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Wedding Industry Marketing

How to Know if Your Wedding Planner Marketing Strategy is Working

July 19, 2023

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Let me guess – you want (more like need) more wedding planning clients. So, how do you know if your wedding planner marketing strategy is working for you – and what changes you should make to help you attract more of your ideal clients? As a business coach for wedding planners for over a decade, I'm often asked about marketing. In fact, not a day goes by when someone doesn't email me asking about what they should do to market their wedding planning business better.

So, if wondering what your wedding planner marketing strategy should even be is the biggest question you have, wondering whether or not yours is working is the second. Because (let’s be honest), your wedding planner marketing strategy is a Frankenstein-reverse-engineered-approach based on what you think is working for your competitors and the people you look up to—and you don’t even know if it’s good to begin with. So how are you supposed to judge it from there?

That’s the six-figure-business question, isn’t it?!

Another truth bomb for you: Marketing stresses you out. It’s why maybe you took the Frankenstein approach to creating a strategy.

It’s why even if you have a strategy, you decide to skip your marketing to-do’s in the name of client experience. It’s why you’ve never really evaluated what you’re doing because you’re afraid of what it might tell you.

But that’s exactly why you’re here. You want to know whether your wedding planner marketing strategy is working and whether the stress (and time, money, and effort) is all worth it. Well, let’s figure that out!

In this article, I will share three things you can look at in order to know if your marketing strategy is working as hard for you as you are for your wedding planning business.

Let me guess - you want (more like need) more wedding planning clients. So, how do you know if your wedding planner marketing strategy is working for you - and what changes you should make to help you attract more of your ideal clients? As a business coach for wedding planners for over a decade, I'm often asked about marketing. In fact, not a day goes by when someone doesn't email me asking about what they should do to market their wedding planning business better. In this article, I will share three things you can look at in order to know if your marketing strategy is working as hard for you as you are for your wedding planning business.

1. Measure progress toward your goals and objectives for your wedding planner marketing strategy

The easiest way to judge whether or not your wedding planner marketing strategy is working is by asking yourself, “Am I making progress toward my big-picture goals?” Because (at face value) it’s a pretty simple yes or no answer—and even that can tell you whether you’re on or off track. 

But if you go one step further, it’s a good idea to look at your track record of completing your objectives (read: the smaller, more measurable goals that ladder up to your big-picture ones).

For example, if one of your goals is to book more weddings, your objectives might be to grow your social media following, increase word-of-mouth referrals, and increase website traffic. If you’re meeting your objectives but not getting closer to your goal, that is an indicator something isn’t working—and maybe the marketing tasks sitting under your objectives aren’t the right ones. If you’re not meeting them at all? That is a clear sign to re-evaluate your marketing strategy overall—because it may not be a realistic one for you to follow.

Don't have any marketing objectives or goals? Then I want you to check out this new marketing tool, Enji. Enji will help you create a wedding planner marketing strategy in just a few clicks – including helping you create actionable objectives and marketing goals. Click here to sign-up for a free 14-day trial of Enji!

2. Monitor the quality of your wedding planning leads

Whether you’re booking weddings at your capacity or want to increase the number of inquiries you’re getting, I’m pretty confident in guessing you’d like the quality of your leads to go up over time. (You know, so you don’t have to hard-sell people on your services, and your calendar is filled with rad people who don’t stress you out.) And, when push comes to shove, this becomes a reality when your marketing strategy is right for you—not the Frankenstein version you might have started with. 

Now, monitoring the quality of your leads is a mix of feeling and numbers because only you can judge whether or not a lead is a good one or not. But here is the habit you should build: judge each of your leads as either “on-brand” or “off-brand” and track them as a KPI (more on that in just a sec). If you start seeing that the number of off-brand leads is bigger than your on-brand ones, you, my friend, have a marketing problem that needs fixing. And here are a couple things to explore first:

  • Evaluate your ideal customer personas. Do you have a clear and/or realistic idea of who your ideal clients are? And are you marketing your wedding planning services in the places they are looking?
  • Is your branding right for them? Is your brand not the vibe that visually hooks them? Are you not making the right first impression? 
  • Are your marketing messages right for them? Do you not really understand why people come to you and how you solve their problems? 


You can find a lot of the answers to these questions by auditing your inquiry emails and client reviews. Look for the common words, phrases, and sentiments in them and incorporate them into your website copy, social captions, sales emails, etc.

Let me guess - you want (more like need) more wedding planning clients. So, how do you know if your wedding planner marketing strategy is working for you - and what changes you should make to help you attract more of your ideal clients? As a business coach for wedding planners for over a decade, I'm often asked about marketing. In fact, not a day goes by when someone doesn't email me asking about what they should do to market their wedding planning business better. In this article, I will share three things you can look at in order to know if your marketing strategy is working as hard for you as you are for your wedding planning business.

3. Look at what your KPIs are telling you about your wedding planner marketing strategy

The most surefire way to know if your marketing strategy is working is by looking at your KPIs (key performance indicators). Because—you’ve heard this before folks—the numbers don’t lie. Sure, there is definitely mention of “feelings” in this article as well as things telling you it’s okay to trust your gut, but you cannot just rely on that for the answer. You probably have in the past. And now you’re here trying to figure out why sh*t isn’t working.

Tracking your KPIs does one thing above all else. It helps you understand the impact of your marketing—okay, and the health of your business. So, when it comes to putting a pin in this, you’ve got to become more of a numbers person. Promise you can do this! Here are some key KPIs for wedding planners:

  • Cost per lead (how many marketing dollars did you have to spend to get a lead)
  • Cost per acquisition (how many marketing dollars did you have to spend to book a client)
  • Lead sources (where are your leads coming from)
  • Lead quality (are they on or off-brand)
  • Average booking value 


Track your average booking value for each lead source because this will show you where your highest paying clients are coming from—which also tells you where you should focus your marketing energy!

It's time to fix your wedding planner marketing strategy – and there's an amazing marketing tool that can help.

You know marketing is crucial to your success as a wedding planner, so take these tips and work to become a better marketer over time! And if you’re thinking, “Damn, it would be nice to have a place to track all this stuff,” you’re gonna like this.

It's time to get your wedding planner marketing strategy together, and this new cool tool called Enji will help you make sense of ALL the above – plus more.

Enji is that place you can “track all this stuff.” You can create a customized marketing strategy (in minutes), create ideal client personas, manage your marketing to-do’s, and track your KPIs all in one place.

Start your 14-day free trial of Eni today! Want to see Enji in action? Check out the demo below from Enji's founder, Tayler Cusick Hollman!

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