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The Best Wedding Planner Podcasts To Grow Your Business

March 14, 2024

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Are you looking for the best wedding planner podcasts to grow your business? If you're anything like me, you understand that the path to mastering the art of wedding planning (and more importantly – running a profitable wedding planning BUSINESS) is an ever-evolving journey. With 15+ years of experience tucked under my belt, one thing has remained crystal clear time and time again: the learning never stops. And guess what? If you're here, nodding along, eager to soak up every bit of knowledge that comes your way, then you're in the absolute best company.

Whether you're on your way to meet a client, sourcing decor for an upcoming event, or simply need a dose of inspiration while you sip your morning coffee and tackle the endless admin tasks that come with running a business, these podcasts are here to make you think about business differently and motivate you to build your business with purpose (at least – that’s my opinion!). Personally, I’ve always found benefit from listening to wedding-industry related podcasts, as well as from experts outside of the industry for a fresh perspective, and I’m excited to share options from both categories today! Ready to find your new favorite?

A wedding planner sitting at a desk with flowers and a pink blazer, listening to podcasts.

The Power in Purpose

If you haven’t tuned into the Power in Purpose, what are you even doing here?! In all seriousness though, I can’t have a list of the best wedding planner podcasts to grow your business without talking about my own! I love being a podcast host and do my best to provide my REAL (and sometimes unpopular!) opinions based on what I see as a business coach for wedding pros. While I do offer up a mix of solo episodes and guest interviews, I also insist on bringing guests who have RECEIPTS. 

I’m a little ruthless with who I trust in your earbuds. If you’re looking for unfiltered advice on what’s really working in the wedding industry (from marketing to Gen-Z to how your website created a client experience with Alex Collier), you can tune in every Tuesday!

The Kara Report

Kara is a former destination wedding planner turned marketer, and her podcast, The Kara Report, offers a mixture of marketing advice and often her thoughts on what she sees the multi-six and seven figure businesses she works with doing behind the scenes. As her wedding business coach for three years (she was an OG in Wedding Pro Insiders!), it's been so fun seeing how her wedding business has transformed into almost completely passive income for her and watching her explore her new business and marketing passions now instead! You can hear from yours-truly on episode 11 where I share all about my omni-channel marketing approach (chances are – it’s what got you reading this in the first place!).

Keeping it Candid

As a photographer, Sandra offers a unique perspective on the industry, blending wedding photography insights with personal experiences on her podcast, Keeping it Candid. What makes her podcast stand out for me is her candid discussions about growing a business while managing a chronic health condition. On her podcast, Sandra has created a space that's both educational and empowering for professionals navigating similar paths, and it’s always on my list of recommended podcasts for ANY wedding pro! If you’re interested in email marketing (and I HOPE that you are!), you can hear me chat about that here!

Ask the Planner 

I’m always just grateful to know Desiree! Her podcast, “Ask the Planner,” is a mix of wedding planning tips and the latest in wedding news and while it might not be aimed directly at wedding vendors, there's a wealth of knowledge to be gleaned from her approach to planning luxury events in Upstate New York and beyond. If you’re currently a wedding planner, it's refreshing and fun to listen to someone who feels like they're planning weddings right alongside you. Desiree's knack for blending professional advice with storytelling makes her show a must-listen for anyone looking for their new favorite wedding planner podcasts!

Brands that Book with Davey and Krista

The reality is, you need to be more than just a great wedding planner to build a thriving business. On Brands That Book with Davey and Krista, they bring their experience as brand and website designers to help YOU create a brand that books! When I was lucky enough to be a guest, I chatted all about how we can channel that new girl energy and really SHOW UP for our businesses. Tune in here to that fun conversation!

Pretty Okay Podcast

You guys know I love Tayler from Enji, and she’s the cohost on the Pretty Okay podcast. Unlike the others on the list, this one is more conversational and full of rants and soapboxes (which I am HERE for), but also shares business advice and no-BS motivation for both NEW and more established small businesses. I believe that we all have so much to learn from the people outside of our industry, and I always love a hot take. The Pretty Okay podcast is full of them!

Talk with Renee Dalo

Like me, Renee believes in sharing advice that transcends industries, which means on Talk with Renee Dalo, you’ll receive business-building advice from both wedding professionals and other business owners across industries. Plus, she’s a lot of fun! If you’re feeling inspired to run a bold and profitable wedding business (and I know that you are), you’re going to love her and her show as much as I do!

Weddings for Real

You know I appreciate anyone that cuts through the BS – and Weddings for Real with Megan Gilikan does just that! She brings on fellow experts in the wedding industry to share all about what’s happening in the wedding industry lately. With over 5 years of episodes, she’s covered everything from improving client experience to mistakes made as an entrepreneur, and I really appreciate how transparent she is with it all!

Breakthrough Brand Podcast

Like I said above, you need to build a BRAND if you want to stand out in a saturated market. Another brand and website designer, Elizabeth McCravy’s podcast, Breakthrough Brand, has over 250+ bingeable episodes all about growing a business in a way that’s always tangible and actionable every single time. She is unapologetically growing her (multi six figure/year business!) as a mom on part-time hours. I was on her episode a couple of years ago talking about how I increased my launches by 1885% making $41,668 in 14 days!

So Here’s the Thing with Laylee Emadi

Laylee Emadi is the host of the Creative Educator Conference, and her podcast So Here’s The Thing, is full of the tough love that I believe most podcasts and educators are missing. If you are looking to grow an education arm to your business, or frankly even if you’re not, her podcast cuts through the fluff and provides actionable business-building tips for any creative business owner.

The Angie McPherson Show

In case you can’t tell, I want the podcasts I listen to have PERSONALITY! Angie of The Angie McPherson Show is so fun to listen to, and I love hearing from a wedding photographer turned brand photographer talk about ALL things business and marketing!  This podcast is brand new (less than 10 episodes right now!), but every episode so far has left me with at least one “aha” moment (and a lot of laughs!).

The Honeybook Podcast

Ya’ll know I LOVE Honeybook, and I can’t share the best wedding planner podcasts to grow your business without sharing about the Independent Business Podcast. I often talk about why I love Honeybook in terms of how EASY they make running my business on the backed, but they are also just an incredible people-first company and the host, Akua Konadu, is a fantastic interviewer, bringing on industry leaders and getting deep into what success really looks like (and what it takes!). You can hear me chat about building a pretty incredible affiliate marketing revenue stream on their podcast too!

A wedding planner setting a table with pink flowers and candles.

The Best Wedding Planner Podcasts to Grow Your Business

I truly believe in the power of continued education to transform our businesses and ourselves. I hope these podcasts resonate with you as much as they have with me, and stay tuned, because I’m always looking for my new favorites and lessons I’m learning (bookmark my blog if you prefer to read!).

Don't forget, if you’re looking for free advice on how to grow your wedding business, I would love to invite you to tune in (and subscribe!) to The Power in Purpose. And if you're looking to dive deeper, connect with a community of wedding planners committed to growth, and access more targeted education, I’d love to see you inside my membership for wedding planners – The Planners Playbook. I would love to support your journey towards becoming an even more successful wedding planner! See you inside!

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