here!

In this episode, we're breaking down the step-by-step process of building a quiz lead magnet using Interact's AI tool to get you from “stuck to started”. We're sharing exactly how to generate a quiz using Interact's AI tool, and also diving deep into how to customize the quiz and results pages, and add a call to action so that your quiz can bring you BUSINESS. Let's dive in!

In this episode about setting up a quiz funnel using Interact AI:

  • [00:00]: Introduction and Overview
  • [05:21]: Generating a Quiz with Interact's AI Tool
  • [09:42]: Customizing Your Quiz and Results Pages
  • [17:26]: Including a Call to Action in Your Quiz Results
  • [21:34]: Integrating Interact with Flodesk for Email Marketing
  • [28:09]: Joining the Free Email Marketing Challenge
I'm so excited for you to tune into today's episode! As we continue our email marketing series, be sure to sign up for a free trial with Flodesk, the best email marketing platform for wedding pros. If you want to start playing around with a quiz, sign up for a free trial of Interact and see what's possible!

Binge ALL the episodes in our Launch Your List Series:

Candice Coppola (00:01.951)

Jackie, welcome back to the show.

Jackie (00:03.822)

Thank you. Thank you for having me again, Candace.

Candice Coppola (00:06.191)

my goodness, I'm grateful that you are here today to break this down for us how simple it is for us to launch our quiz funnel and get everything all set up inside of interacts AI. Thank you for last week's episode. It we had a great conversation. If you missed it. We talked about the three types of quiz lead magnets that wedding pros can launch for their business that make the most sense for

your style business in a very unique industry. You've probably seen lots of quizzes for business coaches and for large brands. And so it can be hard to think through how does that apply to my wedding planning business or my wedding DJ business? Well, Jackie and I broke down the three types of quizzes we think work best for wedding pros. And we've given you a lot of ideas to consider. And so today, what we wanted to do was break down how simple it is to actually set this all up.

because it can feel on the face very complicated, wouldn't you say?

Jackie (01:01.614)

Yeah, when I started to interact almost three or a little more than three years ago now, that was the number one pushback of I love the idea of using a quiz, but it's too long and too hard to get started. I don't know what to make my quiz about. And so that sort of barrier to entry stopped so many people from building their own quiz, which they knew would be successful, but they just couldn't get over the fact of like, how do I actually get started? And so in the last episode I had mentioned when I started to interact,

I led you through five weeks of quiz coaching where literally just to build your quiz, not even do all the marketing and whatnot, just to build the quiz took five weeks. But now that we've launched this Interact AI tool, you can have an entire quiz built for you in the matter of just a couple of minutes. And it will hurdle you over that point of the analysis paralysis, the how do I get started, the what do I make my quiz about, because it will help or it will do that for you.

Candice Coppola (01:56.063)

Yeah, so what a great feature so needed really exciting. It's amazing how AI has really changed so much for us and good and maybe other ways that aren't so great. But what I love is how it's saving us time and helping us get started. Dawn Richardson was a guest on my podcast. She's from tech savvy creative. And also she is a a flow desk, the face of flow desk, a person who is supporting flow desk and was on the show just recently talking through our email marketing challenge.

for a flow desk. And Dawn said on her episode with me, we were talking about AI that it gets you from stuck to started. And this was so beautiful about AI tools like Interact, say AI tool is it gets you from stuck to started and it really makes things so much simpler for you. Sometimes we just need someone to give us a little push. And that's what this is. Plus it takes what Jackie used to do in five weeks and consensus it down into like five minutes, which is so crazy. It would great for Jackie.

Jackie (02:32.526)


Jackie (02:54.41)

It allows me to help so many more people. I have a cousin who's a teacher, so he's very against AI because his students love to do their homework in chat. But he heard me on a couple of calls chatting through Interact AI as we were building it out. And he told me, he's like, you're silly. Why are you helping to grow this tool? You're going to remove the need for your job. And no, that's not the case at all. I'm...

Candice Coppola (02:54.439)

Great for Jackie.


Candice Coppola (03:02.911)


Jackie (03:19.854)

I am not an expert in everybody's business, right? I know quiz strategy and the same quiz strategy that we talked through in those five weeks of coaching is now implemented in the AI. But we can help so many more people so much more faster in any language. I only speak English, but now I can help make quizzes in any language all because of this AI tool. And so, yeah, I'm a huge fan of it. It was a lot of fun, a lot of work in building it out, but I do really want to call out that.

Candice Coppola (03:29.087)

So amazing, yeah.

Candice Coppola (03:37.023)

Love it.

Jackie (03:45.806)

All of the strategy that Intract has come up with in the last 10 years that we've been in business has all been implemented through backend prompts that you don't even have to look at in order to create this quiz for you. So the strategy is exactly the same. It's all there. It's just getting you from start to start. Thank you, Dawn, for that sentence that's perfect on making a quiz in a matter of minutes as opposed to a matter of weeks, months, or maybe even never because it just never made its way to the top of your to -do list.

Candice Coppola (04:15.263)

Yeah, well today it is going to be at the top of the to -do list and we are going to get this going. So I want you first as we talk through how simple it is to create a quiz lead magnet. I want us to start from the very top, okay? So our listener has decided that they're yes, going to create this quiz lead magnet. How do they get started first?

Jackie (04:37.454)

They're gonna wanna open up the AI tool. We'll get you a link to that in the show notes. And then once you're in the AI tool, click generate a quiz. From there, you are gonna wanna put in your website or some type of copy. And the reason we ask for that is to keep the quiz on brand. So it's really written in your style and in your voice. You don't want it to sound like I wrote it. You don't want it to sound like a robot wrote it. It's gonna pull from your website and your copy from that site so that it really sounds like you.

Candice Coppola (04:39.815)


Jackie (05:03.758)

The next thing it's going to ask you is what it is that your business does. And so we talked about this a little bit more in the last episode through the different styles of quizzes you can choose from. Again, jumping over the analysis paralysis, you don't really need to think through necessarily the style of quiz you want, although there are options to guide the AI with what you already know you might be looking for. But for those who are like, I have no idea, I just want to get a quiz up and see what it could look like, the AI will essentially

pull the best quiz titles for you based on what you tell it your business does and also the number one problem that you help your customers with. So simply by answering those two questions and adding your website URL in, you will get a list of, you'll be prompted with a list of quiz titles that you can choose from. And the reason that we show you the quiz titles before just jumping in and making the quiz is to make sure it's on brand. It's...

not even on brand, but like it's achieving the goal that you want it to do. Are we leading people towards your packages and your services? Are we telling them about their photography or like their photo styles? Are we learning more about their personality type and what it is that makes them tick? That can pull, again, you can guide it to do that.

or it will do it entirely for you. But essentially, that is it. You're taking a very, very small quiz to make your own quiz based on what you tell it. And then that quiz will be loaded into your Interact account for free, where you can preview it and then do all sorts of customizations, which we can talk about.

Candice Coppola (06:33.919)

yeah, that's so amazing. Really, it makes a quiz for you in just a couple of clicks, just a couple of minutes. That's so exciting. And your quiz result is your quiz.

Jackie (06:38.958)

Yes. Yeah.

Jackie (06:43.758)

Yeah, exactly, exactly, very meta, but exactly, that's exactly how it works.

Candice Coppola (06:46.983)

Yeah, so fantastic. All right. So this is great to try and to see and I encourage everybody listening to go to the link in the show notes. I think it's tryinteract .com slash AI, go to that link and go and take the quiz to figure out your quiz. And you can do this right as many times as you need to take a look at different options and maybe the smarter you get with understanding the information to put in.

Well, the only the smarter, the interact AI will be in giving you some additional options.

Jackie (07:21.966)

Yeah, we just launched this tool at the beginning of this year, so it's already grown quite a bit. My favorite addition that they added was these little back buttons. So after you see your quiz or as you're filling, like let's say I had told you, you tell it about your, like what it is that your business does and the problem you help your customers solve.

Candice Coppola (07:27.071)


Jackie (07:38.158)

If the list of quiz titles that appears doesn't resonate or you don't like any of them, you can go back and sort of refine, get a little bit more specific with what it is that your business does, maybe even like, OK, I definitely don't want those style quizzes. Let me tell it what type of quiz I want. And then re -go through the process so that you're getting updated results. So you can truly find a quiz title that you're happy about launching and that you know that your audience is going to want to take.

Candice Coppola (08:03.815)

that's amazing. And I think the interact AI gives you like really great options. I mean, it really gives you, there's really not much more tweaking you need to do. You may want to add in, throw in a question or might spark and inspire you to add something, but it's really smart. And so really it's just about like adding your images into the questions and, and then thinking through the results.

Jackie (08:25.998)

Yeah, absolutely. When I'm looking at a quiz for final production, I always look at voice of customer. So is the quiz written in a way that your customer is going to receive it really well? Does it explain things and say things in their words? In last episode, Candace, you were talking about not overusing industry jargon. Make sure that the quiz makes sense to those people who are taking it. Because if it doesn't, and or again, if it leads them astray of like, I'm not really sure where this is going or how this is going to help me, then someone will probably leave.

But because you're probably already talking to your audience in that way, again, because Interact AI is pulling from your website, the quiz is going to come out pretty spot on. I was just at a conference last week, and I can't tell you because I don't know how many quizzes I made for people on the spot because it's so quick. It does it within a couple of minutes. And I would say 95 % of the time, I got expressions like, my god.

or, wow, this is amazing. And actually, there's going to be a video on our social media soon where somebody had even said they had an idea for a quiz that they wanted to run themselves in their mind, but just didn't know how to implement it technically. But the AI came up with a better quiz than they had even thought of because it was an angle based on their website copy, how they support their customers to really make a quiz that's beneficial and valuable to their audience.

Candice Coppola (09:22.111)


Candice Coppola (09:39.199)

I love it.

Candice Coppola (09:48.319)

That's so good. I love that. I love when AI gets us thinking beyond whatever we were thinking or the limitations we had in our idea and it helps expand and explore. So that's fantastic. All right. So we have our quiz. So it's going to generate the quiz questions for us. And I imagine then also the results.

Jackie (10:06.83)

Yeah, everything. You will get a quiz title with description, all of your quiz questions and the answers. People can choose to those questions so your multiple choice answers.

Candice Coppola (10:15.679)

Mm -hmm.

Jackie (10:15.758)

Also very exciting because we get asked about the logic a lot. How do people get to the right result? Interact AI will actually build in the logic for you. Whether it does it through a scoring or point system or direct correlations, it will set up, okay, if people answer the questions this way, they're gonna get these final outcomes. And then yes, to answer your question, the results will be in there as well. You can tell the AI how many questions you want to include in your quiz and or the number of outcomes or results that you wanna have as well.

sort of defaults are five questions and I believe four results, but you can adjust those. But again, I think we talked about best practices in last episode, so I'd stick to around.

Candice Coppola (10:55.327)

We did. Yeah, our best practices, and correct me if I'm wrong, was five to 10 questions you wanted to ask and three to four results, depending on the style quiz. And what would logically make sense for our results? But really no more than four. Yeah.

Jackie (11:08.974)

Yep, exactly.

Candice Coppola (11:11.071)

All right, great. So the AI tool then creates results and we can house the results page. So somebody comes, they take the quiz, they put their email address in after the quiz is done to get the results and the results can be delivered right on interact, right?

Jackie (11:26.286)

Yeah, so right away they're getting to see the quiz result that they got. So they're on your webpage, they're taking the quiz, they've subscribed, and then the result will appear right then in there.

Candice Coppola (11:36.049)

that's so great. And you can customize the results that obviously the AI tool gives you so you can add in more of your own voice. It's going to get you started. It may need you to add in some options, but it's definitely more than just a runway. It gives you a lot of momentum. And then based on what we talked about in the previous episode, you're going to want to pull in some additional things into the results page, like testimonials, images of your work.

Jackie had a great idea for video testimonials. I would even say like videos of weddings you've done, maybe linked out to blog posts if you're doing a style quiz, your packages, your services. There are a lot of things you can pull in and you can pull that right into the results page on Interact.

Jackie (12:19.342)

Yep, everything is customizable right within your interact account. I will say, just because I'm sure, especially if you took our advice from last episode and started taking some of these quizzes yourself, you may be more used to a longer form result page that includes all of this value and information and content Candice just went through. When you get your AI quiz back, your result is going to be a

a paragraph long. The paragraph that it gives you is probably going to work best right at the top of your quiz result page because it reiterates back to them why they got that result and what that means. But then you absolutely want to take that and run with it in terms of adding the testimonials, the videos, the resources, and additional value so that somebody really can understand what to do with this information. Are they going to go look at specific packages or book a strategy call? Are they going to...

decide on the style of their wedding and start making bigger decisions around what that's going to look like hiring in vendors and what.

Candice Coppola (13:16.703)

Yeah, well, this is really your time to shine as a wedding pro and all the experience that you've gained over the years, your expertise and what it is that you do. I feel like this is really where you take the suggestion of interacts AI of what you can put at the top and then you bring in all your flavor in your seasoning. It's like, it's giving you a recipe, but this is where you come in and you personalize it. You put your touch on it and all the years of experience you have, you pull that into the results page. And I would say for a results page, there must be.

Jackie (13:19.278)

Thank you.

Candice Coppola (13:46.239)

like a magic amount of information or a suggested amount of personalization on that results page or a length even that you would suggest somebody stick to.

Jackie (13:57.582)

Yeah, I honestly wish that there was. I hate answering a question with like, it depends, but it does depend. I would say any best practices that you have or that you know about your audience already, implement. If you know they want a ton of information and they want to be overloaded with resources, then make a super long form result page that has all of that in there. If you know they're quick to the point, just give me the thing that I need to do and I'm out, then just give them that.

Candice Coppola (14:00.607)

Hmm. Yeah.

Jackie (14:25.614)

The other thing that you can decide is, are you gonna give all of the value and I wanna pre -preface this with, there's no right or wrong way to do this, right? There's no, that's why I'm answering it with, it depends. But you can also remember, carry on the conversation in your email marketing follow -ups. So just because they're getting on the result page, even if you pack it with a ton of value and resources, doesn't necessarily mean that they're checking out each individual thing. So again, that can carry over into emails to remind them,

of these resources, this content, these pictures, these testimonials, videos, examples of the work that you have done before that matches what they're looking for, right? So I personally, I guess to answer, give you a better answer, rather than it depends is I'm a fan of giving them as much upfront as possible because that's what gets people to know, like, and trust you, right? If they see that you're not gatekeeping, they don't have to get on a call with you to learn more.

Candice Coppola (15:18.303)

Mm -hmm.

Jackie (15:22.99)

especially if you're going to not share pricing until they get on a phone call. That as a consumer, as a customer, can be really challenging of I don't want to waste my time in getting into something that I don't necessarily know is right for me at this time. So kill them with kindness on the result pages. Give them as much as you know that they're going to want or if you don't know how much they want.

Candice Coppola (15:26.207)

Mm -hmm.

Jackie (15:42.99)

Add it in there, what you think they're going to need, and then continue to follow up in the emails with that same type of valuable information. But number one, because I feel like this is another question I get asked all the time, OK, great, I have my quiz. It's all ready to go. The results are all built out. I have the valuable information in there. What now? Make sure you're adding a call to action. What is the thing that you want them to do next? Is it checking out a specific resource blog podcast?

Candice Coppola (16:03.007)


Jackie (16:09.198)

then highlight that one thing throughout the result page and especially at the end. But if it's like booking a call or checking out a service page or something like that, add the call to action in the quiz result. Because even if it's not going to sell right away, you still have an opportunity to share and pitch in emails. But you want to make sure that someone knows what to do next. Now, especially if they've already made a decision in their mind of, wow, this is amazing. This is everything that I need to know. I'm ready to book. Make sure they have an option to book.

Candice Coppola (16:20.927)


Candice Coppola (16:38.495)

Yeah, call to actions are so important in all of your marketing. And sometimes a call to action isn't to buy my thing. It's like, follow me here or go check your inbox. I put your results in your inbox. So there's a special surprise for you over there. Or there's so many different, yeah, free gift or anything. It doesn't always have to be like buy my product or buy my service or jump on a call with me. But yes, always call to action. Thanks for breaking that down.

Jackie (16:46.318)


Jackie (16:50.382)

and forgive.

Jackie (16:57.454)

Yes. Yep.

Candice Coppola (17:03.071)

The results page then, we want to include some of the things that we talked about in the previous episode, testimonials. You want to also make sure that you're revealing more about who they are as a person in some form or fashion. And this is your chance really to show off how well you know your customer. They're definitely going to connect with that. I like to think of generic personality traits that you can put on a results page.

For somebody, if you identified in the quiz results, for instance, that this is a type A personality type person, you just make note of that. Like you're a type A, ready to get started, want to book all your vendors type of couple. And for your type A person, they're going to definitely connect with that and resonate with that. And they're going to feel so seen and like validated.

Jackie (17:49.134)

Yeah, the one thing I'll say, I'll add to that too, is make the results positive. So it doesn't matter what result that they get, the personality type that they have, right? But make it positive. Frame it in a way that makes them excited about who they are, because that's really going to contribute to them.

Candice Coppola (17:53.663)

Mm -hmm.

Candice Coppola (18:01.983)

Mm -hmm.

Jackie (18:04.75)

Resharing your quiz on your behalf as well referring you as my gosh. Did you check this out? Or hey, you know, like, you know, sometimes groups of friends I feel like all my friends got married at the exact same time. Right? So it's like in your little circle. my gosh I just took this quiz. Look what I learned about myself. What about you guys, you know? So make sure that even if that's not your style or who you are as a person you're highlighting it in a positive way because that's gonna make somebody feel really good about themselves and then want to continue to work with you.

Candice Coppola (18:06.879)


Candice Coppola (18:13.631)


Candice Coppola (18:18.719)

Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Candice Coppola (18:31.199)

Yeah, it's so very true. We want to definitely focus on the positive and that then in turn makes them feel good. And that's what this is all about. Having fun, making people feel good, creating a connection, right? Yeah, I love it. All right. So that's as simple as it is in creating a quiz. Everything can be housed on interact. So you can house the landing page for the quiz, the quiz itself. You can house the results page right on interact.

And if you want to go like, let's say the next step, if you feel like you're more of an advanced, you want the advanced level or you can handle the advanced level, you could create a landing page on your website and host the quiz and embed it into your website. And then you could also create some results pages on your website, like fully branded, really in line with your website, you could do that. You don't have to, but you can.

Jackie (19:24.878)

Yep, absolutely. We're big fans of done is better than perfect. So I always recommend getting your quiz started within interact using the tools and the features within there because as Candice said, everything is there for you. And then once you know this quiz, this quiz works. It's solidified. You're you maybe are deciding on adding additional things based on feedback that you're getting from people who have taken the quiz. That's when you can really embellish it, put your quiz on brand and maybe even set it evergreen by embedding it on your own landing pages, creating custom result pages.

Because that helps for not to get too technical, but it will help for SEO purposes and tracking as well But to get started absolutely you can do that all within and tracked Regardless either option that you choose when you publish your quiz within interact. It is super easy Okay, let's say you publish your quiz and interact and it's out on your site live It's out on social media live at any time You can come back into your interact account add in the custom result pages change your quiz title change images or update

Candice Coppola (19:58.239)

Mm -hmm.

Jackie (20:23.79)

items within your result page, republish the quiz and anywhere that it's already shared live will update. You don't have to go re -embed it, share a different link or anything like that. And then just to simplify, when you do publish your quiz in Interacts, it will give you both a link option and embed code options so that you can choose either one that's easier for you. Do you want to share it via the link or do you want to embed it on certain pages? Both of those options are available to everybody on all of our plans.

Candice Coppola (20:51.551)

Yeah, it's so fantastic. If you've taken my quiz and if you haven't yet, you can go to CandaceCoppola .com slash quiz to take it. I have my quiz with interact. I have hosted the quiz on my website, so it's embedded on my website and I have also hosted the results on my website. So just to kind of give you an idea of the difference between the two, I don't think there's a better way to do it. I think.

the best way to do it is the way that is easiest and you're most capable of doing it. So not focusing on having, you know, this fully customized, fully branded experience if you don't have the bandwidth or capacity right now to do that, or if you don't have the means or whatever, you can do that down the road. And to Jackie's point, it's nice to be able to test out your quiz and make some adjustments and, you know, make some adjustments to your results pages, get people taking it, get some feedback. And then from there, once you feel like the

is like perfectly polished and it's right, then you can invest in, you know, customizing the full experience of taking it.

Jackie (21:51.918)

Yeah, and the same thing with your emails that you're sending out after the quiz. I'm asked all the time, like, how many emails do we need? How specific do they need to be for each quiz result? Absolutely, you can go wild with the customizations and the segmentation opportunities, especially between Interact and Flowdesk, because you are literally able to tag every single answer that they've chosen from your quiz questions and the quiz result that they've gotten. So imagine the capabilities there.

But you can also get started simply by funneling everybody, regardless of their quiz result, into your main newsletter. And then you have the information within Interact that you can always come back to so that you can embellish that, work on it, optimize it, customize messages once you really know, OK, I'm ready to take it to that level. Because there's nothing worse than launching something, hearing crickets, and then having to go back and revamp the whole process because maybe you didn't listen to your customers the first time, or they didn't need this thing, they needed something else. And so.

Huge fans of Dunn is better than perfect. And the other thing I want to say is within Interact, the analytics that you can get once your quiz is launched will tell you exactly what's going on and what you would need to update so that your quiz can perform better to ultimately hit your goal, whether that be more sales, more leads on your list, et cetera. There's literally a funnel that will show you the number of views that your quiz has gotten, the number of starts. So hey, is this topic of interest? Are people actually clicking in to start the quiz?

Candice Coppola (22:48.319)


Candice Coppola (23:03.423)

that's so great.

Jackie (23:14.99)

From the number of starts, you can see the number of completions. If they haven't completed the quiz, you can see exactly which questions they've left on. Do you need to change questions? Rearrange them. Maybe delete some. Is your quiz too long? You can play with all of that, again, simply by republishing your quiz and updating it wherever it's already live.

Candice Coppola (23:32.095)

It's so fun, guys. It's the funnest, like it's one of the funnest marketing strategies that I have in my business. And it's fascinating, especially since I've had my quiz for a long time, to see all of these results, the data behind it, to play around to kind of supercharge your quiz, rethink questions that you asked to get better results. I mean, it really is just a really fun marketing game to play. And I think you're going to love how interact, how

helps you build your quiz. Now, I will say that after your customers receive the results, we've talked a little bit here now about how Interact and Flowdesk are connected, but you can do an integration between Interact and Flowdesk, which is an email marketing software and one of our partners for this series, where they talk to one another directly. And so you can kind of connect them. So anytime someone takes your quiz, there are lots of options for you to bring them over to your email list.

to tag them with different tags that make sense for your business so that you can customize how you communicate with them or what emails you send or what you include or exclude them from. When it comes to email marketing, it's really fascinating. And so what you'll want to do after you've delivered the results on that landing page is you're going to want to email this person their results as well. So just reiterate everything that was on that results page. Pop it into their inbox. People don't.

necessarily pay as much attention as you'd like them to. So they'll get to the results page, they'll skim through it, read through it. And then you don't want it to be an afterthought, something they just click off of and never come back to. You want to remind them of their results. And so that's what you can do inside of your email marketing system in Flowdesk. And so you'll set up a nurture sequence very similar to what Dawn and I taught you in the nurture sequence episode, but also in my

serve, serve, sell episode of the email marketing series, I want you to take that model. And I want you to do three emails after they take your quiz. The first I want to be of service, the second one I want to be of service. And then the third one, I want you to make a pitch or a proposal or enlighten them as to what it is that you do, and do a bit of selling from there, you can start the process over again, if you want to get really customized with your quiz and have a longer nurture sequence or

Jackie (25:50.83)

Thank you.

Candice Coppola (25:54.783)

to what Jackie's point is, you can bring them over to your newsletter or bring them over to a different nurture sequence and continue the conversation there. But it's really that simple. And the good news is, is we're gonna help you do all of this inside of our email marketing challenge. I feel like this is, this challenge is gonna be like the place for people to be. We're putting so much time and effort into this. And I'm really excited for you to get your email marketing all situated, no excuses. We're gonna launch your list. We're gonna launch your quiz.

We're going to launch all of this in five days. So I want you to go to CandaceCoppola .com slash challenge to get signed up for free. And when you do, I'm going to send you an email with all the dates so you can mark your calendar. And I will be in touch as we get closer to August 12th with everything you can expect. It's going to be a lot of fun. We have gifts, we have prizes, we have contests, and of course we have experts joining us too and lots of training and coaching. It's going to be fantastic.

Jackie (26:52.622)

Yeah, I would not sleep on these resources. The challenge is only five days because that's literally the amount of time that you need to embed or create and launch an entire quiz funnel. So especially if this has been on your list, like I had said earlier of, I don't know how to get started. Now the tools are available and the resources are here. And you have live people willing to help you and ready to help you to really launch this. So I'm really excited to see some of the results and the quizzes that come with this.

Candice Coppola (26:56.863)


Jackie (27:19.598)

Because I mean, I might be biased working for interact, but anytime quizzes come across, I'm like, yes, I will give you feedback because I can't wait to take any quiz that I see. Learn so much and I get to see best practices that way too. I love to see what people include and incorporate. So definitely join the challenge.

Candice Coppola (27:19.863)

my gosh, you do.

Candice Coppola (27:27.007)


Mm -hmm.

Candice Coppola (27:35.167)

Love it, Jackie. Yeah, we're so fortunate to have you joining us for the challenge. All right, so I want you to go to kena's Coppola dot com slash challenge, make sure you're signed up. It's completely 100 ,000 % free. There's no pitch, we just want to help you in every way we can to launch your list and launch your quiz. And in the next episode of the podcast, I the final episode of our email marketing challenge, our email marketing series, I'm going to be walking you through the different ways that you can grow your email list with your quiz.

and with your lead magnet. So I think this is where people might not think through what they can do to bring people on their email list in both an active and passive way. So we're gonna be talking about active and passive marketing strategies that will help you to grow your email marketing list, to help you generate leads in the background, but also ways that you can actively promote.

your quiz and your lead magnets so that you can constantly just be filling up your sales well and having conversations with your ideal customers. So join me next week and I'll be giving you all the strategies that I use in my business to grow my list to over 13 ,000 people. So I'm excited for you to learn my secrets because these are the secrets that I use. So I'll see you there. Jackie, thank you so much for joining us today and we'll see you inside of our email marketing challenge.

Jackie (28:56.27)

Sounds good. See you all there.

Thanks for tuning into today’s episode of The Power in Purpose Podcast. I want to know– what was your biggest takeaway? Head to my Instagram to join the conversation!

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I have to admit - I haven’t always been convinced running ads is the right move for wedding pros.

Our buyer journey is SO different from other businesses and there’s a lot of marketing techniques that work great for others - and not for us.

But after talking with @learnwithelisabeth from @elisabethstuckeydesign about her experience, my mind has been officially changed.

I was so excited to sit down with her and hear about her experience running ads for her luxury stationery business. We dig into the data and details of her campaigns, including her investment and how much revenue she generated from ads.

She also shares some EXTREMELY valuable tips on how you can run ads and some of the things you need to do behind the scenes to nurture leads that come from ads.

It’s an amazing episode and you need to hear this before engagement season. Comment 149 and I’ll send you the links to Apple, Spotify, and our blog!

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All, Ideal Clients, Launch Your List Series, Podcast Show Notes, trending, Wedding Industry Marketing

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