Are you a wedding pro who keeps getting ghosted during the sales process? Are you wondering why your leads are not responding to your sales emails? Well, hold up! This is a problem that ALL wedding pros face every single year, right around this time as engagement season begins to wind down. As a wedding planner myself, I totally feel you. I was ghosted ALL the time by potential leads. But why? Why do potential customers that seemed so eager to work with us go radio silent? Let's dive right into it!
This podcast episode will get you thinking a little bit differently about your sales process. It will give you some great tips on how to re-engage some of these leads who are not responding and get you in the right mindset for sales season and beyond. Now, let's talk a little bit about ghosting in and of itself.
I need you to realize that this is not necessarily you. It is a common problem across the board. I mean, come on, haven't we all been ghosted before? I think that it has become normal for people to just not respond to things that they have decided are not the right fit for them and to not give that common courtesy. But fear not, my friend! We're going to walk through three very common reasons why you get ghosted during the sales process and how you can fix this.

In this episode about why you might be a wedding pro getting ghosted:
- The common reasons why wedding pros get ghosted by leads
- What you can do in these situations to re-engage the conversation
[00:00:00.000] - Speaker 1
Are you getting ghosted during the sales process? Are you wondering why your leads are not responding to your sales emails? Well, in today's episode of the show, I'm going to walk you through three very common reasons why you get ghosted during the sales process and how you can fix this.
[00:00:18.640] - Speaker 1
You're here to grow a business, but not just any business you want to grow a profitable business with purpose, a business where you wake up every single day driven to serve your customers and make a difference in your own life.
[00:00:34.080] - Speaker 2
I'm Candice coppola, published author, business coach, and your guide to building a profitable business with purpose. Join me here every single week as we explore how to build and grow your business with purpose. Get ready to dig in and have meaningful conversations about the strategies and techniques that will help you build your dream business. This is the power in purpose.
[00:01:04.700] - Speaker 1
Hey, their friend, Candice Coppola here. Welcome back to the show. We have a fun little episode today talking all about ghosting during the sales process. This is an issue that comes up every single year right around this time, coincidentally, since engagement season is beginning to wind down and there's so many couples out there right now who are looking for their wedding team, which hopefully you will be a part of. I wanted to talk today just a little bit about ghosting during the sales process, why it happens, and what you can do about it, if anything, because not every reason is something that you are equipped to do something about or that you're in control of. H opefully, today's episode will get you thinking a little bit differently about your sales process, how you can reengage some of these leads who are just not responding, and get you in the right mindset for sales season and beyond. Now, let's talk a little bit about ghosting in and of itself. I need you to realize that this is not necessarily you. It is a common problem across the board. I think that it has become normal for people to just not respond to things that they have decided are not the right fit for them and to not give that common courtesy.
[00:02:20.620] - Speaker 1
I get ghosted as a wedding planner. I got ghosted all the time. It was just part of the sales process. I became accustomed to it and I just learned to deal with it, honestly. As a wedding business coach, I also get ghosted just saying. Yeah, just saying. Wedding pros can be some of the worst culprits of ghosting, by the way. I'm like, You guys complain about this all the time, and yet you're ghosting me. You're not responding to my email. I just want you to know that all of us get ghosted from time to time. I know how hard it is, personally, mentally, when you get ghosted. If you're just starting out, I know it can be a knock in your confidence and you can definitely wonder like, Hey, it must be something I'm doing wrong. And it could be, to be fair. And if you've been in business for a minute or longer, like a decade, getting ghosted during hard points in your business can make those hard points that much harder. Let's just be honest about this. If you're struggling to get a sale, if your cash flow is low, if you're like, Girl, I don't know how I'm going to be able to afford my Starbucks next week or tomorrow, and you get a lead in and you're like, Oh, here we go.
[00:03:36.350] - Speaker 1
It's all happening again. And that lead doesn't respond to your emails, you put so much emphasis on booking that client, it can feel that much more devastating when they don't respond. A little side note, I want you to make sure that you never count checks before they're cashed. What I mean by this is in those hard times or in those hard moments or when a really fabulous lead comes and we just start thinking about all the possibilities. And we also think about the financial abundance that could come our way if we book that client, we literally start cashing checks before they're handed to us. We are on vacation in Barbados. We are paying school fees. We are making that mortgage payment. We are buying a new Louis Vuitton Neverfull hand bag. I need you to not do that. Only count the cash that actually gets deposited in your account. Don't do that to yourself. Don't go down the road of dreaming about what this new lead, if they book, could mean for your business. Stay practical and just keep your eyes focused on what's in front of you. Because if you're counting checks before they're cashed, you can start making some really seriously bad financial decisions if they don't book.
[00:04:48.740] - Speaker 1
And also you just set yourself up to be disappointed. We don't want that. So listen, I get that a lead ghosting you. You go through a range of emotions, and that's natural. It's part of the human condition. We feel rejected, and nobody likes to feel rejected, right? But here are three common reasons why you might be getting ghosted in the sales process and what you can do about it.
[00:05:12.480] - Speaker 2
Hey there, friend. Real quick, I want to share with you how you can sign up for a free trial with Honey Book. Honey Book is everything you need to get business done, and it's trusted by over 100,000 independent businesses just like yours to manage projects, book clients, send invoices, and most importantly, get paid. If you've been looking for an all in one solution to manage your customers, I want to invite you to sign up for a free trial with Honeybook. Go to candice coppola. Com honeybook to learn more. When you sign up for a free trial using the code purpose, you'll save 50 % off of your first year's subscription. Honeybook is what I used in my business as a wedding planner and it helped me land every single sale. It's what helped me build a six figure wedding planning business. It's also what helps me today in my business. Go to candice coppola. Com honeybook to learn more and with the code purpose, save 50 % on your first year's subscription.
[00:06:27.120] - Speaker 1
The first reason why you might be getting ghosted is they simply just cannot afford what you're selling. And there's not much you can do about this if you're not willing to negotiate your price. And so you just have to recognize that not everybody who inquires with you is going to be the right fit for your business, personality wise, their wedding in general, their values, and of course, their pocketbook. They may not be able to afford you. That is okay. We cannot work with everybody on Earth, and so we have to just stick to the people who have the budget to support our services. Now, if you're finding that you're just getting a ton of leads that cannot afford you, that's a sign of a little bit of a larger problem. It means to me, and what it tells me on the surface is that you are marketing your business in the wrong places, thereby attracting a client who cannot afford your services. So you may want to evaluate where you're marketing your business. If this is happening frequently, frequently to me means like over 60 % of the leads you get cannot afford your services.
[00:07:35.430] - Speaker 1
That's an indication that something larger is happening that we need to dig into. But if the majority of your leads actually can afford your services, you're doing good with your marketing. So recognize that not everybody who inquires can afford your services, and sometimes that's just why they don't respond. They might be embarrassed or they might just honestly tag out and say, You know what? Bye. I can't afford this person. I'm not even going to engage with them. It sucks, but it definitely is the biggest reason why you get ghosted. The next reason why you might be getting ghosted during the sales process has everything to do with the materials that you send and how you present your services and your pricing. The truth of the matter is that your leads might be confused as hell about what it is you do. And listen, I have been a business coach long enough. I have done enough critiques. I have reviewed enough sales decks and pricing decks to know that you all out here are doing the most when it comes to putting your shit together for pricing and stuff. You got 10 pages. The font is like this big.
[00:08:41.580] - Speaker 1
This big. I'm literally like, if you're listening to this and not actually watching a video of it, it's literally like a period size font. Your font is small. There's images everywhere. It's confusing as hell. You're writing in like flowery language. It's like a Jane Austin novel. And there's a million bullet points or there's no bullet points. It's just it is confusing. I need you to first acknowledge you're not a graphic designer, so it might be time to hire someone to do this for you to present it in a way where it's easy to understand. But there's a really famous quote by one of my favorite authors, Donald Miller, the author of a Brand Story. And Donald says that if you confuse, you lose. And Donald is 100 % right. If you confuse people in the sales process, you're going to lose people. So you need to make sure that whatever information you're sending, whether it's an email, whether it's a landing page, a PDF, a honey book brochure, wherever you're sending people to take another step with you to learn more, you need to make sure that they're not confused by what it is you offer.
[00:09:51.580] - Speaker 1
You want it to be clear, concise, easy to understand. And like I said, I've been around the block long enough to know that a lot of the sales decks and brochures and landing pages I look at, it's just confusing and it's not designed well and it doesn't make sense. There is an art to this. There is a graphic designer art to this. Maybe this is something we need to bring my graphic designer, Nicole Yang, on the podcast to talk about. But there is an art to presenting information in a way that makes sense to people. Study that or hire someone to do it for you. Now, the problem here is that they're going to get this information from you and be like, What? What does this even mean? I can't make sense of it. And to even compound the situation, your competition, they could be presenting their products, their services, their pricing in such a way that is so easy to understand that the client immediately gravitates towards that vendor because they can make sense of what they're offering. I need you to also consider that your pricing your sales decks, they're likely being put side by side with your competitors or with other vendors in your category being reviewed by the client.
[00:11:04.480] - Speaker 1
So if you've got some 10 page crazy, everything's jammed together sales deck that nobody can read or understand, the fonts all in caps and there's no bullet points and it just looks like a crazy old mess. Next to something that is clear, outlined very well, easy to understand in paragraph font, like just normal looking, the person is going to gravitate towards the normal looking. So you need to recognize that it might actually be the way you're presenting your services and products from the language, the copy, how that copy is structured visually, and the visual representation of that information. It might be time for a little overhaul. Here's what I want you to do. I want you to send it to a family member, a friend, somebody you trust, and I want you to ask them to take a look at it and give you their honest opinion. Is it easy to understand? Is it easy to read? Does it make sense? Does it get you excited? Does it leave you asking questions? Come up with a sheet of things that they can answer or boxes they can tick off, giving you greater feedback on your sales decks and brochures.
[00:12:07.320] - Speaker 1
This way you can know like, Hey, I understand this because I'm in it, I'm in the industry. But does a novice, does somebody outside the industry, a couple getting married for the first time, do they understand this? That's, I think, key and so critical and important. All right, the third reason and the final reason today why you might be getting ghosted during the sales process has everything to do with decision fatigue. We are in charge of so much. Think about how many decisions you make on a daily basis. Girl, you are making decisions every day, all day. I think sometimes we get fatigued by decision making. I also think that couples are scared of making the wrong decision, which reverts us to analysis paralysis, where we're just paralyzed because we're overanalyzing everything, we can't make a decision. I need your sales process to be engaging and supportive in such a way where it makes decisions for your couple, for your lead. I know this sounds probably weird, but hear me out for a second. If you know that your couples suffer from decision fatigue and analysis paralysis, and if you could help them make that next step with you.
[00:13:30.380] - Speaker 1
Just one step, that's all they need to take, book a consultation call, click here to fill out my form, whatever that next step is. If you could help them make that step and take the decision out of it and just have them do it, wouldn't that be the best solution to this ghosting problem? Yes. The answer is yes, it would. I want you to make sure that in your sales emails, in your sales process, you are making it easy for your customer to take the next step with you. And you're almost making the decisions for them. For instance, you can end an email with, so now that I've shared this information with you, how about we set up a consultation? I think the consultation is the next step for us. So do me a favor, click here. Let's get that scheduled. You're providing a call to action and you're encouraging them to take the next step. And it's not risky, it's pretty low risk. We're just going to get on the phone and talk, and you'll find that by leading them and guiding them and being their guide, they're more equipped to take that next step with you.
[00:14:40.480] - Speaker 1
So I need you to realize that decision making is definitely something that is an objection people have in the sales process and why they might be ghosting you because they don't know what decision to make. So make decisions for your leads. Help guide them. Take the pressure off of decision making. Make the decisions for them by giving them calls to action on what to do next. Now, these are just three of the most common reasons why you might be getting ghosted. Girl, we could write a list of things that might be happening in your business, and I would only be able to pinpoint those things if I did a deep dive into your business. But I feel like these three tips definitely apply to every listener who's listening today. And there's something you can take away from what I've just said that will help you to improve your sales process and maybe bring down the percentage of ghosting leads that you're getting. Now, listen, if you want some help with your sales process, I'm going to invite you to go to my shop and pick up my sales scripts. This is probably one of the best selling items to date that I've ever created, and I get such incredible feedback from the people who've purchased my sales scripts.
[00:15:47.460] - Speaker 1
These are email templates that I've written out for you at every stage of the sales process.
[00:15:52.800] - Speaker 2
We even.
[00:15:53.340] - Speaker 1
Have follow up emails of how to follow up with people in the sales process who have ghosted you. So I'm going to encourage you to go to my shop, candice coppola shop. Com, and go and purchase these templates and use them in your business. They've been strategically created to help you land more sales in your wedding industry business. So that's candice coppola shop. Com. Go and look for those sales scripts or swipe files that you can plug and play right into your business and of course, personalize to your needs. All right, that's it for me today. Down and dirty short episode. I would love to hear what you think of this episode, so please come over to my social media, share with me why you've been getting ghosted during the sales process and maybe what your biggest take away was from today's episode. I will see you in the next episode. As always, I'm here to remind you that there's so much power in your purpose until next time. Thanks so.
[00:16:49.720] - Speaker 2
Much for tuning in to this week's.
[00:16:51.520] - Speaker 1
Episode of the Power In Purpose podcast. If you enjoyed the show, be sure to subscribe.
[00:16:56.700] - Speaker 2
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[00:17:01.530] - Speaker 1
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[00:17:04.620] - Speaker 2
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[00:17:05.640] - Speaker 1
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[00:17:07.200] - Speaker 2
And links mentioned in today's episode.
[00:17:10.720] - Speaker 1
That's powerandpurpose podcast.
[00:17:13.480] - Speaker 2
Com. I'll see you next time.
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