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Wedding Industry Tech Tools

Software I Use In My 6-Figure Coaching & Course Business

October 20, 2023

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It can be overwhelming to figure out what coaching business software is right for you and YOUR unique coaching/course business. Inside this article, I break down what apps I use in my coaching and course creation business to stay organized and sell out my launches. Ready to hear what course creator software is my favorite?

When you started your coaching and course creator business, I bet you never imagined how much software you'd need to keep the wheels running.

It can be overwhelming to figure out what is right for you and YOUR business. Inside this article, I break down what apps I use in my coaching and course creation business to stay organized and sell out my launches.

When I sold my business in 2019 and took my first step to launch my new business–coaching and mentoring wedding pros–I spent months researching what software and programs I needed.

I knew I didn't want to build a business whose profits got sucked up by subscription fees, but I also knew technology would be essential to my business infrastructure.

After all, I had become an online business owner!

You might be in the middle of researching #allthethings right now for your online business–so use my experience as a guide on what might be right for you.

These software programs help me run an efficient and automated business while providing my customers with a nurturing experience.

Course & Mastermind Software: Kajabi

Listen, I signed up for every course delivery software on the market. And each one had something missing from it that made me hesitate. Are you feeling like that, too?

I hesitated to join Kajabi because of the price. It was expensive compared to some other options, but it also had many vital features I was looking for. Particularly being able to design the experience my students would have in my courses.

My ICA is a very visual business owner–they appreciate the pretty. I have to make sure that my courses and mastermind are presented beautifully. Kajabi is the ONLY course delivery software that gives me more control over the design.

But Kajabi does so much more than that. It is a one-and-done software, perfect for the start-up who is looking for simple, straightforward ways to:

  • Create a website (yes, you can host your entire website in Kajabi!)
  • Write a blog (they have a whole blogging feature!)
  • Email your list (email marketing is built into the platform)
  • Payment processing (they have a shopping cart already installed!)
  • Webinars & Evergreen webinar delivery
  • … and so much more

While Kajabi might be more expensive than other course delivery software, it also offers everything under one roof – eliminating costly subscription fees. It's the perfect software for anyone who is starting a coaching business or growing one. You'll likely be happy with all or most of their features.

I use Kajabi to deliver my signature course, The Client Cocktail, and a business training library for my mastermind, WeddingPro Insiders.

Click here to test drive Kajabi and start a free trial. I promise you that you're gonna love it!

Business & Project Management: Asana

I thrive off of routine and structure. So, to build my 6-figure coaching and course business, I need a place to map out projects, set deadlines, talk with my team, and get things done.

That's where Asana comes in.

Asana has been the biggest blessing to my business and helps me get more done in less time. I'm able to manage:

  • My content calendar across multiple platforms (podcast episodes, blogging, affiliate promotions, Instagram, Pinterest, and more!)
  • My annual course and mastermind launches, including my launch runways, promotions, marketing, and ad management
  • The Power in Purpose podcast–where I work in tandem with my podcast manager, editor, and virtual assistant to schedule guests, produce episodes, write show notes, create marketing graphics, generate ideas, and consistently publish excellent content every week
  • Progress for the women in my mastermind. I like to keep track of where they are in their journey and how we are supporting them every single month.
  • My yearly and quarterly goals, including sales & financial goals, affiliate revenue goals, launch goals, daily habit goals, and more
  • My weekly and quarterly to-do list (I seriously couldn't live without this!)

I use Asana to manage my thoughts, ideas, team, projects, and business. I've all but eliminated unnecessary emails with the Asana conversations feature (say goodbye to dozens of daily emails!)

If you want to wrap your arms around your business and make better progress, consider joining Asana!

Mastermind Sales: Honeybook

I relaunched my mastermind at the end of June. When I did, I decided to do things a little differently (you can listen to my episode of The Breakthrough Brand Podcast, where I share details and insights from my $43,000 launch).

For my mastermind, WeddingPro Insiders, new members join with a 12-month commitment and a signed contract. They can select a payment plan of $497 per month or a pay-in-full with two months free.

The shopping cart in Kajabi doesn't give me these parameters, so I use to MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE software, Honeybook, to get the job done.

Honeybook helped me sell out my coaching mastermind and generate $43,000 in revenue in 14 days. Here's how I used it:

  1. I created a contact form that served as an application to join. Wedding pros fill out the form and are redirected to a thank you page. Then, they receive an automatic email triggered by workflows.
  2. The email and thank you page connect them with my calendar, where they select a day/time to chat with me about their business and the program
  3. I have a SmartFile template inside Honeybook that serves as a secondary sales page. It gives business owners all the details about the mastermind and the two pricing options.
  4. They select which payment option works for them, and workflows automatically trigger a proposal and agreement for them to join from a template.
  5. Using email templates, I send off their proposal, and they can join and make their payment – getting access to the mastermind instantly.

Honeybook makes it easy for me to vet applicants, create automatic workflows that deliver information without me pressing the buttons, and helps me sell out my mastermind in 14 days.

Honeybook has SO MANY more features. If you're interested in learning more, check out this Honeybook review.

If you're ready to give it a test drive, click here to sign up for a free trial and get 50% off a plan of your choice!

Email Marketing: Flodesk

As much as Kajabi's email marketing is really good, I needed something to help the eye buy. Remember, my audience is all about the pretty, so I chose Flodesk.

I moved my email list from ConvertKit to Flodesk 6 months ago, and I couldn't be happier. Flodesk makes it easy to send beautiful, highly converting emails with a few clicks.

Plus, once I switched to Flodesk, I found that I was emailing my list a lot more. Because the emails are beautiful and fun to design, I feel excited to get them into my audience's hands.

But Flodesk is more than just sending out a weekly email or running a launch–I use it for my opt-ins, nurture sequences, and onboard new students to my course and mastermind. It has automation built right in that makes it easy for me to set it and forget it.

Flodesk is still in beta mode but has many of the features you've come to know and love from other platforms. The best part? You can get 50% off Flodesk for life and pay only $19 monthly. Click here to sign up for a trial and access this fantastic deal. And if you're wondering the difference between Flodesk vs. Mailchimp, check out this article!

PS: The price NEVER goes up, no matter how big your list grows!

Making It All Talk & Automate: Zapier

While each software has its own automation, sometimes you want the software to talk to one another instead of you having to press the buttons.

That's where Zapier comes in.

Zapier is a workflow automation tool that makes Kajabi talk to Flodesk, Honeybook talk to TidayCal, Asana talk to Gmail, and many more.

You'd be so surprised at how much time is wasted when we manually have to go in and press all the buttons. Zapier does this for you! For instance…

When someone purchases my course on Kajabi, The Client Cocktail, Zapier sends a message to Flodesk to add that subscriber to my list and add them to a workflow that onboards them to the course. 

When someone joins my mastermind via Honeybook, Zapier tells Kajabi to add them as a member, and Kajabi tells Flodesk to add them to an onboarding workflow.

Zapier makes every program in my business talk! Click here to check out Zapier and sign-up for a free trial.

I hope you've found this helpful and it's given you some insight into how specific technologies can help you sell more products, serve more customers, and create a bigger impact.

Got a question? Please drop me a comment below!

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