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Using Jasper AI To Write Better Blog Posts For Your Wedding Business

July 17, 2023

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I’m going to share how to use Jasper AI to write better blog posts for your wedding business, but first, let’s talk about SEO lately. Last week in my mastermind for wedding professionals, Wedding Pro Insiders, I had the opportunity to share insights into upcoming changes that we can expect from Google (and the addition of AI tools). As someone who has been in the wedding industry for well over a decade now, I've ALWAYS found that prioritizing SEO is key to driving traffic to your website and attracting potential clients.

With these changes on the horizon, I believe that we need to stay informed and prepare to adapt accordingly. I think it's safe to say that Google's AI developments will have a significant impact on the future of online marketing strategies, and those who keep up with these changes will have a distinct advantage. If you want that to be you – keep reading, friend!

By the way – I’m talking about Jasper AI here but some of these tips will work for Chat GPT if you don’t want to pay for another platform. With that said, I love Jasper AI for how easy the templates are to use for things like this so if you want to test it out you can sign up for a 7 day free trial here

a guide to writing better blog posts as a wedding pro

Google Updates in 2023

Google recently announced that the first search result viewers will see after they search for something might be a generative AI response (as opposed to in the past – when blog posts usually show up!). With that said, they will be providing three “sources” that back up their AI response, and I believe that we WANT to be one of those sources for topics relevant to what our couples are looking for (because nobody really trusts an AI response, right?). So even if blog posts aren’t the first result anymore, I believe that SEO-focused blog posts will still be an important marketing strategy for wedding pros in 2023 and beyond. We might just have to adapt as we go.

And one of the ways we need to adapt? We need to be more consistent with our content. One blog post every 6 months is not going to make you a “trusted source” my friends. This brings me to today’s topic on using Jasper to write better blog posts for your wedding business. Have a drilled it into your head how important this is yet?

Should We Still Focus On Writing Blog Posts For Your Wedding Business?

YES. Full stop. 

Writing blog posts for your wedding business is absolutely essential – especially in today’s online obsessed world. Blog posts are a great way to get noticed by prospective couples, share tips and insights with current clients, and even build relationships with other vendors. Plus, it can help establish you as an expert in the industry. Are there any downsides? Not only will blog posts help draw customers to your website, but blogging regularly also keeps you top-of-mind for potential couples who are researching vendors online. And as anyone working with millennials knows – they ARE researching online.

As a wedding pro, using AI tools like Jasper AI can be incredibly helpful when creating compelling content quickly, as it will suggest topic ideas based on trends in the industry and allow you to generate text quickly and easily – freeing up more of your time to focus on connecting with couples and growing your business! One of the BIGGEST objections I hear from wedding pros who aren’t writing blog posts for their wedding business is that “they don’t have time”. I’m not sure that excuse works anymore!

Using Jasper AI to Write Wedding Blog Posts

Full disclosure: Jasper and other AI tools are changing every day and getting better every day so while I could probably write a really detailed guide on how to write better blog posts for your wedding business, I’m just going to focus on FOUR key things today!

When Sharing Informational Posts, Create a “Blog Post Outline”

Let me just say – you know more than AI – so you SHOULD rely on your own knowledge to write blog posts, okay? We are not going to copy, paste, and regurgitate what’s already online. But the outline? I feel like that’s where AI tools really excel, and what I love about Jasper is that I can ask it to give me options. So if I was going to write a post with “5 tips to choosing a wedding venue in X location”, I could ask it to come up with 3 outlines for me to choose from. Then, I could see what it comes with and choose one OR create something unique by combining a little from each of them.

Then, from there, you can break down each of the points by transferring them over to the “one shot blog post” template OR use the paragraph generator to go piece by piece (while still making it incredibly easy to get your writing done. And speaking of the paragraph generator… 

When Sharing REAL Weddings, Use the Paragraph Generator

Listen – you can’t exactly write a “one shot blog post” of a real wedding. Jasper can’t recap something it wasn’t there for (although sometimes, when you ask any AI tool to write something about a wedding, the narrative they create is quite entertaining). Instead, use prompts like:

  • Write an introduction paragraph from the perspective of a wedding planner, explaining that I’m going to share one of my favorite couple's weddings, Ariana and Tom at the [insert your favorite wedding venue]
  • Write a paragraph from the perspective of a wedding planner describing how important getting ready photos are, and why you should want to capture the details of your wedding day. Include the point that for Ariana and Tom’s wedding, I suggested XYZ (letterpress stationery, asking their florist for loose florals, getting their rings cleaned before, etc).
  • Write a couple of paragraphs about Ariana and Tom’s wedding ceremony from the perspective of a wedding planner. Important notes to include are X, Y, and Z.
  • Write a couple of paragraphs about how as their wedding planner, I designed their reception to reflect their vision of __________. A few of my favorite details were X, Y, and Z. My team and I were making sure everything was perfect while our couple enjoyed cocktail hour.
  • Write a paragraph about how the reception was one of the most memorable and lively we have ever been asked to plan! Some favorite moments include X, Y, and Z.
  • Write a conclusion for the above blog post from the perspective of a wedding planner. Include a CTA that we are now booking 2024 weddings and they should contact us soon for availability.

Using the “Make Longer” Feature to Hit Higher Word Counts Strategically

Google generally prioritizes content that is significantly longer than 300 words, which many people don't realize. While it might be tempting to write brief blog posts of around 300 words summarizing your latest wedding, Google will give higher rankings to longer content because it feels more thorough and complete. I know you might feel like “nobody wants to read a blog nowadays” but I promise you that they do, and they won’t be reading your short post anyway if it never makes it to the first page of Google!

Fortunately, with the help of Jasper AI‘s “make longer” feature, even a single paragraph can become a much more substantial piece of content with just a few clicks. This makes it easier for wedding businesses to craft longer pieces that are still interesting to read! If you are struggling to describe yet another church wedding ceremony, it doesn’t hurt to ask Jasper to make it longer or even change the tone!

Use the Brand Voice Feature to Remain Consistent

This might be one of my favorite features yet! You can upload your website into Jasper and they can create your brand voice as a template and use it for every output they give you (we are talking about blog posts today – but the truth is that you can use Jasper to create Instagram captions, video scripts, and so much more. If you have a team, it can be even harder to keep a consistent brand voice so I believe this tool is going to be a game changer for busy wedding pros!

To take it even further, you can upload your brand stories and knowledge into the “Brand Voice” function in Jasper too. If you have a few stories that you always like to reshare as a part of your brand (for example, I always share about the time I forgot to order chairs and paid $2000 for someone else’s wedding… and how to avoid it), you can actually upload those to Jasper and Jasper will USE them in the content it produces for you as it’s relevant. In the rise of AI, Google has made it clear they are putting a premium on writing and knowledge that comes from personal experience, and taking the time to teach Jasper about your brand stories and other -isms might just be the competitive edge you need to write blog posts for your business that rank.

a guide to writing better blog posts with AI tools

Bonus: Grab the Chrome Extension to Repurpose Your Content and Write Anything

I like to say that AI tools are great for getting you “stuck to started” and while I have only really talked about writing blog posts here, the truth is that you can use AI for almost anything. If you do decide to invest in a tool like Jasper, make sure you get the Chrome extension so you can write absolutely everywhere. Seriously – the next time you have a client ask for something, ask Jasper to write a paragraph saying “no” in a nice way. 

Another reason I love the Jasper Chrome extension? I can highlight a body of text and ask it to repurpose the text into a Facebook post, Instagram caption, Linkedin post, and more! Curious about repurposing? Make sure to check out this Youtube video I have sharing a marketing hack for you!

Using AI Tools like Jasper as a Wedding Pro

While I don't think we can expect AI to completely replace human intelligence and creativity anytime soon, I will always advocate for using tools that make our professional lives easier. And, AI tools that are available today are doing precisely that. They are streamlining laborious and time-consuming tasks (like writing blog posts for your business), freeing up time and focus for what truly matters – the strategic and creative aspects of our work. Just remember to layer in your personal touch and remind your reader how lovely it will be for them to work with you!

Click here to sign up for Jasper AI and start writing better blog posts!

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Cheers to Fridays, Aperol Spritzes, new friends and summer vibes ✨ 

just a reminder that I have 4 amazing episodes waiting for you on my podcast all about email marketing, so you can get back to having fun on Instagram ✨🫶🏼 

Imagine if you didn’t stress out so much about your marketing because you diversified your sales funnel with more sustainable strategies like email marketing? 

maybe you could just enjoy social media a little more and stress about it a little less. 


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Selling is usually hard for everyone. We feel “icky” when we sell, and many of us don’t want to feel pushy or like we are bothering other people with our services/offers. But selling is important. Like, really freaking important. lol

This week, I’m teaching you a selling model that I created for my marketing. Yes, even I struggle (sometimes daily) with selling. It’s the Serve, Serve, Sell Formula, and it will help you tremendously, especially when it comes to email marketing!

📣 COMMENT 137 and I’ll send you a Spotify and Apple Podcasts link to this episode so you can hear more about my sales formula and binge all 4 episodes that are currently live! 🙌🏼

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The best thing I’ve ever bought is a plane ticket to Barbados. Cheers to 10 years of marriage with you ✨✨

10 years ago today we snuck off (sorry friends and fam!) to get married at a small little church on the beach. It felt like I was doing something crazy - we had only been dating for 10 months - but my nerves were quieted by an inner sense of knowing that this was right.

When you know you know. ❤️ 

I’m so lucky to have a partner where everyday feels like our anniversary. Thank you for giving me a life better than I could have ever imagined, and for being my person. #kistoos #kistoos💞 #10yearanniversary

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