I'm here to share with you why blogging is NOT dead and 6 easy ways to get back into the swing of it!
Listen, I hate to be the bearer of bad news – but we've gotta talk. Blogging is NOT dead.
I know you saw the title of this blog post, and you were like…
Hell to the no, she can't be serious?! I thought we all collectively agreed that blogging is a HUGE waste of time?!!!
I'm sad to report that it isn't. It's actually an enormous asset to fold into your marketing. And here's another scary fact: your competition is out there blogging their hearts out – and they're attracting your ideal clients!
In all seriousness, I recorded today's podcast episode because I want you to attract more of your ideal customers. I want you to get paid handsomely for what you do, and I want you to spend your time working for people who appreciate it.
So buckle-up and get ready to get back to blogging because blogging is NOT dead. In this episode, I'm sharing with you:
- WHY blogging is NOT dead
- Why you need to be blogging and HOW it can attract your ideal customers
- Six EASY (I mean SUPER EASY like ALMOST DOING NOTHING easy) ways to get in the grove of blogging + content ideas to steal
And because I'm all about facts and receipts, I want to share with you my analytics from this blog over the last 30 days:
Site Stats from Dec 25 – Jan 24th
Can we say WTF?! These analytics were pulled right from WordPress, and they show how many people clicked on and read each individual blog post from December 25th – January 24th.
I reference these specific posts and how easy they were to create inside today's episode!
I also want to show you the referral sources for just my blog over the same period. Tell me what you see as the top referrers?
Site Referrers From Dec 25 – Jan 24th
Google & Pinterest. Oh yes, I talk about all this and more inside today's episode.
- Batchwork: How I made batchworking finally work for me and how you can, too
- WeddingPro Insiders: My monthly mastermind for wedding pros who want to attract premium clients, scale their services with ease, and build profitable businesses with purpose.
- The Ideal Client Blueprint Masterclass: Grab the recording of my webinar on how to attract your Ideal Clients
Explore More Wedding Industry Resources
- Why You're Not Attracting the Right Clients & How To Fix It
- Everything You Need To Know About Blogging in 2021 With Vanessa Hicks
- 5 Reasons Why You Should Be Creating Unique Content for Your Blog
- Zafira Rajan Gives You Permission to Experiment in Your Business
- Caitlin Strempel Shares The Key To SEO Ranking Is Your Message
Thanks for tuning into today’s episode of The Power in Purpose Podcast. I want to know– what was your biggest takeaway? Head to my Instagram to join the conversation!
Growing a Business, Ideal Clients, Podcast Show Notes, Starting a Business, Wedding Industry Marketing
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