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Want To 2x Your Bookings? This Scheduling Tool Will Help You Book Clients 2x Faster

February 24, 2023

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I'm Candice, your new tell-it-like-it-is BFF (and purpose cheerleader). Are you ready to grow and scale a profitable business with purpose–and one that gives back to your meaningful life? Thought so!


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Have you heard Honeybook has a new scheduling tool?! You can now schedule meetings 2x faster–which can be super important because we know that meeting with clients can increase your chances of winning them by 40%. The faster you’re meeting the faster they’re your client and no one elses! 

So how can you increase your bookings AND meet clients quicker?

Honeybook's new scheduling tool!

HoneyBook’s scheduling tool lets you book meetings with less back and forth. Preset your meeting details, select what availability you’d like to show, and sync with your Google calendar. Honeybook will generate a link for you to share with clients. And because your calendars are synced, clients will only be able to schedule a meeting with you during your available time slots.

HoneyBook’s scheduling tool lets you book meetings with less back and forth. Preset your meeting details, select what availability you’d like to show, and sync with your Google calendar. We will generate a link for you to share with clients. Because your calendars are synced, clients will only be able to schedule a meeting with you during your available time slots.

How does Honeybook's scheduling tool work?

Step One: Create your session type

“Session types” are common meetings you might schedule throughout your process. These might be things specific to your business, like “Discovery Session,” “Consultation”, or “Mini Session,” or, they can be more general, like 15-minute calls vs. 30-minute calls. Set expectations by naming your session type, selecting the amount of time you’d be meeting, and how you’ll be meeting (phone call, video chat, in-person, etc).

Step Two: Define your availability

Define which days and hours you’re available and interested in meeting for each session type. You can remove availability for any days you don’t want to be booked, and create windows of time for the days that you do!

Once you’ve created your session type, you’ll receive a link that you can share so clients can schedule a time that works. Add links to your HoneyBook email templates to always have easy access; share links quickly through a Project's Activity Feed; or even post them publicly on your website & social channels.

Boom! It's that easy.

Clients can review the availability you’ve previously set and select a time that works for them. Because your availability gets updated in real-time, you'll never be double-booked.

Once scheduled: 

  1. You and your client receive a confirmation with details
  2. The session gets added to both of your calendars 
  3. The session is tied to your client’s project for easy reference
Use HoneyBook to schedule meetings 2x faster (and increase your likelihood of getting booked by 40%!). Simply set your availability and share your link so clients can find a time that works.
Did you know that meeting with clients actually increases your chances of winning their business by 40%? Book faster using HoneyBook’s new scheduling tool!

You can also set up automated reminders to ensure everyone is on the same page.

And guess what? Honeybook's new scheduling tool ELIMINATES other 3rd parties scheduling software like Calendly or Acuity. I know you're looking for ways to tighten up expenses, so why not switch to Honeybook as your all-in-one biz software?

You can also:

  • Market your services and products with beautiful custom brochures
  • Streamline your sales process with lead management & tracking
  • Send proposals and contracts to new clients with ease
  • Get paid in an instant (seriously, they now make funds instantly available in your bank account)
  • Manage your client communication all in one place (no more lost emails!)
  • … and be part of THE MOST supportive community for creative entrepreneurs whether you're just starting out, side hustlin', or an OG like me…

Need to learn more about Honeybook before you try their scheduling tool? Check out my detailed 2023 Honeybook review, where I break down everything about the platform, including the question: which Honeybook plan should you choose?

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