Ready for some 2022 Pinterest trends? Hold up – is this the first time I'm sharing my love of Pinterest marketing on the blog? If you are in the wedding industry, there is a good chance you've been sleeping on Pinterest. Yes, you might have a few boards and have likely used them to curate design boards for your customers! But when was the last time you added your own work to the platform? Do you have a solid Pinterest marketing strategy in your business right now? When it comes to marketing and actually getting customers from Pinterest, how do you rank on a scale of 1-10? Don't worry if you haven't been overly intentional about your use of the platform until now. I'm going to share a few tips on how to grow your wedding business with 2022 Pinterest trends.
First, let's talk about using Pinterest as a marketing tool in your wedding business.
No, I'm not gonna regurgitate something you've probably already heard on a podcast. If you've been in business a minute, you've probably heard the old adage that “Pinterest is a search engine and not a social media platform”. The reality is, although a majority of Pinterest users are starting with a search, Pinterest is adding more and more social media features that we as business owners can take advantage of to market our businesses.
Although there might be an argument for some businesses to say “our ideal clients don't really spend a lot of time on Pinterest”, very few of us in the wedding industry can say the same.

So why aren't we using Pinterest to grow our wedding business?
I have a few thoughts.
1) You've tried it for a minute and it just hasn't worked. I get it. Platforms like Instagram have gotten us addicted to the Instant gratification we get from likes on a new post. Pinterest is NOT like that. The truth is, it's something that can take up to a year to really build momentum on.
2) You don't hear the wedding marketing experts you know and trust talk about it. Everyone talks about how you can build a business on Instagram alone, right? I know I've heard it. So maybe, just maybe, you assume Pinterest is just not that important. Let me tell you as a seasoned wedding pro, the time ROI from Pinterest is incredible. If you are looking for a platform that doesn't need you to show up in real-time every single day, take another look. Unlike the marketers you follow, marketing is NOT supposed to be your full-time job.
3) It's harder to target local customers. Compared to other social media platforms, Pinterest is a lot more geared to “casting a wide net”. That said, your ideal clients are hanging out there. If you focus on local, you will attract local.
4) Instagram is working for you. Hey, I get it. You and the algorithm have a good thing going, and you don't wanna mess it up by giving your attention to anything else even for a second. Let me be frank: you CAN grow a profitable business using *just* Instagram. But it's not the easiest way. You can leverage 2022 Pinterest trends to work harder for you.
Pinterest WANTS more fresh content on the platform.
Like all good social media platforms, Pinterest listens to its users. And the reality is, we are tired of seeing the same 2017 wedding trends on our feed. I'm going to talk a little more later about how they are prioritizing fresh content, but I just want to pause here a quick minute. They don't want you to just dump a bunch of photos and run. Pinterest is much more passive than other social media platforms, but you still need to be incredibly intentional to yield results. If you are ready to do that, I'm ready to show you how to grow your wedding business by effectively jumping on the 2022 Pinterest trends I'm sharing below!

First, Video Pins Are Getting The Most Impressions
I know that most of us are more comfortable taking (and editing) photos than we are video. But like all other social media platforms, video pins are getting the most impressions. It's not because the algorithm hates you, either. Users are reacting and engaging more with video. Remember, these social media platforms want users to stay on the platform as long as possible. While Pinterest is still one of the best social media platforms in 2022 for getting customers OFF the platform, they know that showing video pins will keep users on Pinterest longer (so they can make more ad money!). If you can keep users on the platform longer, you will be rewarded by showing up higher in search results. Video is one way to keep people watching, and it's a great way for you to build that know-like-trust factor with your ideal customers too.
Here's the even better news: Pinterest rarely asks for completely original content. Unlike Instagram, who has boldly claimed that they will be prioritizing content without watermarks from other platforms (like TikTok) on their platform. Pinterest doesn't react nearly the same way. In fact, you can (and should) repurpose video that you're are already creating for other platforms, whether the other platforms you market your business on are YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and more.
Idea Pins Are Here To Stay
Idea pins were beta launched in 2020, and it looks like they are here to stay. Not only is Pinterest pushing them up in search results, but they are also experimenting with new ways to use them in the platform (showing idea pins above other results, creating almost a “story-like” feed at the top of the app, and more). Regardless of where the content shows up right now, if you have been hoping that idea pins are a flash in the pan, I'm sorry to say that you are wasting your time. Like other platforms, Pinterest is looking for ways to keep users on THEIR platform so while Pinterest is still a great way to drive traffic to your website, we can't ignore idea pins for long.
Again, I get to remind you of the good news. You can repurpose content you are already creating here!! You don't have to reinvent the wheel or add an extra five hours to your workweek thinking of something new and interesting to create. Idea pins are made up of a mix of both photos and video so you can repurpose Instagram stories, Reels, TikToks, and photos from your portfolio!
Fresh, New Content Gets The Most Engagement
So far, all you really have to do to market on Pinterest is repurpose content you are already creating (or should be!). This next 2022 Pinterest trend might be a little trickier because more than likely, I'm going to tell you to do something you already know you should be doing, but seems to always find the way to the bottom of your to-do list.
I'm talking about long-form content creation, like – you guessed it – your blog.

Steps to Adding Fresh Content to Pinterest in 2022
I know this one can be a little overwhelming, so I've made it really easy to get started:
- First, go for the low hanging fruit. What blog posts do you have on your website already? Take a second to update them and make sure they are still calling in your ideal clients.
- Next, if you haven't added them to Pinterest in a while (or ever), now is the time to create NEW images that will lead your ideal client straight to that piece of content on your website. Add a note in whatever project management software you use to check back periodically and create new images of old posts every few months or so.
- Put those new images on Pinterest! Use keyword rich descriptions that you know your customers are searching for. You can add (and schedule!) these images manually on the platform, or you can use a scheduler like Tailwind if “set it and forget it” is more your style.
- Here's the toughie – CREATE NEW CONTENT REGULARLY. Consistency is important so whether you feel comfortable committing to one blog a week (or a month), keep creating content on your website and adding it to Pinterest regularly.
Creating content is not just about Pinterest, I've talked a lot about the benefits of blogging for your wedding business and as I hope you can tell with my own website, I practice what I preach here.
Creators Can Benefit from Pinterest Tools Before They Create.
Can you imagine if Instagram offered tools that told you exactly what your ideal clients are searching for? Before you go off and write a bunch of new blog posts because you feel like you have to, take an extra minute to do some recon and create intentionally.
One of the (many) reasons why Pinterest is one of my favorite platforms is that they actively work with you to get your content in front of more places. It's like they are holding a sign waiving “newly engaged couples are looking for THIS wedding trend, can you help?”. Before you write your next blog post (or even better, before you plan a styled shoot!), make sure to check out Pinterest Trends and 2022 Pinterest Predictions.
Remember, Pinterest is a great repurposing tool. Although you might start creating this content with Pinterest in mind, I can promise you that if your ideal clients are looking for a certain wedding trend on Pinterest, they are searching for inspiration on Google and Instagram too!
Introduce Pinterest TV as part of your Marketing Strategy
If you want to take it just one step further, Pinterest launched a brand new feature just a couple of months ago. If you have been eagerly looking for the “next thing”, this might be worth a look! Pinterest TV offers a live way to interact with your audience and showcase “shoppable” pins so if your business has an ecommerce component, this is definitely nothing to sleep on. This is a brand new feature and all I can see is potential so it will be exciting to see how this 2022 Pinterest trend unfolds.
One trend that seems to be standing out on all of the social media platforms right now is that users are looking for an immersive experience. You've probably noticed it in your own business too, right? Your customers don't just want to hire a wedding planner, they want a wedding best friend. When you show up live on Pinterest (or anywhere else!), you can give that precious one-on-one feeling to all of your customers (and potential customers) at once.
Ready to Grow Your Wedding Business Using 2022 Pinterest Trends?
Here's a quick recap:
- Video Pins are getting seen the most – create and repurpose video from other platforms to grow your brand awareness on Pinterest.
- Idea Pins are here to stay – start using them (even if you are just repurposing content from other platforms) and posting on the platform regularly.
- Video pins and Idea Pins are great for growing on the platform, but don't forget to create new and fresh content on your website and add it to Pinterest regularly.
- Use Pinterest Tools for creators to get the biggest ROI on what you create.
- Feeling ambitious? Go all-in on this underrated platform and start using Pinterest TV.
Are you feeling that 2022 business building energy? If growing your wedding planning business is on your vision board, I would love to invite you to sign up for the Planner's Playbook. It's exactly what I wish I had during my first five years in business.
Explore More Resources
- Instagram Trends For Wedding Pros in 2022: What You Need To Know
- 5 Social Media Mistakes Every Wedding Planner Makes
- Wedding Planner Marketing: How To Attract & Speak Directly to Your Ideal Clients
- How To Design A Styled Shoot As A Wedding Planner
- How To Focus Your Marketing Platforms And Go All-In On Just ONE
- 9 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting your Wedding Planning Business
- 8 Free Ways To Market Your Wedding Planning Biz
- 5 Reasons Why You Should Be Creating Unique Content For Your Blog
- How To Create Content Buckets And Save Yourself A Ton Of Time Marketing Your Biz
For More Wedding Industry Business Secrets, Follow Me on Instagram
Sometimes, the key to raising your price as a wedding planner is having a little audacity.
I don’t want 2025 to be the year where you let the side of your brain that believes you can’t do things get in the way of you doing them. Like…
Raising your price
Growing your team
Building your brand
Getting paid more than your babysitter
Instead, I want you to imagine this…
You’re wrapping up your biggest year in business yet. You’ve hit $100K, working with clients who value you, charging rates that actually pay you like a CEO, and running a business that feels as good as it looks.
What changed?
💡 You stopped waiting for permission to level up.
💡 You stopped thinking six figures was only for other planners.
💡 You started pricing yourself for profit—not just to stay busy.
💡 You had a little extra audacity that believed it was possible.
Growing your wedding planning business toward the income goals you have is WAY more possible than you think. You just need to switch up a few key strategies in your business, and I promise, it’s right there.
📣 Next week, I’m hosting a FREE masterclass where I’m breaking down exactly how wedding planners hit their first $100K year—without overworking, undercharging, or waiting years to “earn” it.
🔥 Want in? Drop “TRAINING” in the comments, and I’ll DM you the link!
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Todays spot on the timeline is for my funny valentine, who made patè for us to eat later 😍 I love doing life with you @jasonkistoo. Thanks for being the best husband and friend. ILYSM ✨

Wedding planners, if no one has told you yet… Happy Valentine’s Day!
Here’s what I know about you: you pour your heart into every wedding, do everything you can to calm the chaos, and somehow keep timelines, seating charts, and emotional meltdowns all in check.
So here’s my Valentine’s wish for you:
💌 May your inbox be at zero (or at least less terrifying).
💌 May your couples actually read their timelines… and respect them.
💌 May your next inquiry be a dream client who doesn’t ask for a discount.
If you feel this in your soul, share this post with your couples and let them know how lucky they are to have you. 😉
#weddingplannerlife #theplannersplaybook #candicecoppola #plannersplaybook #weddingpro #weddingindustry #weddingplannergoals #weddingbiz #luxuryweddingplanner #weddingbusiness #weddingplannercommunity #eventplannerlife #bridetobe #engagedcouples #weddingplanningtips #weddingprosunite #bridalbiz #bookedoutweddingplanner #weddingplannersupport #plannerlife #weddingplannerinspo #engagedlife #weddingplanningjourney

It all started with one deep-ass conversation.
A few weeks ago, I was sitting on my patio in Barbados with @c10ike, talking for hours about life, business, friendship, and everything in between.
No agenda, no filters, no bullshit. Just real, unedited conversations.
And somewhere between the beach, the lattes, and the 5-hour deep dives, we realized something: these conversations deserved to be shared.
So much of what we see online is curated to perfection. But the best moments? The most transformative, soul-filling, perspective-shifting conversations? They don’t happen on a stage, or in a perfectly polished IG post.
They happen in the in-between.
On a couch, barefoot.
On a patio, wine in hand.
When the masks are off, and we just talk.
So this week, I’m bringing you my newest series on the podcast: Patio Chats.
In this episode, we’re talking about:
✨ Why we need more scruffy hospitality
✨ Paying attention to the people who pay attention to YOU.
✨ Why your “soil” determines what you attract.
✨ The small ways we can all create better ripples in our industries, our friendships, and our lives.
Comment 177 and I’ll send you the link to listen.
Photo Credit: @colleenannelennehan
#patiochats #weddingindustry #weddingindustryexperts #weddingbusiness #weddingbusinesscoach #weddingpodcast #weddingvendor #weddingcendors #weddingfriends

All, Building Your Brand, Ideal Clients, Tech Tools, Things to Do Better, Wedding Industry Marketing
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