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The Best CRM for Wedding Planners

February 15, 2024

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If you've landed on this article then you're a wedding planner wondering what is the best CRM for wedding planners. I've got some insider info that's going to change the way you manage your wedding planning business. And if this is the first time we're meeting – I'm Candice. I'm the one who used to be in the trenches with you, orchestrating my client's dream weddings, and now, as a business coach, I'm here to pass on the golden nuggets of wisdom I've gathered along the way. If you want some no-BS advice about what it actually takes to run a successful wedding business, you’re in the right place. Today, I'm diving DEEP into why I believe Honeybook is the absolute best CRM for wedding planners (and trust me – I’ve tried them all in my career – both in my own wedding business and with the women I coach!). 

Before I share the top ten reasons why Honeybook is the best CRM for wedding planners, I wanted to hook you up with a coupon code in case you want to try it for yourself to see what the fuss is all about. Get 50% off and try it for yourself now!

A woman sitting at a desk with flowers and a pink blazer, deciding on the best CRM for wedding planners

1. Honeybook is EASY to Use

In the whirlwind world of wedding planning, where every minute counts, the true value of an easy-to-use CRM like Honeybook cannot be stressed enough. Often, wedding planners underestimate the importance of simplicity and accessibility in their tools (especially if you are toying with the idea of hiring an expert to set up your CRM system), only to realize later how truly important easy-to-use tools are for their day-to-day operations. You are going to want to make changes to your systems and processes down the line, and you don’t want to need to bring in a tech expert every time you do. 

The truth is, one of the main reasons I believe Honeybook is the best CRM for wedding planners is because its intuitive design and user-friendly interface mean that you can get up and running quickly, without requiring specialized training or technical support. Being able to make changes and updates on your own is imperative in the fast-paced environment of wedding planning. Your business is dynamic, with client needs and preferences evolving constantly. In my experience (with over a decade spent as a wedding planner), Honeybook understands this fluidity and makes it incredibly easy to adapt – whether that’s updating a client’s information, modifying a contract, or adjusting a payment schedule. Plus, it’s easy for your couples to use too!

2. The Eye Buys… and Honeybook is Pretty

In the visually-driven world of wedding planning, the aesthetic appeal of every tool and touchpoint can significantly impact your brand image and client experience. In simpler terms, I like to say “the eye buys”. This is another area where Honeybook shines, offering extensive customization options that are not only easy to use but also visually stunning. 

With Honeybook, you can tailor every aspect of your client interaction – from proposals and contracts to invoices and emails – to reflect the unique style and elegance of your brand. The platform allows you to infuse your brand's colors, fonts, and logos, ensuring that every communication resonates with the sophistication and attention to detail that your clients expect from a wedding planner.

3. Collaborating With Other Vendors

One of my favorite features of Honeybook (that makes it the best CRM for wedding planners) is its robust vendor collaboration capabilities. As a wedding planner, seamless interaction with a diverse array of vendors – from florists and caterers to photographers and musicians – is key to orchestrating a flawless event. You already know this! Honeybook makes your life easier because it acts as a central hub for all these interactions. It allows you to not only communicate with vendors directly through the platform but also share important documents, timelines, and updates in real time. This level of integration ensures that everyone involved is on the same page, significantly reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings or last-minute hiccups.

On top of that, Honeybook streamlines the workflow with vendors through shared project spaces, enabling efficient management of each aspect of the wedding. Whether it's tracking the progress of floral arrangements or coordinating delivery times with the catering team, Honeybook’s collaborative tools ensure that every detail is meticulously managed (and after all, isn’t that what you want to be known for?). 

The platform also allows for the storage and easy access of vendor contracts and agreements, making it simple to reference terms and conditions or confirm (and re-confirm) specific details. This collaborative ecosystem not only simplifies the logistical aspects of wedding planning but also fosters stronger relationships with vendors, which is invaluable in an industry where the strength of your network directly influences the success of your events. You already know it takes a village!

4. Keep Your Contracts Safe & In One Place

This isn’t the most exciting feature UNTIL you need to find and reference a contract fast. When that happens, you’ll thank me! The platform's robust contract features allow you to send, receive, and store contracts with ease. When you send your contracts through Honeybook, they are not only delivered in a professional and branded format but also tracked for viewing and signing. On the flip side, the contracts you receive from vendors can be uploaded and stored in organized, dedicated folders. This eliminates the hassle of sifting through emails or physical files to find a specific document. Moreover, Honeybook's secure cloud storage means that your contracts are not only well-organized but also protected and backed up, mitigating the risk of loss or damage that comes with traditional, physical storage methods. 

5. You Can Save Time With Templates and Automation

Want to hear one of my most unpopular opinions? NOT everything can be automated (despite what the “experts” on Instagram are telling you). You offer a customized service, and that means that while automation can save you time, not everything can and should be automated. 

With that said, Honeybook’s customizable templates are still a significant timesaver. They allow you to quickly create elegant, professional-looking proposals, contracts, and invoices that resonate with the unique style of each wedding. These templates can be tailored to fit different themes and client preferences, ensuring that every communication reflects the bespoke nature of your service, without the need to start from scratch each time.

Then, for things you CAN automate (ahem – like payment reminders), Honeybook allows you to set up automated workflows for common tasks, which means that you can drastically cut down on the time spent on routine administrative tasks. This automation extends to scheduling appointments and consultations, which can link to your personal calendar ensuring that you never miss a meeting or double-book yourself. These automations mimic the personal touch that is so vital in the wedding planning industry, ensuring that clients feel attended to and valued, while freeing you up to focus on the more creative and personalized aspects of your job. 

6. Texting With Clients Right On The Platform (NEW)

Not to overuse the word “game changer”, but this one IS a game changer. As Gen Z especially starts to get married, more and more people are going to want to text you. And yes – that IS a nightmare when it comes to boundaries and organization. But what’s a wedding planner to do?

Luckily, Honeybook was ahead of the trends (another reason why I believe it’s the best CRM for wedding planners), and launched a new feature that allows you to text couples right on the platform. This will save you a TON of time (and make sure you don’t miss any important details), while still offering the convenience that today’s couple expects (and appreciates). Don’t underestimate “little things” like this when it comes to standing out in a saturated market.


SAME DAY DEPOSITS! Yes – all caps WAS necessary because you don’t want to wait for your money honey! Same day deposits is an incredible advantage, especially in an industry where cash flow can be as dynamic as the events you plan. With Honeybook, the moment a client makes a payment, the funds are on their way to your account, often available the very same day. This rapid turnover is invaluable for maintaining healthy cash flow, allowing you to promptly cover expenses, pay vendors, or reinvest in your business. 

On top of that, the hassle of dealing with external payment processors is eliminated (compared to competitors). Clients can make payments directly through the platform, whether for deposits, partial payments, or full fees. This streamlining of the payment process not only adds a layer of professionalism to your service but also simplifies the financial management aspect of your business.

8. Honeybook Allows You To Have Multiple Team Members to Help You Manage Your Account

Imagine being able to delegate tasks with ease, track progress in real-time, and ensure that no detail, no matter how minute, slips through the cracks. Kind of important when you’re a wedding planner, right? With Honeybook, you can assign specific roles and responsibilities to each team member, fostering a sense of ownership and accountability. This feature is a godsend during the hectic wedding season when managing multiple events simultaneously.

But here’s the real kicker – Honeybook isn’t just about handling the now; it’s about growing with you. As your wedding planning business expands, so do your needs. This CRM scales with your growth, accommodating more clients, more events, and yes, more team members. The ability to add new team members as your business scales is a clear indicator that Honeybook isn't just a tool for today; it's something you’re wedding business can use and love for years to come.

9. Honeybook Helps You Be Quick to Respond

Picture this: an inquiry comes in, and within moments, you're not only notified but also equipped to respond with precision and personalization. This is the kind of responsiveness that sets businesses apart, and Honeybook makes it effortlessly achievable. You can customize templates for different types of inquiries, ensuring that each response feels personal and thoughtful, not robotic. This level of attentiveness in communication fosters a sense of trust and professionalism with potential clients, giving them a glimpse of the exceptional service they can expect from your business.

Does speed really matter? YES. Whether you’ve been a wedding planner for years or are just starting your business, the truth is that couples now more than ever expect and appreciate a fast response no matter how busy you are. In fact, it’s estimated that approximately 50% of couples choose the vendor that replies first

10. Honeybook Gives You an Email Paper Trail

Last but not least, Honeybook allows you to easily create and see an email paper trail, which means that you can quickly revisit any conversation, check details, and ensure nothing slips through the cracks. No more sifting through length 58-email chains to find one minor detail. Every message, every attachment, every invoice – it's all in one place, tied to each specific event or client. This organized approach to communication means you spend less time searching through your inbox and more time creating unforgettable weddings.

Plus, I personally love the real-time email notifications. Imagine sending a proposal to a client and receiving a notification the moment they open it. This feature not only keeps you informed but also empowers you to follow up promptly, increasing the chances of sealing the deal.

A woman sitting on the floor with a laptop and a cup of coffee, while searching for the best CRM for wedding planners.

Honeybook is the Best CRM for Wedding Planners

As we wrap up, I want to remind you of one thing: the right tools can make all the difference when running a profitable business with purpose. From my own journey in the wedding planning trenches to my current role as a business coach, I've seen firsthand the transformative power of Honeybook. It's not just a CRM; it really is designed to streamline, simplify, and beautify every aspect of your wedding planning business.

Whether it's managing the nitty-gritty details with ease, collaborating seamlessly with vendors, or providing a top-notch client experience, Honeybook stands out as the best CRM for wedding planners. It's been a cornerstone in my professional toolkit, and I'm confident it will be in yours too.

So, are you ready to elevate your wedding planning business? To experience the magic of Honeybook for yourself? I've got a special treat for you. Use my coupon code PURPOSE to get a whopping 50% off and discover the Honeybook difference. Happy planning, and here's to creating more beautiful, stress-free weddings with Honeybook by your side!

Ready to get Honeybook and supercharge your client flow?

Good! I'm glad you're ready to do yourself (and your business) a favor and improve your client flow. Click here to use my discount and get 50% off your first year!

or use the code purpose at checkout

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